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#23 Eyeballs.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just went on a book borrowing spree. Now the quota's 8 books or something cos it's the holidays and all. cheers:D Not that I actually notice a difference, though, since I hardly ever borrow books from nlb.

I somehow don't manage to get over the fact on how people can blog these really really long blog posts about their past week in such detail, right down to when they reached school what happened during english, cca, everything. My memory's sort of like "ah today. school. guides. i want to sleep now." And sometimes I can't even remember what on earth happened yesterday. Not that I care what happens on Mars. haha okay nevermind:D

I get very irritated when I see a huge chunk of words in front of me without paragraphs. My eyeballs go wonky, pop out of their sockets and roll under the cupboard.

I shall work my memory now and try my best to remember what happened today. Guides was in the morning, but I was lateD: Did some uniform stuff, blablabla. Ah yes we did ceremonies. Very fun! Okay now I get why Guides don't march that much when other ccas are around. yeah.

Went to the library later. yeah.

My memory rocks, huh.

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7:50 PM

#22 Tag Replies
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

amanda: ahh, it is kinda late, but it still applies. NO SCHOOL TODAY!<3 yup updated! I rock right, do what you tell me to do. okay i'm ego-ing. a lot.
cheryl: hmph. I shall check your blog later and steal them! if i feel like it:D
alethea: i know my phone rocks:D what happens in vegas<3 but you had to rush off for badminton tsktsk. wait. that happened on the same day right? ahh, can't remember
doob: yes i'm posting!
emeline: hmph. i have SHAKEN it so now it isn't stagnant! hahahahahaha
minyan: i shan't repeat that lame very clever joke, so um, yes it isn't dead anymore! Yup I saw yours. YOURS IS DEAD TOO! i shan't be ego to you, all about creating the right impression on people haha, so thanks for the compliment! yeah my blogskin rocks, like me! okay i shall link you...someday.

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3:30 PM

#21 Ego Boosting

Before my non-posting stage passes 1 month, I shall save this blog, being the nice person I am.

Yes, I know this is my blog, but allow me some self-praise won't you:D

I have many many unfinished posts. It'll be really weird to continue a post I started and was supposed to end half a month ago, so. Felt really weird today. Like today was a Saturday. Since maths training is was (woohoo-haha, crystal:D) on Saturday and today was the SMO so it felt like ahh go home can do whatever I want but tomorrow will be a busy busy day.

And then I realise and thank my lucky stars. If they even exist.

I remember my previous blog was filled with quizzes. I think I only had three non-quiz posts. yup. That bad. Then some horrible person went to report my blog and blogger had to check it or something so I couldn't access that blog. Took me real long to realise I had to request for them to check it.

I was convinced they 'banned' my blog because of the posts. ah, I was young and innocent then.


Today's SMO was really confidence-lowering. It was difficult, but I had a fun time doing random workings on the paper:D Even tried exploring my artistic talent potential. yeah.

Some questions made absolutely no sense but maybe it was just me so they better do something about it. Trying to boost my ego here:D not that it needs any boosting already


ah, yes, open house. All the Sec1s had to go for cheering. The first cheerleading showcase was quite disastrous. Like none of the pyramids were on time. Some houses just gave up after someone fell. Quite poor thing, considering the parents were there and all.

At least there was free lunch. Han Jun was being ano. Okay, I should be being ano, actually. They gave Nasi Lemak. At least, an adaptation of it. I have no idea WHY they keep having to give us chicken wings everytime they cater food.

I shall stop being bimish.

The second cheering session was better. Most probably cos it was in the hall. There's an RGP senior in Buckle cheerleading! She dances well -okay they all do- but she keeps smiling which is kinda scary:D Waddle's one went super perfectly. Super sync. And their pyramid was pretty:D

I feel good:D These two p6s asked me and crystal where to return some plate and I helped her return it! So sweet of me, huh:D


I feel happyhappyhappy. Holiday's are here already. But they seem so short. Like This weeks gone in 3 days. Next week's just like some other week. 3rd week I'm going on Holiday so it'll seem real short. And 4th week's three days long. Nice.

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2:54 PM

#20 Onion Rings
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Onion rings are oily. Irritating oily.

Ah, exams finally finally over. I'm not very happy about that. No more Far East outings after 1.5 hours at school, and still manage to reach home for a nice lunch and tv :D

Well at least this coming week is kinda early. kinda. yeah. We're gonna be let off at about 12+ on mon, tues and thurs if I'm not wrong. Wed, though is the paper checking days. Not good.

The school is being mean. Who gives you two weeks to get ready a dance? A RACIAL HARMONY DAY one, even. Proposal in 1.5 weeks, and audition in 2. Nice.

The worse thing is that it has to be ethnical.
I shouldn't be pissy on my blog, no.

Oh, yes. IKEA.

Math was the last exam. On Thursday.


Which happened to be Cheryl's birthday. After that some of the guides went to IKEA to look for gifts for the seniors cos they'd be leaving soon. Wei Yi, Laura, Amelia, Joceline and I. Crystal being the wuliao person she is came along :D

So we walked to Orchard MRT. Wei Yi, Laura and Joceline were being vain so they changed into black shirts and blue jeans(: Took MRT to Tampines. Then the shuttle bus to IKEA!

IKEA has a nice logo, don't you think?

Me and Crystal shared Spaghetti with meatballs! Really yummy<3 We walked around loads and loads and loads. Load glass bowls into the cart, walk around, load candles in the cart, walk around, find glass bowls cheaper in the cart, load cheaper glass bowls into the cart, unload more expensives glass bowls back onto the shelves, walk around, find cheaper candles, load cheaper candles into the cart, unload more expensive candles, walk around, find bigger bowls that were more expensive but nicer, load bigger bowls into the cart, unload smaller cheaper bowls back onto shelves, walk around, load potpourri (sp?) into the cart, walk around, load pebbles into the cart, walk around, look for samples of each item we bought, put them together, put them all back, change the colour of the candles, and finally we paid.

bye bye calories.

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10:40 AM

#19 Wednesday Morning Fever
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Physics yesterday. Not good. I got the colour thing wrong. Well, at least the paper ended early early early :D and today is CSP/MSP exam, so I don't have to go school<3!


eeyer then [on Father's Day] i give you gayyyy medicine, then you won't know whether you're girl or guy, then i also don't have to give you!
eeyer you gay pok

mayo = gay pok? I think not.

Went to Far East later with Crystal, Han Jun, Cheryl, Ningxin. Then kibs and moira joined. Far East was desertishly deserted. Stalls all closed. So we just sat down and had an intimate talk.

That sounds so gay.

Cheryl, Crystal and I took pics! see I put Cheryl & Crystal before I cos I rock I learnt my grammar cos I rock. But since Cheryl hasn't blogged yet I can't steal the photos off her blog :D

When the stalls finally finally opened, we went to Chameleon! They sell hair clips with some weird bead things (I guess pretty was what was intended to be) for $85. They have loads and loads of accessories. Spent a while trying on wonky retarded wings. I TRIED ON A RING THAT COST $200+! I feel so expensive<3

They were selling some pretty hairbands which cost $5! Cheryl forced requested us to buy it for her birthday. So we made a pact!



Cheryl: OMG SO PRETTY. I love it! You guys chose such a wonderful present! I mean, I was not in Chameleon with you on Tuesday asking you to buy that for me or anything, was I? It must have cost you about $50000!

Crystal, Hanjun, Me: Yes, of course you weren't in Chameleon with us that day! Actually, it cost us $50001!

Cheryl: Ah, I MUST buy you'll presents worth $50002 for your birthday! especially Mayo!!!

Okay that last part was made up :D

Ooh, RGS having a racial harmony dance huh.
Unity in Diversity. How cliched.

I feel accomplished! Finished my third lang e-learning homework today! (yes I know it was due really long ago)

shortcutting=the action of shortcutting!
Guess I'm not cut out to be some Oxford Employee.

amanda: ahh what to get her! What you getting your mum? haha, clara already read that. which lead to the gaypok conversation.
doob: lol:D then write I LOVE MAYO super big super bright and super standing out on your blog! (:

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10:48 AM

#18 The "Mom" Song
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Nice. My mom showed this to me (what she was trying to imply, I don't know).

alethea: no la, I didn't go cos I felt fat(:
amanda: study on mon? where? ahh! chem is my next module :/

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5:25 PM

#17 Frixxon
Friday, May 2, 2008

I keep dreaming of some fantabulous song which is actually made up of loads of other songs. "Fantabulous". I remember that word. Last year, when I sat in at Sabrina and Bianche's Drama CCA, the teacher used that word. Bianche didn't like the teacher, I remember.

Ah yes, saw Bianche at the bus stop today. When I was waiting for my Dad's reply as to whether I could go to KAP with Amanda Doob Alethea Cheese Crystal. Didn't reply. Since KAP would be seriously out of the way, went to Orchard Macs again with Crystal. We just bought a vanilla cone each. Vanilla cones in the morning taste especially yummy(:

Ah, I have been looking through blogskins and have concluded that most of them aren't very good. Not that I'm in any position to comment. I like the skins the designer of this blogskin designs. Simple, pink, and nice :D

History coming up soon. Darn that B.I. test next thurs. Just the worse way to end the exams -- having to go for third lang. Actually it isn't really third lang that's getting on my nerves. It's the time I waste spend there. 2 whole hours. And the journey is another 1 hour.

When I could be resting at home.

I just realised that I want MYA period to go on forever. Minus the MYAs. Yeah. School hours to be 1.5 hours, and byebye you're dismissed! So great. Only it feels like everyday is Saturday. Not that I actually mind, though my body clock (if there's such a thing) would go warped.

Have you ever felt like there was this whole other person inside of you just looking for a way to come out? like erasing some parts of your life? Using some humongous life eraser. Or maybe just some tiny dust to rub away that part of your timeline. I find myself wishing that sometimes, but you can't. It's permanent. If only life could follow FRIXXON.

My brother mentioned once that some of his friends talk about life on their personal messages for MSN. Said he felt like going up to them and saying "who're YOU to talk about life. You've only lived 10+ years of it." Somehow telling them that WOULD be talking about life too; talking about how much of life you have left. It'd be wrong to assume that life will be say, 70, 80 years, since you wouldn't know. But then who does?

Stupid Philo.

amanda: I LOVE YOU AMANDA!<3

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7:39 PM

#16 Macs&Today
Thursday, May 1, 2008

I have decided that before I move on to serious mugging, I'm going to post first(: Didn't have time to post about yesterday yesterday, but doob said I had to post about yesterday, and since I have a bit of time today, I shall post about yesterday today!


It was the HCL paper yesterday. Kinda tough, but hopefully I'll pass(: Looking for the words to match the meaning was the hardest. I ended up putting some seriously random words which I am sure is wrong. But the greatest thing about MYAs, is the time you have after it. We were dismissed at 9.45, after the teacher checked all the papers were there and everything.

We wanted to go to Macs to study. I wanted to go to Orchard and amanda wanted to go KAP to relive the old memories. Frankly, I'm rather tired of KAP. The broken chair isn't very amusing anymore. KAP was very out of the way, so we (amanda, doob, crystal, kimberly, roanna and I) decided to walk to Orchard Macs instead.

On the way there we saw naomi, shasha and wanran at the opposite side of the road, heading to orchard macs too! They were at roughly the same pace as us but got there way way earlier.

We took loads of random random pics and then I started doing some weird beatboxing thing which was not very professional, I admit(: Then amanda took out her phone and recorded our retarded beat boxing! boom chi boom, boom boom chi boom!

When we finally finally reached there me and crystal were short on budget but filled with hunger, and sadly, it was still breakfast. I was NOT going to have another big breakfast, I dunno why, but sometimes it just puts me off. So we shared a filet o fish instead! But instead of yummy yummy fries it was this one hashbrown. Pathetic. The grossest thing was, after crystal cut the hashbrown into half and gave one half to me and took the other, there was this huge huge patch of oil. We started fantasizing on how we should use blotting paper and blot all the oil of. So bim(:

Then later on, I wanted to ask crystal something but then she didn't reply. So sinc she was sitting sort of opposite me I kicked her under the table then she looked up and was like "ahhh! someone's leg went up my pinafore!" HAHAHAHAHA.

Ohyes, you know when we were leaving macs, guess who we saw? none other than JACJAC. She was in home clothes, and carrying this sling bag and she looked so different! Prettier(: Then amanda forced her to take a picture with us so her mum helped us(: Then when she turned around and started walking off with her mum, amanda and doob were like "omg she looks very _______(no it wasn't a bad word)" Then I was like "huh, really?" so amanda and doob and crystal and I chased after Jacqueline. Stalked her, you might say(: Ran through some departmental store and ran around, found her and chased!

Then we stood some 5m behind her debating whether she looked _____ or not. I said not. Amanda and doob said yes. Only then did we realise what we were doing, and how retarded it was(:

oh yes, I LOVE YOU DOOB.


Today woke up at about 8.30 or something. Then went to Changi Village to eat Mee Rebus(: Very crowded. Then after that my dad dropped my mum off to go and beautify herself-.- and my sister to go study with her friends. Went home after that.

I tried writing some notes down but it was really plain since I just used a blue pen all the way and about 2 sentences into it I was unmotivated. Spent another half hour or something looking for colour pens and trying to reach my sister to ask her where the colour pens were. And I'll admit I did random dancing which looked horrible. hahaha why am I telling you this???

ay: ahem, ANIMAL?!
amanda: I LOVE YOU TOO! ahh, i KNEW it started with a T(:
anabelle: ah well, hcl's over, and it sucked): really? I always thought chem was a bore...
emeline: ah, well that's true. but i bet you did well for hcl. you always do(: i'm so nice, yes i know :D yes i love my new skin, but it's kinda plain. Spent super long on it you know! :D It didn't even have an archive...
alethea: yup! I want to go settlers!
jacjac: yes now i do! you have been DElinked :D

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4:49 PM


Who knew that looking through my old report book would bring back so many memories. I saw this blue book sticking out from the shelve and thought "huh, there's a report book", then I took it out and realised it was mine. Even though, yes, RGP days were just about 5, 6 months ago, it felt like it was so long ago, so long ago it felt new. I don't think I even looked through my report book properly when I got it back last year. Didn't realise I looked so retarded in the picture with Miss Tan, but remembering how we realised Mrs Ho had managed to sneak her way into all our photos.

The remarks were all there, the most interesting part, actually. I realised how all the comments were so positive, but you can see how some negativeness was masked behind all the "what a expressive student!" stuff. Though at that point of time, I admit it felt very confidence boosting. (:

You know how GEP always gives all sorts of extra unnecessary stuff like Selective Enrichment reports and what crap? Yeah, they were all there and compared to p1-3 days, were so different. I found myself staring at my p1 report, and thinking: How did the school manage to come up with a timetable consisting of only three subjects? Same goes for p4-6, but at least there was some emphasis on social studies, not that I particularly enjoyed that.

I skipped all the reports showing the levels highest, lowest and average score. I always hated those reports. They make you feel bad. Unless you're Jacqueline or something and you'd love how those reports put your score as top, top, top! (:

Oh gosh, that retarded photo of mine.

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3:09 PM