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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

sing like no one's listening;
dance like no one's watching;
love like you have never been hurt;
live like heaven is on earth

or at least something like that. okay I admit to doing the first two and no way would you want to watch me when I'm off in my own little world. The last line reminds me of heaven&earth the green tea drink! ooh you know the ad where this nerdy guy was superman or something like that and supposedly heaven&earth made you clear enough to know they're the same people. maybe I should drink it for tomorrow's chinese MYA. then I would be clear! No, wait han jun should drink it and then she'd be clear and I'd see through her brain on to her paper and ta-da, there are my answers. Either that or I dig through her to-be-visible brain, extract the chinese cells and stick them into my brain.

either that or I just mug today even though I have no idea how to.


Today's PE rocked. We did this sort of balances for gym which apparently all ballet people can do since they're the basic excericises. I couldn't ): blame it on my quitting of ballet when I was five, and smart enough to know that pretending to drive a car and running messily around the room wasn't considered ballet.

unless it did.

anyway. We learnt some sort of candle balance and tripod. I nearly did the tripod then just as I was about to lift my other leg up I had a scary mental image of how unstable I looked and bang I was on the ground again. Candle balance - don't ask.

The rest of the day went fine. Mdm Rozanah took up our lunch for some history lesson. It feels so nice sitting right behind a Student Leader and pigging out. (: Oh yes Miss Quek rocked la. Her period was just before lunch and she let us off 20 minutes early. So we had like nearly double lunch.

Last Physics Lesson. But we'd be taking Chem next which I know is going to suck.

Okay - to the interesting stuff(:


no need for elaboration. But for the sake of studying history:
Point: Ben & Jerry's rocked. They gave out free cones!
Evidence: um. I ate a free cone?
Elaboration: It was yummy!
Link: This shows that Ben & Jerry's rocks!

Amanda, Crystal, Ningxin, Ashlynna, Moira, Min Chih, Hazel, Kimberly and I went to the Raffles City shopping mall! Got lost on the way, thought it was located at City Hall. But the uncle at the MRT gave us refund, so nice right.

When we reached we had no idea where to go so we just followed the crowd and everything and ta-da we found it(: We queued up for about 20 minutes. Kinda short, considering the queue stretched all away round this huge bend and ended up in a zigzag fashion, those irritating but cool stuff you find at changi airport. I took a Chocolate Fudge (forgot the name, but this should be it). Posed for the camera! Looked retarded in most shots, but nvm(: Then later we went to Burger King and ate fries which are supposedly much healthier then chips so for the first time, I felt happy that I ate large fries(:

ah, yes, min chih had chocolate lips! so pretty, but kinda weird. I hear Police & Thief just screaming for me to go watch them.

okay, maybe not, but that doesn't really matter(:

amanda: I love you too(: yes you're mentioned now, haha(:
cheryl: okay I shall link you! really? But the ad seems very nice. like how ratatouille's ad seemed nice and funny but in the end i only laughed like 3 times. So boring, I actually counted.
ay: ah, so sad, can't reply myself now since I didn't actually tag D:

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8:16 PM

Monday, April 28, 2008

School computers deny you access of blogs, but weirdly enough, they allow blogger. Kinda weird huh. In order to make up for the long long period of time where I didn't blog, I shall blog excessively now!

So excessively I have no idea what to blog about.

Ahh we are ONE day away from Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day! whee. But I bet the queues will be really long, cos please, this is SINGAPORE we're talking about. And Singapore isn't very populated with B&J outlets either, so.

You know I never knew about this Free Cone Day before this year. I don't really eat Ben&Jerry's. But it's quite nice isn't it? Can't really remember.

I ought to visit the class blog. anyway.

oh dear I SERIOUSLY have no idea what to blog about. oh you know this keyboard i'm using? It's cute in a weird way. Like to un-caps it, you press SHIFT! haha. okay nevermind. It's been a really long time since I saw those pipe screensaver stuff.

look. I have no idea what to blog about.

probably the reason i've been repeating myself-.-

Oh yes, Cheryl's Birthday is coming soon! Another way of saying WHOO THE EXAMS GOING TO BE OVER SOON. which isn't true since it hasn't even started yet. It's quite good to have your birthday on the last day of the exams, unless the last paper is chinese or something. Cos then you'll be let off early and can go celebrate, not just the end of the exams but your birthday too! Like how my brother is going to watch an NC16 show on the last day of his exams, which luckily happens to be his birthday too.

Eda's being weird and spinning around on her chair. x)

I love exam period, cos you're so free in the afternoons; CCA put on hold, excused from third lang. So you're free everyday, unless you happen to have some piano lesson or something.

this blog post is going nowhere.

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9:59 AM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

omg. my last post was a month ago.

ahh, youtube videos are so retardedly hilarious. or hilariously retarded, whichever. maybe if i'm feeling motivated later i'll put them up here. Okay, I think it's time I started concentrating on my MYAs. I mean, I have borrowed 4 comic books as of today and have been reading them as hardly as I should be studying. I should get my priorities right. You know this useless self-motivation reminds me of those cartoons where these two people walk and say "we should walk a little faster" and the other goes "yeah" but they keep at the same speed. Somehow I always find it funny(:

yes crystal i've been making you do that with me each time we return to class from recess, i know.

HCL paper IS this coming wednesday, and it's not like I've been performing brilliantly for the practice paper. The sole practice paper that i've actually completed. Not surprisingly enough, I failed. Hey, you know I still remember that time zhonglaoshi from rgps told me she was surprised enough when I managed to talk to her in chinese, i.e. wo ke yi qu ce suo ma? Shows how little she expected from me. But I guess that's the only time when people manage to exceed expectations.

Ahh this reminds me of Fred and George. Okay, brain, stop. Back to the main topic.

I should get my priorities right. Like I said, HCL is this coming wednesday, and sadly, sadly enough Free Cone Day is Tuesday. I shall mug on monday, and have fun on Tuesday! Yeah, it IS wrong to go celebrating the day before the exams start. Let's just phrase it nicely as mental preparation(:

I dunno why i suddenly love Sherman's Lagoon so much. Actually, last time I always disliked it cos it was funny or maybe I was just too stupid blur young to understand it. Yes, that's right. But I always loved Baby Blues. Zoe and Hammie and Wren are so cute(: Okay I shouldn't be discussing comic preferences 5 days before the exams. How DO you study for HCL anyway? It's not like you can go try every single cloze that existed; even if I did I bet I still won't be able to do my cloze well cos I'm stupid not very fluent in Chinese! ahh in life it's all about sounding tactful. Especially when you're talking about yourself.

oh yes. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LITING! I will get you a present soon! Yup! Haha. and Cheryl's birthday is coming soon... in about 12 days. Yes, clara yours is coming in 43 days, I remember(:

Can't wait for MYAs to end. yes, It hasn't started but I can think about the day can't I? FANTASIZE. Reminds me of the baby blues comic! Oh dear.

Sorry people for not linking/relinking y'all. I'm too lazy to edit the template. It's irritating to do so :/

oh yup, the youtube videos! I tried posting them but they either took too long to load when i tried watching them or 'were no longer available'. So maybe you should just go search them, all posted by nigahiga.


ohyes, tag replies!

regina: your name pronunciation is so difficult. or maybe it's just cos YOU typed it out. haha, I'll just call you 'eh'(say: AY) or something. (say AY)
and what so poor about my tagboard? It is rich! whee
trish and roanna: hello(:
anabelle: haha i'll link you some day...
mayo: omg this is retarded, replying to my own post. anyway. YES I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T POST IN MORE THAN A MONTH. but yes, tagging is way easier. it's so easy to agree with yourself.

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6:22 PM