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Saturday, September 27, 2008

I hardly ever feel cold in school, not even when I was sitting more in the path of the aircon then now. But yesterday was super super FREEZING. Maybe cos I was drenchedD: I had an umbrella but it was super heavy the only difference in wetness was probably hair-wise. And I'm super thankful my hair wasn't wet, in addition to the rest of me. I didn't cross at the traffic lights, but instead before that. Not jaywalking(: 15m or so from traffic light:D So I was standing in the middle of the road waiting for the cars on the other side to clear so I can walk across. Too close to the road. And this car comes by and runs over a puddle and splashD: And as I crossed, nearing the curb there was a gigantic puddle and my socks and shoes got soaked.

So in the foyer, I took out my shoes and rest my feet on this green stool we found in the corner(: hahaha very embarrassing everytime a busload of people entered the foyer(:

I haven't described my mornings very much, so here are random facts!:
.once I sat on this bus and the bus driver smiled/smirked very satisfiedly to himself everytime he stopped at a stop o.o
.the road leading to the rgs bus stop (from the direction of far east) has a super strong stench like rotten cheeseburger in the morning. I haven't eaten cheeseburgers for quite a while /:
.The mini amphi looks super frightening in the morning.
.The security guard jaywalks. In a legal way.
.There's always a PIT sitting to the right of the foyer (when you face it). Just a hint.
.Many many students' cars are silver/white 7seaters.
.A lot of the students sit in the back seat of their car.
.There is a school bus with very frighteningly bright blue lights lining it's doorway.

And that's about all I can think of now.

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2:28 PM

#57 oralsD:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yesterday was orals, for third lang and it was super bad. I'm starting to notice a trend in how my orals go (just as the orals end ._.). Despite my very good self control in one of my last posts or so (in deciding not to talk about my english oral), I will now(:

The passage reading went quite well... relatively. I didn't know how to read mispronounced a lot of words. The conversation was like ------. You know, the heartbeat machine thing, and when someone dies the line goes straight, and there's this beeeeeeeeeeep sound. hahahaha, like someone's cursing! Final words (:

The topic was nu3yong1, maids. So the teacher was asking what would you do if your maid makes a mistake. So I started quite well, saying how all men are equal (yes it sounds way more cheem in english), then I went on to say

"每个人都是一样,所以当她犯错,我们不应该... 不应该,uh..."
"Everyone is the same, so if she makes a mistake, we shouldn't... shouldn't, uh..."
(I wanted to say punish them, but the only word that came to mind was 罚站, and that means to like punish by making them stand. Picture this "Why you so careless, go break the plate. Now we have one less dish! I want you to stand up!"-.-)
-somewhere here the teacher starts laughing, so I try to laugh along.-
"uhm, 每个人都是一样."
uhm, everyone is the same.

I look up expectantly at the teacher, then she lets me go.
and the oh-so-wonderful her gives me 16/20(:

oh dear. well, someone's got to hear it from MY side.

I peek through the door and the teacher's still scribbling, so I don't go in and sit outside waiting instead. Common courtesy right? Then I hear a faint shouting, and I peek through the door again and the examiner has a pissed expression.

The door wasn't opened really wide, but it was walk throughable, so I didn't think much of it and just walked through, and the teacher started saying I should use my common sense more, and the door was opened so small, what should I do?

"um, I could walk through" bad move, yeah. So she stared at me then I continued "I should open it bigger", then she scolded a bit more... and told my form teacher about the incident.

Let's just say that when she told it to 109, the information wasn't very... accurate.

For this one we had to read a passage (that was easy) then talk about a topic. (not so easy)

For the topic one, my teacher told us to prepare and memorise a speech for school and family, and that was kinda easy. So the examiner asked me "Would you rather talk about school holidays or family?" Then I was shocked, but I just said family, and the speech went kinda well only I was super nervous and kept forgetting.

Then she asked me to talk about what I do every Sunday. So I attempted freestyling b.i. speech. I mean, I do need to learn to be able to converse without memory right? (okay, yeah, oral isn't a good time to start)

The 'convo' went like that.

"Keluarga saya dan saya pergi ke..."
My family and I go to...
(I wanted to say 'food court to eat breakfast', but I forgot, so I mumbled a little and settled on:)
"Keluarga saya dan saya pergi ke bioskop menonton film."
to the cinema to watch a movie
(yes, I know, wth, who goes to the cinema on Sunday morning, but it was the first word that came to my mind in bahasa indonesia.
"uhm, ahh, ah..." -stare at floor-
(I was hoping she'd get that I mean after, like you know, uh-fter, and she did)
"asdfvnjgvpongr. after."
"oh. lababa, kami makan siang."
(I didn't get what she said so I just mumbled something that sounded like lababa. and kami means we, makan siang means lunch, but then that means there isn't a verb in this sentence and I hope it didn't mean we eat afternoon.)
"makan siang vnbaiefa."
I so saw her exchange a look with my teacher, who was examining someone else.
"ada lagi?"
"tidak ada."

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1:44 PM

#56; feet
Sunday, September 21, 2008

What Your Feet Say About You:

You are more expressive than most people. You let everyone know how you're feeling - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

You are a very passionate person. You are highly charged and easily inspired.

You are an assertive and aggressive person. You are determined and not likely to ever give up.

You fall in love easily and develop strong bonds. You are attached to many people.

You are easily frightened. You are fairly neurotic and paranoid.

You are intellectual and philosophical. You are more concerned with thoughts than action.

You are a fairly hard worker, but you are also a little spoiled. You like indulge yourself every now and then.

You are easily influenced by other people. You're quite impressionable, so you should only be around people who are a good influence.

What Do Your Feet Say About You?

really? o.O

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10:05 AM

#55; emo

stop putting on the false front.
that mask doesn't fit you.
Take it off now,
I have seen through you
and I have lost trust in you.

I am so disgusted,
stop looking here,
don't look into my eyes,
I will not fall prey.
I have stopped believing in you,
stopped believing in miracles,
stopped believing in happy-ever-after endings.

Keep your eyes sealed.
Keep your mouth zipped.
Keep your ears shut.
Keep your observation skills sharp.
You will then be able to see for yourself
Who's true and who's not

from karmun

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9:41 AM

#54awards ceremony!
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Nanyang Poly has a nice campus(: I went there for SINDA awards earlier today, that's why I didn't go for coastal cleanup. Ningxin said it was sad cos of a dead jellyfish o.o SINDA awards was...

I shall quote ningxin!
Omg._. Not even present!O: you mean you sat through 5 hours for a cert!xD

That pretty much sums it up(:

Friday we had PE CES, and I can do a tripod stand! Like when we were practising I couldn't hold it up AT ALL, then when Mrs Anis was assessing me, I remember I thought "The mat is very squishy!", then I managed to hold it there without falling off(:

On Thursday Scrabble people had prize presentation, and NINGXIN IS THE BEST IN SCRABBLE!

Wednesday was oral._. It went very very horribly, and I shan't say anymore or I won't stop and will probably get into trouble :/

we'd be perfect for each other
and we'll never find another

we'd never have to wonder
if we missed out on each other

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6:01 PM

#53seafood diets(:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"I'm on a seafood diet. I see food, then I eat it."


I find it super super funny but other people just stare weirdly D: doob thinks it's funny; she told it to me. yay doob(:

Tag Replies:
doob: whatever(: so jellyfish eat jelly?? doesn't jelly COME from jellyfish? hahaha, in spongebob squarepants it does(:
cherylp: lol cherylp is pronounce-able! hahaha yeah.

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2:03 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

stolen from amandah!
she has fun quizzes!

a) Answer the questions below, do a Google Image Search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, do it with minimal words of explanation.

b) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.

1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday:

2. A place you’d like to travel to:


3. Your favourite place:

4. Your favourite food:

5. Your favourite animal:

6. Your favourite color:

7. Your favourite piece of clothing:

8. Your favourite song:

as of now:D

9. Your favourite TV show:


10. First name of your significant other/crush:
nice try. lol, no crush(:

11. The town in which you live in:


or changi.

12. Your screen name/nickname:

Mayo, Ireland!

13. Your first job:

omg he's quite cute!

14. Your dream job:

15. A bad habit you have:

("To hell with the early bird business, Robin. Tomorrow let's sleep in and eat at McDonald's.")

16. Your worst fear:

17. The one thing you’d like to do before you die:

18. The first thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000:


this quiz is fun and time consuming:D

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10:17 AM

#51 deadlines :/

I just compared 110's class blog and my blog and I am depressed. 110 started in like term 2 maybe, and it's last post was last month or so, and there are 80++ posts already. As compared to mine, which started early early this year (maybe first few days of school), last post is today/yesterday (whichever you consider as last), and there are only 51. Counting this.

Oh dear the D&T teacher is going to hunt me down very very soon. My banana (a ROLLING banana SPLIT mind you, those unpure people out there) is long overdue. And it's not like D&T is my last aesthetics module. It was due approximately...

exactly on Term 3 week 3, just before the AP___ thing. Conference.

Ah well, it's supposed to be AESTHETICS, some relaxing, calming weekly thing. I don't see how abnormally tight deadlines are soothing. Which is why music&dance rocks. step step, side and side, step, step, side and side, new yorker, side and side, new yorker, side and side, full turn, side and side, full turn! wheeee.

kim: hahaha nope I was on a blogging BREAK.(though frankly, even if I wasn't, just TALKING (or blogging) about it would be traumatising (:
viv: yupp, quizzes are FUN. I have been ignoring my pt searching for quizzes all morning, and may I remind you, your blog is QUIZLESS. most quizzes are overused D:
ninnypok: LOLOLOLOL. you, sweet? excuse me while I vomit yes ningxin you rock!(:

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9:51 AM

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I'm having major major trouble with chem PT. For the first time, YOU SUCK GOOGLE.

yesterday on the phone-
doob: ....... cos I'm so brilliant.
me (suddenly inspired by jodi picoult): you know if i were a judge, i'd tell the jury to disregard that last sentence.
doob: HUH? that's like if we're playing in the playground and you say "I'm a sea turtle so I eat seaweed."

and she says I'M random.

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4:41 PM


nicked from AMANDAH.

Most people can't live without their cell phone.
So here's a survey about it, go grab your phone!

1) What color is your phone?
Black, but I just got a pretty pink rubber casing!

2) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?
Maehanyi, ME! hmm. why's MY number stored there. NOT COUNTED. after that is Manisha, my primary three classmate!

3) Who's the last person you called?
doob, but she was ______ (either her sister stopped speaking or the phone had a problem)

4) Who was your last missed call from?
my mum. but I called myself with her phone cos I was trying to fix her phone. don't ask. not counting that is doob. eek. she's dominating my calls :/

5) Who's the 2nd person who miss called?

6) Who's speed dial 2?
No speed dials.

7) Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J? Jaryl
Jade. p3 classmate.

9) Who was your second last received call?

10) What is your wallpaper?
a g_____. germanium??? hey wait. that's an element. some g flower amanda gave me for ifd.

11) What is your screensaver?
i didn't set one.

12)How many text messages you received?
I dunno. My phone doesn't have a counter.

13) What's the 5th message say in your inbox? And from whom?
INVASION OF PRIVACY I MAY ADD. "Eh. Okay haha. I wanted to buy the white one for you. But nevermind(:" ningxin. she can be so sweet:D

14) Who was your last text message from?

15) What is your alarm sound?
I don't set alarms. they never work.

16) What is your handphone ringtone?
I dunno. Vibration? It's like permanently on vibrate/silent mode:D

17) Name every person you have text messages from.
every single person?? I'll just name some. errr. family. ningxin. doob. amanda. eda. argh damn you ningxin. you dominate my inbox, I can't scroll down far enough to see other names-.-

18) Have you seen the 101 Chuck Norris facts?

19) Who's the 3rd person on your U?
There's only 2...

20) What does the 3rd message in your outbox say?
"goodnight:D your competition is today!" -ningxin.

21) Who is the first name in your phonebook?
ada, sabrina's church friend. why IS it still there??

22) Who is the last name in your Phonebook?
Yu Wan, p3 friend. wow. never knew I had so much of their numbers o.o

23) Last 4 digits of your number?

24) Starhub/M1/Singtel?

TAG REPLY FOR NINGXIN: hahaha so weird! oops. I think that might be partly because I wasted eda's battery playing games:D

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4:23 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008

math: __/40. Let's just say I didn't fail.
geog: 11/15. one more markD:
hist: 9/10. I LOVE HISTORY, YES I DO.

Let's start from MONDAY.

On Monday my uniform felt weird. Like it was the first time I put it on. But when term 3 started after the month break it didn't feel weird. I think I put on weight over the sept hols, which is why it felt weird D: okay, I KNOW I put on weight. After school Doob and I went to macs to put on weight. again. but we did WALK to far east, so good on us!(:

Tuesday was D DAY. Violin exam. It was freaky. I walked in and the examiner asked me if I was going to do scales first or three pieces. I said scales. Then my piano accompaniment teacher walked in and said three pieces and the examiner stared at me. Then he asked me for the piece of paper which he grades me on. I hand him that AND my score, then he stares at me again and goes "You'll need that." like I'm mentally challenged or something. My three pieces was seriously horrible. The piano was too loud. Or I was too soft :/ I realised that all the other people who were tested on that day wore school uniform, and I was wearing a shirt and jeans o.o this ri guy even wore his TIE-.- Then I went home and ate ice cream. after lunch and after dinner. no wonder.

Wednesday was back to school! Kimberley had a huge stack of work for me, thankyouverymuch! but seriously, next time don't bother:D We had guides after school. It was fun<3 We sewed. Haha ncc, ENVY US. And we made pretty flowers from drink cans! okay, I paired with Wei Yi; I spoilt 2 petals, she perfected 4:/

Thursday was yesterday! After school me and doob went rushed to j8 (you know i bet rgs could survive letting us off just 1/2 hour earlier) so that I could buy FBTs for my sister's birthday! and also for me, but that's not the point. But the shop was closed for LUNCh at 4. FOUR. F-O-U-R. okay, yeah you get the drift. So I didn't buy D: Next Tuesday here I come!

I do not look toot when I pin my fringe back.

Friday was is today! lit, math, eng, recess, hist, ass (hahahahaha), lunch/go home. Lit was about mockingbirds! Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, Atticus Finch. Doob once told me about how Robinson is robin which is a bird, finch is a bird (?) and Radley is the name of a famous bird photographer and they're all mockingbirds in TKMB! Math was SA - non routine problem solving. It was FUN. surprisingly. And after school CES was cancelled not that that matters so me and eda went to SUBWAY. To grow fat.

regina: yes i did! it was lovely and springy???
emeline: hahaha you have!
ningxin: violin, not piano:D It sucked. I told you that already right(:
amanda: on monday i was! I am true to my word(:

this is LONG.

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6:40 PM

#47 time
Friday, September 5, 2008

TIME. (yeah this sounds so philosophical)

has passed really quickly. (okay not so.) Seriously. On Tuesday it was like lalala so many days left. Wednesday was kinda like aiya, still got few days left. Thursday was like hitting a midlife crisis. Friday... retirement?

Well anyway. What happened in the week. On Monday I went to rebond my hair and cut a fringe. I told the hairdresser I wanted a side fringe and she cut me a sort of front but sloping down one. o.O I'm going to pin it up and wait till the short part grows out and SNIP. off the long parts. not the short.

Tuesday. I have no idea. Wednesday. uh... Thursday. Yes, this I can do. I was seriously bored yesterday. I had no books to read. My dad decided I could live with 45 minutes of computer usage-.- I couldn't play tod with ningxin since I'm going to overshoot my free smses. by a lot. I think I'm left with about 8 smses a day. I want a starhub plan. That DOESN'T think changi is america.

viv: haha okay:D
stephieKOAY: haha what's with the emphasis on KOAY, lol. haha yes this blogskin is nice. I changed a LOT of times.
ningxin: NO WAY. my fringe is like wonky. and my hair is starting to curl at the ends o.O doesn't the curliness grow from the TOP. well at least it look natural:D
kim: yup i do(: o.O your hyperness is freaky can. haha yeah tomorrow! hey the ball game was FUN kay(:
alex: done. efficient, i know. :)
amanda: we bond monday morning at the benches:D

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11:42 AM

#46 anotheranotherquiz
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

okay, eventually I will get round to posting. eventually.

From Bianche!

1. Do you adjust the temperature of the shower?
Yeah. Cold showers are... cold.

2. Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle?
While I'm standing in the shower, yeah.

3. Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercial?
I sing. But that'd probably pass as moaning, I guess.

4. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
I like my life untraumatised. I'm kinda TOO young.

5. Have you ever been forced to shower with your siblings?
When I was young I wanted to:D

6. Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
during camps, yeah.

7. Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
I think so. But I've dropped it on the floor A LOT.

8. How old do you really look?
I dunno. Last year at plaza sing some girls said we look 14. And another time this guy approached me and asked if I did CIP then I said no and he stared at me like I was cruel or something before he realised i was still p6.

9. How old do you act?
I am reminded of a Baby Blues comic:D 13???

10. What's the last song you sang?
true colours:D

11. Have you recently become a member of anything?
uh no. I thought this quiz was about bathroom habits?

12. What are your plans for the weekend?
camp on saturdray. usual on sunday.

13. Do you kiss with your eyes opened or closed?
I haven't kissed in a while:D

14. Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?
I am reminded of Jimmy Neutron o.O uh, no.

15. Do you ever intentionally vomit after eating?
I keep it in. even the fats, sadly.

16. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be?
I don't know what I'd most likely be, but I'd like to be the flag. Nice view. And I can easily escape with the wind (that sounds scandalous) if they plan to throw a knife at me.

17. Have you ever called anyone a?
a what? oh you mean a like ey? yup many times.

18. Have you ever been called a?
hasn't everyone?

19. Have you ever smuggled something into America?
you know if I can actually get enough money to go there I wouldn't jeopardise my trip by bringing in illegal stuff-.-

20. Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive?
yeah i guess.

21. Have you ever finished off the popcorn?
sweet. I wouldn't finish salty.

22. How many people do you think would come to your funeral?

23. How many of them would come just to make sure you're dead?
they better not.

24. Do you have more enemies or more friends?
I wouldn't know.

25. Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
hahaha yeah

26. Can you fix your own car?

27. Have you ever turned someone down for a date?
I haven't been put in that situation.

28. Have you ever been arrested?
I don't think so.

29. Have you been beaten up?

30. What should you have?
I dunno what I should have, but I know what I want.

31. Do you like the taste of beer?

32. Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
errr. no. That'd sort of be a nightmare y'know.

33. Have you ever given to charity?

34. Would you kill a dog for $1000?

35. Do you sometimes get depressed?
err, not really

36. Do you live with your parents?

37. Do you have plans for your future?
I plan to live.


3:30 PM