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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The school day passed seriously slow today. Like I'd look up at the clock and only 2 mins or something would have passed. THAT slow. Lit passed very quickly though cos Miss Chen scolded our class o.O The teachers should scold us more.

RGP is being mean. The seniors aren't given a slot to dance this year, who knows why. Ah, well. So long as we get to perform for graduation. That would be the really cool dance:D

I haven't posted in seriously long so you realise how weird I sound now. Lack of practice, I tell you. Two and a half days. And school ends.

My eyelids are sliding down.

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1:59 PM

#44 anotheranotherquiz:/
Sunday, August 24, 2008

stolen from clara! You've probably realised I do quizzes for the sole purposes (haha contradictory!) of 1/ wasting time 2/ keeping my blog alive cos i dunno what to blog about.

Your Dream Job

A Teacher
[x] I like to write alot
[ ] I like being in charge of large groups of people
[ ] I enjoy public speaking
[ ] I like to dress nice everyday
[ ] Learning is my favorite thing
[ ] I like school food
Total: one.

A Doctor
[ ] I like the color white
[ ] I have very sloppy handwriting
[ ] I like shiny things
[x] I just want to be rich when I'm older
[ ] I don't get grossed out easily
[ ] Biology is my favorite class
Total: one.

A Superhero
[x] I love watching cartoons
[ ] I've always wanted to be able to fly
[ ] Other people's lives are more important than my own
[ ] I've had pajamas with a cape at one time
[ ] I'm pretty strong
[x] I have secrets no one knows
Total: two.

A Princess
[ ] I wear a tiara regularly
[ ] My family is very rich
[ ] I seem to have control over all my friends
[ ] My only enemies live in different countries
[ ] Diamonds are a girl's best friend
[x] I've always dreamed of my prince charming
Total: one.

An Astronaut
[ ] Astronomy is my favorite subject
[ ] I have my own telescope
[ ] I sit outside and watch the stars for hours
[ ] I always built rockets when I was younger
[ ] I'm in the top 10% of my class
[ ] I know what makes a black hole
Total: zero.

A Truck Driver
[ ] I love driving for long periods of time
[ ] I like doing things on my own
[ ] I can follow directions easily
[ ] I know how to drive a stick
[x] I like to travel
[/] I'm all for small beds and fast food
Total: one-and-a-half.

An Artist
[x] I doodle everywhere
[ ] I have/want a tattoo of something I drew
[ ] I know the difference between burnt and raw sienna
[ ] I know every single painting DaVinci made
[ ] I think I should have been born during the Renaissance
[ ] I have taken art classes since I was a kid
Total: one.

A Farmer
[ ] I have always liked hot weather
[ ] I love seeing plants grow
[ ] I can really stretch a dollar
[ ] I dont mind getting dirty
[ ] I know how to drive a tractor
[ ] I am very patient
Total: zero.



10:46 AM

#43 physicsteachers.

Me: How heavy are you?
Mum: I am 500 newtons!

Tag Reply.
amanda: haha you abnormal fearless person:D

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10:33 AM

#42 me&my fears.
Monday, August 18, 2008

stolen from emeline:D

I'm afraid of 18 out of 72 common fears. 1/4. Eh, not bad:D

[x] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] giving birth
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds (I hate a certain bird for pooing on me, but to hate/fear them in general is kinda mean and discriminatory. yes I learnt something in philo.)
[ ] fish
[ ] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants

Total so far: 2

[ ] being touched
[x] fire
[ ] deep water
[x] snakes
[ ] silk
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[x] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[x] boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[ ] snow

Total so far: 8

[ ] rain (I love the smell of rain:D reminds me of australia)
[ ] wind
[ ] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[ ] heaven
[ ] being robbed
[x] falling
[ ] clowns
[ ] dolls
[ ] large crowds of people
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibilities
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes

Total so far: 11

[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts
[ ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[ ] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[ ] growing up

Total so far: 17

[x] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bee stings
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
[ ] dinosaurs
[ ] the welcome mat
[ ] high speed
[ ] throwing up
[ ] falling in love
[ ] super secrets
[ ] fear

Total: 18

... if you wish to post this in your journal, it's been requested that you title it I'm afraid of _ out of 72 common fears...

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars, dirty, dirty liars.

I am SO normal:D


4:06 PM

#41 skinning.
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Okay, despite what emeline tagged that my blog isn't dead anymore (and truthfully, that guilt-tripped me into actually posting), I haven't posted in weeks or something.

I'm more concerned in finding a new blogskin, since my present blogskin has such a large font, and seriously I don't know how to make it smaller. I have Ctrl+F'd 'font' and slowly and painfully changed it all smaller, but not a single one of them affected the blog size. And yeah, if you know how to, tag me/tell me (oh gosh I sound like one of those weird DJs who ask their listeners to sms them in other words waste money telling them what they think is the best way to remove a chilli stain. Oh, and don't bother if I've already fallen in love with other skin.

Nothing much has happened recently. Deborah realised bus 5 went to her house (which is really slow, but I must forgive her considering so many buses go to her house, unlike mine which only has 2 so I was bound to notice a new bus service.) And I just realised how boring my week has been considering I'm blogging about Deborah's blurness.

Sorry creator of my skin, yeah I love this skin and all (especially the left side) but you should include tutorials with every skin download. You know, package deals and all. So people like me know how to actually edit the skin, and thus you get more downloads/users, so like if you were a country, then you'll have many citizens. you know, economy boosting and all.

(shit. I just spoke to my blog. well kind of.)

I just remembered how my last post was titled hotpinkfbts. well very soon it'd be bright green/blue&hotpink fbts since I'm so going to buy them. If my mum pays, that is.

~LeRomxntique //deviantART

cheryl: shit. menopause. dammit.
ningxin: FINALLY you realise:D
eda: lol. you tagged me in ICT right? so self-sacrificial-.-
roanna: you're it!:D
amanda: omg, just about 20 more and the world records all yours:D
christina: haha okay:D
emeline: now it isn't(:
regina: I linked you? oh yeah I did. I rock, I know.
alethea: haha you go buy. how hard is it to find chocolates? AND I DO NOT MEAN CHOCOLATE PHOTO FRAMES LYE HAN JUN.
elaine: okay:D
claire: the :3 reminds me of an animal... like a pig or bull dog or something. what's it supposed to be??? haha why didn't you.

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10:14 AM

#40 hotPINKfbts
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cheryl Yeap got pink FBTs. I want pink FBTs.

Ah, I know how it feels like now to hit the big40! (This is my 40th post:D)

Okay well the CHEM teacher gave us this worksheet on thursday or something, and the front cover is very funny.

Credits to ChemMatters Oct 86, Extracted by Mrs LimBE - I SO do not plagiarise. Credits to http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=plagiarise for ensuring my spelling of plagarise was wrong.


Washington, D.C.-Chem Matters magazine has obtained a bizarre research report describing a previously unknown class of compounds made by a new principle of chemical synthesis.

Straight to the point. Points.

1. A newly discovered compound, which contains the elements indium (In) and potassium (K) can be used in ballpoint pens. Guess what, the formula is InK!
*Editor's (My) Note: I have no idea if this is really true, and you can figure the rest of the formulas on your own. Yes, it requires SOME brain power.
2. A compound with equal parts tin(Sn), oxygen(O) and boron(B), does not mix with other substances.
3. One part phosphorus(P) and nine parts potassium (K9 - editor's note: The 9 is meant to be subscript) make up this compound that was recently isolated from dog urine. (editor's note: I find this very FUNNY)
4. A very abosrobent material of equal parts sulfur(s), phosphorus(p), oxygen(o), nitrogen(n), and germanium (ge) has multiple uses.
5. A mineral of the three elements aluminium(Al), sulfur(s) and phosphorus (p) is found in a major mountain range.
6. The compound containing lithium(Li), phosphorus(p) and sulfur(s) forms a structure that enables you to smooch.
7. This chemical, sometimes found in rabbits' feet, contains one part lutetium(Lu), one part carbon(c) and one part potassium(k)
8. A compound that's helpful when you're studying for a test contains one part chromium (cr) and one part americum (am).
9. Bromine (br), iodine(i), carbon (c) and potassium(k) are found in this material that is used to build houses.
10. This compound which was banned by the churs contains one part nitrogen(n) and one part silicon(si).
11. Discovered in automobiles this compound contains one part sulfur(s) and one part gallium(ga).
12. A substance one part boron(b), one part oxygen(o) and one part astatine(at) floats on water.
13. This compound - one part aluminium(al), one part molydenum (mo) and one part neodymuium(nd)- makes a very nutty substance
14. A compound of one part potassium(k), one part nickle(ni) and one part iron(fe) penetrates many other substances.
15. Tungsten(w), rhenium(re), nitrogen(n), carbon(c), and hydrogen(h) in equal parts can form a useful tool.
16. Equal parts of carbon(c), oxygen(o), calcium(ca), cobalt(co), and lanthanum(la) will make a tasty beverage.
17. A substance that's one part cobalt(co), one part radon(rn) and one part yttrium(y) is similar to many of these examples.

Okay, this post sounds very geeky but it's very funny. For me at least.
Did that just make me sound geekier?

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3:30 PM