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Monday, September 26, 2011

:( It's 10.20 and I haven't even started on yearbook AND I WANTED TO SLEEP BY 12 HOW HOW HOW.

1. Lunch with Doob + Ningxin turned into lunch with Doob Ningxin Jas MinChih and a bit of Amelia/Akoo! Ahhh I love you guys :') And how all of you abandon normal conversation for iPhone 4s OK RUB IT IN I am very satisfied with my N95 8) Lunch was really really fun I love you guys :') :') :')

2. Physics today was pretty good, Ms Lim made us change partners and I was super dreading it because aiya four years in one school then last week make new friends a bit weird right!! But partnered with Carrisa (oh god did I spell that right) which was like free entertainment :>


4. English!! Accents!!! I love History of English it is so exciting hohoho "would you like my dad to dreeve you to your hoose?" Except that the class is maaaad noisy I am very not used to it >:

5. Far East after that with Kway hohoho we had practically an hour long conversation not related to Guides! DUDE WE CAN TOTALLY SURVIVE NOT TALKING ABOUT IT <3 ..damn we so loser. But I love you kway 8) And how obliging you are hohoho.


10:18 PM

Sunday, September 25, 2011

People need to get over the FAM thing, myself included.

Fact is
1. Some people want to go
2. Some people don't want to go
3. No one reason can explain why everyone who's going is going
4. And similarly for those who aren't going
5. And regardless of whatever the reason is, no one is in the wrong. It's their own choice to make.

6. Things happen, that's it. You've made your own decision, don't interfere with other people's choices.

7:10 PM

404's response to the yearbook background choosing is really, really heartwarming :) Can't deny that I doubted getting any replies because frankly our y!groups isn't very active but wow, in one night, ten plus replies voting for colours, saying good job and telling me not to sleep at 3am - actually I slept at 4 :( :( :(.

Started Math revision today and oh man I need to get back into the mugging mood because right now I just can't seem to spend long hours working zzzz. Resulted in watching four episodes of HIMYM hahaha at least I didn't finish the whole season yesterday like I wanted to, conscience got in the way.

Options tomorrow and there's Physics and English whooo VERY EXCITED, lantern floating for Physics and accents for English!! PE tomorrow as well, god knows I need some form of exercise lololol.

Chinese in less than a week, Math in about two weeks - I need to buck up and I will!

For now: shower, yearbook, dinner, more yearbook, be happy, go sleep. Math can wait till tomorrow :)

6:53 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Options today surprisingly exciting :)))

Physics of Flight was mad confusing but ahh the next six weeks sounds pretty exciting (for the practical). Completely hopeless for theory, Kway and I got all six checkpoints wrong (srsly, 1a to 1f) and later we decided that we were mutants hahahaha FUNNY RIGHT?!? 8)

History of English was vvv interesting (apart from the complex historical thingums) but oh man our assignment is very exciting, I think I saboed my group into the worst choice of alphabet system but I am too excited :')

Core lessons start tomorrow!
I'm at Season 4 Episode 6 and feeling pretty amazing!!

Internet's getting lousy, happiness meter slowly decreasing (for more reasons than HIMYM LOL), should log off soon. Goodnight :)

1:58 AM

Sunday, September 18, 2011

School's starting tomorrow, if you call it school. Two modules and oh man I hope I enjoy the next couple of weeks - Options can't be too boring, can it. But Johnny English Reborn tomorrow morning, need to start saving money but ah well, seize the few opportunities we have to go out together :) (Options timetable collation on various google docs is starting to scare me; it's going to be close to impossible to meet people over the next few weeks despite a lot of free time - just the tip of the JC iceberg innit. :( )

Aiya okay real purpose of the post-
I'm sinking back into my judgmental phases where I let incidents or opinions or just- well, things, judge people's actions and their motives and oh god I really want to stop seeing/ thinking everything I do and I hope it'll end soon enough. Temper's getting short, judging getting more frequent, I keep snapping at people and getting annoyed and no, this isn't good for anyone.

Come on come on come on this too shall pass.

Meanwhile, nearing the end of season 3 of HIMYM and then I read YinYu's post about hoping season 7 coming out and it's like $(#%)(@*#&$ shit you, internet.

And these, are making me very happy. :>

9:17 PM

Friday, September 16, 2011

I am sleep deprived oh god

10:39 PM

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm going to screw up tomorrow and I'm so damn sure about it hahahaha wtf it's not even funny

9:14 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Three more papers till the EYAs are over I cannot believe this :) :) :)
Except for Math lah but that's not really counted :>

English today went surprisingly well - I only researched on two out of six topics and was falling asleep on the bus ride to school/ allocated memorising time and I did gender and the question fit what I researched so I am incredibly thankful :) Seriously wrote my heart out (especially for the first point it was like 2/3 a page in tiny handwriting) because I just felt so :@ :@ :@ and was like "...based on what body parts they were born with" - would have probably been wiser to cancel it out but no I will not because I believe in it :<

It's nearly 5 now oh man and I haven't had the heart to get started on revising bio, but I guess I will, soon.

Today wasn't the best of days, I guess, but I'm home now and trying to not distract myself and do some Geog and eating a very (decay causing) big lollipop so all's well :)

4:44 PM

#726; how could you be so heartless
Monday, September 12, 2011

Just got home and feel very obliged to post (smack in the middle of EYA period some more) because 1. I promised and 2. today was such a happy happy day :')

Started off quite badly tbh, because seriously- the class tables were completely screwed up and not arranged and the exam was in an hour, seriously, and everyone there was just sitting there and studying, except Rachelle? And nobody moved even when I made sarcastic comment LOL. It's not just that the action, it's the fact that I don't want our last lap as a class together to kill my impression of you guys, because I've really come to love 404 a lot.

Okay, pissy things aside!

Physics surprisingly not that bad, not in a woohoo 4.0!!!! way but in a do-able way, and that's more that can be said for Physics :') Even Doob the pre-exam screamer agreed LOL.

Brunch after that with Doob Jas Ju and Rachel at prata place at Far East 8) Spent like $8.20 there alone hahaha $6 on prata wts!!! Real Indian prata is like 80 cents ): (Okay admittedly they were two, they were thosai, they were Big). I can't even remember what we talked about except that we completely gave up on studying and laughed like mad hoho.

Back to school too early for the postponed CES but-
Enough said.

Stupidly followed Doob and Ningxin to macs to study afterwards, but they actually did study so I am very very happy :> Taught them molecular genetics and holy shit they're the worst students ever
1. Breaking into random song (HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?!?!? BABY BABY BABY OHHH with Ningxin curling up at the side and convincing us that we're too loud + need to shut up)
2. "What plasmid?" "pa-ga-fa-pa-ooov plasmid!!!" It's pGFPuv LOLOLOL.
3. lee-gase
4. I asked them "What's this called?" and they proceeded to say a billion things and then suddenly they both went RESTRICTION SITE and looked at each other and went HIGH-FIVE!!!! but the answer was recognition hahahahahhaha (actually I realised they're pretty much the same things)

5. I am doing justice to nothing but today was such a happy happy day :)))

Y'know I was walking home feeling so pissed and ideky (okay actually I do know why but I'm not proud of it but still I am allowed to feel it) and then I started this post and now I'm smiling to myself hahahaha.

Okay okay need to start on English; Facebook shows cohort mates that are trying to cram English notes so I guess it's time to start making said notes :')

And for the people who complain that my blog is too much about Guides-
I can't wait for EYAs to be over SO WE CAN GO WATCH MOVIES, OKAY?!? <3 <3 <3

Omgomgomg my Chrome has like fifteen Physics worksheet/ answers tabs open because I opened them and intended to do them but I never got around to it but I'd feel like a slacker if I closed it but I CAN CLOSE IT NOW WHOOOOOOOO NO PHYSICS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE I think my mum must feel pretty sad that none of her kids like/ can do the subject she teaches ): BUT WHOOOOOOOOO 8)

7:01 PM

Monday, September 5, 2011

I miss b11atch ):

Can't wait for post-EYA sessions/ April Camp planning hahaha.

<3 <3 <3

12:07 PM

#724; you had a lot of moments that didn't last forever

Thank you Kway for showing this to me. :')

And this, from HanJun:

So many things to do, and no motivation whatsoever. First step, close YouTube. ):

11:06 AM

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I just finished learning the semester's (year's really, I forgot everything from semester 1) worth of Physics in approximately three days :')

Product of not doing anything Physics-related throughout the year of Physics lessons and having a Physics teacher mum hahaha I'm really thankful she's so obliging (especially with all my Annoyed Moments) and accepting of the fact that Physics is not my thing.

Now, on to seeing if I can remember anything! The last quiz I took, I got 4/10.

So proud :::::"""""")))))))))

5:53 PM

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Twelve more dayssssssssss.
Come on come on come on.

9:31 PM

1. We talk about everything
2. We agree about everything
3. We argue about everything
4. We get pissed and unpissed at each other within the same MRT ride :')
5. She understands
6. She loves me too much <3
7. And she knows it

3:46 PM

Friday, September 2, 2011

Omg I always thought that vicnity was a word and I always wondered why it was pronounced va-see-nee-tee when there's no i in between c and n shouldn't it be vic-nee-tee hahahahha turns out it's spelt vicinity SINCE WHENNNN.


4:53 PM

#719; wake up to your sunset

Why am I always so tired ): And so hungry ):

Life of A Pig.

Yesterday was one of the happiest days of the year - started out with Teacher's Day Celebrations and forbidden love/ couples and happy interrogation sessions and inappropriate comments. Hearing the teachers' comments about how 404 really has grown and become much more united (and noisy) really is very true :) I love our class.

Went for Bio CES late because I had no idea where it was and spent too long hoboing at Guides table waiting for someone to come ): And I'm incredibly grateful to have a teacher as amazing as Ms Lee, who spends the afternoon of a day of celebration (and rest) devoted to people like her giving a three-hour long lesson to students that aren't even her students, and just being so amazingly selfless :) Lunch was such a happy affair, three family meals and chicken skin and one-hand eating and so much laughter (and so many stares) and losing every single arm wrestling contest (except with YinYu but that's a given- I love you!!) and Laura's long toilet break turned into a photo frame sitting innocently on Ms Lee's chair.

Shaw after that - watching trailers, dissing Twilight, identifying silhouettes. And when we were at Orchard MRT my sister suddenly called me and told me to go to Kinokuniya and get the book that wasn't at Popular, and thank you Kway for accompanying me! I forgot what we talked about + some incident that made me think of something but I forgot everything oh dear.

Went home and ate and slept as always and now it's 4pm and I'm barely through my to-do list but !!!
:))))) These holidays aren't really going to be holidays but I'm so excited.

4:10 PM