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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1. Exam seating arrangement = everybody sits wherever they like = a bunch of us pulled our tables together at the back of the class and had way too much fun during CLE 8D

2. Ceiling gazing while waiting for the t-shirt supplier to come- nobody joined me though LOL but it was fun :D

3. FOODCHUCK discussion at Far East = iLike. Though it's highly unconducive ahha.

4. Cheer prac and new choreo! I swear I love this year's team to bits :)

Today is a happy happy day (except for the Chem SPA results which were seriously a wake up call but ah well what's done is done just need to do well for the remaining 80% of my final chem grade) and I love my friends :))))

10:32 PM

#635; your heels so high that you can't even have a good time
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Okay lesson learnt, don't be so anal about formatting :( Spent like 45 minutes just copying my comments from the YA/CLs comments to the original one 45 MINUTES!!!! FORTY FIVE!

Yeah and as a result I haven't started on Trig GA lol. :(

Anyway I realised today that this term I'm going to be damn busy?! Like the SAs and PTs that everyone has, in addition to AA and Sports Fest okay must prioritize this term!!!


Today's a happy happy day :)

AA prep was so exciting haha I love the sec ones! They learn really quickly and they dance so cutely heheh I love being able to paedo on them 8D But omg we have so little time left and we haven't even started on Sec 4 choreo- must prioritize!! :(

Initiative was really really fun, the sec3s did a great job- it ran so smoothly and the games were very balanced and everything haha I'm proud of you guys! (Fang I know you'll read this).

I think going into the details of something will dampen your happiness. BUT I LOVED TODAY. Except for the SAs lah psh.

Goodnight! 8D

11:23 PM

#634; and I wish you could still give me a hard time
Sunday, March 27, 2011

So the brother came back, and left, looking very bald and extremely tanned (even the scalp!). They run 4km everyday, and are fed too well- two meats per meal, because their metabolism just shoots up.

And in order to feed my brother like (or even better than) he's fed in NS, the parents have started buying/ cooking too much damn food. Bought 4 packets of briyani to share today, and they gave my brother two packets' worth of meat and we shared the remaining two portions like srsly omg. Table chatter is completely NS-oriented, but... my brother is nicer now. 8D



Mugging has been going okay so far, I'm very very not confident of the papers but somehow pretty confident of my mugging, if that makes any sense?! SS can die one seriously I'm only kind of prepared for two questions but if something else comes out adspovnispnvpasd THAT'S HOW NOOB MY SS IS NOW.

And aiya I hate it when you do well for something without even expecting it, like seriously thinking that it was done badly. And then people somehow think you're not allowed to say you don't understand it even though you honestly don't because the previous thing was probably just a fluke?! Then they expect you to do damn well for everything else when it's like arghhh sometimes I hate how rgs just compares marks and determines your self-worth over that.

That, and people who form opinions about others and expect them to do well or do badly. So they constantly compare themselves to those supposed to do well and get damn proud when they do better, or get so surprised when someone supposed to do badly does well. And omg, identifying handwriting. Staring at people's marks as you're giving out the papers. LIKE GO LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE ASPIDOVNADOBNAEPSOEFD.

Anyway tomorrow's a new day, and before I can turn in for the night I need to complete:
SS Annotation
Geog Definitions - is there even anything else to study?!
Maybe Physics TYS

Sigh I only make to-do lists when the something is like directly affecting my GPA LOL I should do my homework more often. :'(

9:47 PM

Friday, March 25, 2011

My brother's coming home tomorrow! Quite excited to see him nearly bald, and I hope he hasn't made plans to go out or something or it'd probably make my possessive dad mad.

SS mugging today was awesome- we got damn confused at times and I don't think any of us are actually confident for Tuesday's paper, but. I love how this little informal session of batchmate mugging was just so... easy. Normally if I'm going out with a bunch of people I have to check with them before I ask more but this time it was just EH COME MUG and hahaha I know I keep talking about how amazing b11atch is but like what Rae says, we've got to appreciate what we have and I appreciate you all, too much. (And too physically heehee SKIN HUNGERRRR).

Anyway it's 9.30 now, I've barely mugged apart from this afternoon, but I'm going to listen to the music countdown and sleep :) We all deserve some rest.

9:36 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two earthquakes just hit Myanmar, one of which was of magnitude 7.0.

What is happeningggg.

10:42 PM

I have nothing constructive to reply to the new email thread so-

I love you HanJun, I love you Laura.

I love you B11ATCH :')

9:46 PM

#630; I think the coconuts were in a row?

Today is a day of many birthdays and a lot of food :D

After school ended I panted my way up to the fourth floor (honestly if we were on the fourth floor I'd either be a. extremely fit right now or b. camping in class till term ends) to find Laura and then met Jocie and Amelia there and orange HanJun looking very unhanjunny, before realising that she'd already gone down.

I'm sorry but,
*$&#%)*#$&)(#%&#)(* THREE FLOORS WTSSSSS.

But apart from that today was a really happy day feeling old and recounting all the previous birthday surprises :') And ahha yes too many funny quotes (especially from me k I feel very unappreciated from all your posts but I can't remember any other funny stuff either). I can't believe how easy it was to just find a day to go out- why haven't we done this before!!

First SH outing since about sec 2 but to me it doesn't matter somehow, because b11atch has bonded to such a happy extent that SH is what I see everyday, in more than just the six of us. I don't really know where I'm heading but SH has and always will be my happy little family but I'm still so glad that the family is about three times bigger now :)

And, Laura- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)
Thanks for being my queer little friend (as I told your mother), and being... awesome hahaha I don't know how to express myself okay!! But you have a lousy sense of humour, cannot insult for nuts (especially up against me), only have a wider vocabulary as your only weapon, and find too many ways to suck (I know you'll read this the way I want you to) AND I LOVE YOU <3 Sorry about how unplanned this was (you should see the email thread- so many grand plans! ish), but I kind of knew that sentimental old you would love it anyway :) Happy sweet sixteenth little'un (Sandra)!

9:09 PM

#629; there's some things you gotta know- I like my beats fast and my base down low
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Did a career recommendation kind of test today and my supposed best job is some banking manager. :( So disappointing. I think it's because I like people-oriented jobs, but- banking? managing? PUT TOGETHER?

But aiya some random quiz isn't going to determine my future job. Right? Though at the same time it's really very disappointing because what if that's the job I'll be best at and I wouldn't even like it! I don't want to sit in some office every day and then after like forty years (or maybe sixty, at the rate the retirement age is steadily increasing) of doing the same thing over and over again I move on to............... retirement! Whoopie doo. Life's accomplishment +1.



Anyway darlings, have any of you not fully registered that the SAs are coming in less than a week? Today after cheer prac ended Yiming got too happy and said she was going to go home and study and my brain was like whaaaat.

So much for all my sec four year must mug cannot start two days before must be two weeks!!

And now it's six days to three killer papers and I'm all fired up to print Physics slides but no, iNet has to go all classy and make everything undownloadable. :'(

8:20 PM

#628; who says you're not perfect, who says you're not worth it
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1. My extremely sexy whale mask with pink squirting water that I'm too proud of- I think my craft skills have improved by about a billion ever since cutting out 14 orchids and 28 leaves for camp patrol identity.

2. Talking to the YAs while waiting for the other coys to finish their initiatives, and Kim being extremely understanding of how much I wanted/ was embarrassed to take more Percy Piglets hehehe.

3. Stayed awake all through class again today- somehow as 404 gets more tired I get more awake. And I really really love it when teachers don't mind explaining everything over again even though they've just said it, even though you spaced out and they don't have to bother repeating it, even if you don't do your homework and they still help you when you need it. I'm not a great student but sometimes I really do believe that we have really great teachers :) (Btw I understand Differentiation... up till now!!!)

4. Milk Tea with a couple of B11ATCH and HanJun's... amazing laughter and ride home with WeiYi after who knows how long! And my dad calling me while I was on the train home and sounding very cheery, despite me pissing him off this morning (and his usual two day cooling down period).

5. Laura sitting in for about fifteen minutes of initiative (all she could afford, thank you laulau) and looking at my whale mask and going "I'm never going to say this again but... this is freaking cute" K THANKS THANKS.

6. Walking around after school with Doobie and finding everyone we kind of knew just so we could synchro-ly jump and stick our FOODCHUCK badge-adorned bags in their faces 8D

7. Rae-Ann's puppet salute. And (almost) inappropriate response to the size of the SANA badge. Omg why do I have friends like her hahahahah.

But, this is why I go to school :)

9:23 PM

#627; I'm on the right track baby I was born to survive
Monday, March 21, 2011

these holidays have not been holidays for most of us and some of us are even more tired than when we started but in the end hand in hand we will get there

Honestly damn tired today, don't know how I survived the day without sleeping through lessons but I didn't and I'm proud :D Came home and crashed for about five hours and woke up to an empty house and I nearly thought everyone went out for dinner without me :'( Turns out my mum was the only one home and she ate and slept already hahahhaa ouch :(

Oh dear I just went back to stalk Blogger Stats (lye han jun has three searches btw lololol) and then I landed on my archives somehow and ahhhh. Last year was such a... lovely year. And Laura, Rae we had the epicest conversations :')

OH, AND- my shoes (dirtied by field mud over camp) didn't finish drying by today, and my other white pair got soaked in the rain walking home on Saturday (zomg I woke up and got off two bus stops late and when I reached the bus stop I was supposed to get off at it started pouring) so today I was stuck (literally) wearing a pair of too small shoes (I entered the gym last year before Sports Fest and then suddenly my shoes shrunk by like two sizes wtf?!) and,
Hehehehe FEEL MY PAIN OMG. And my phone camera sucks so bad but I love how it amplifies the disgusting-ness of it 8D And what if I accidentally burst it :((((

10:03 PM

#626; I want the jaw dropping, eye popping, head turning, body shocking
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blogger Stats has revealed that about three (or six? I don't really know which) people have found my blog by searching "koh weiyi rgs guides blog" hahahahahahaha.

Oh dear you little stalkers I am so proud :')

(Kway don't kill me)

Anyway, Katy Perry's dedication to B11ATCH, at 1:02-

9:51 PM

#625; bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid

Oh my gosh I just youtube-d Taylor Swift's live concert performances in Singapore and


5:56 PM

#624; and when we're gone, we'll still be a trying and a singing this song
Saturday, March 19, 2011

I think what makes this March Camp so much more different from all the previous camps is the love that's floating around even after it's already over. I don't know what we did or how it happened, but this March Camp let so many people grow- closer together, and yet as individuals.

This camp reminded me yet again how amazing b11atch is- how even though we may not be the closest of friends to all of them individually despite having our closest friends in guides, there's somehow this easy feeling of comfort and security around each other, and the feeling that they'll always be there to help you, no matter what. Batch heart-to-heart on the second night was amazing- all our little insecurities and worries and troubles just came spilling out, and everybody just helped. Nobody judged; it was purely the strongest desire to help each other, in order to help guides. And everyone was so focused on the issues cropping up in the junior batches, their patrols and how to fix it. It's just like what was mentioned during batch talk on the last day, this year, we really were working towards a common goal, whether we knew it or not.

And this year, nobody kept running back to b11atch, like last year. I loved how everything KPA wanted us to change/grow into just happened so naturally that camp- forgive me if I say b11atch did a marvelous job of senioring the patrols, and yet, at the end of the day, just like it was promised a year ago, we could still return to each other and feel completely at ease.

And to our amazing, amazing, amazing juniors-
Sec 3s: You guys have grown so much this year, and I don't know if you've noticed it. I don't really know how to say this, but you've turned into seniors, and real good ones at that. Thank you for taking care of Guides when we're not around, thank you for giving us reason to put a little more trust into you stepping up in three months. :)

Sec 2s: I guess we may not have seen it yet, but I trust that you guys are getting so so much closer. It actually is getting more obvious- with all your little circles and your lovely batch photo circulating on facebook. Your batch reminds me a lot of my batch actually, with all the cliques that somehow manage to flow into each other and become... one :) Be good seniors, won't you :)

Sec 1s: Y'all are the cutest juniors we could have ever asked for :) I don't know if you guys know this (if you ever read this) but when a bunch of you burst into the stream song it made b11atch so so so happy because the J1s taught us this and somehow we've been the only batch in love with it and it's just so heartwarming to know that even as we leave there'll be another song-obsessed batch, possibly. I love how you guys let yourselves love Guides so easily, and thanks for being such a happy little junior batch we'll never forget :)

And to B11ATCH: I love you, I love you, I love each and every one of you.

6:30 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

11:11 I wish march camp will be a success :')

11:11 PM


But ok no sleep for me tonight :(

6:27 PM

#621; when you hit me, hit me hard

I was thinking the other day, that maybe there's no reason to feel alone.

Sometimes people go through situations they don't expect anyone to relate to, anyone to understand. Because after all, he/she has has probably never gone through a similar situation.

But then, doesn't everyone take situations differently? You may go through the exact same thing as someone else, which evoke completely different emotions in you as compared to them. Or you could probably have roughly the same feelings, but at the same time, they definitely cannot feel exactly what you're feeling, however similar it may be.

So in actual fact, no one really understands how anyone is feeling. They may try to, they may share kind of similar feelings, but they won't be able to fully understand it.

Which means no one's alone, because we all are.

Funny how that makes me feel more at ease.

1:24 AM

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I don't know if it's me but suddenly there's a lot of love posts on facebook! I hate seeing people loving someone until they're sad ahhh isn't that so against what love should be.

11:30 PM

Friday, March 11, 2011

Everything that's happening in the world right now.
I still believe that everything happens for a reason but oh god what did they do to deserve this.

11:48 PM

#618; then live the rest of our lives, but not together
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Right now I'm going crazy about how close March Camp is (in an excited way, not in a stressed out way- funnily enough, seeing as I just wasted my entire night reading #rafflesiansunite) and somehow the violin part of Happy Ending is playing in my mind like a soundtrack


12:43 AM

#618; I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Monday, March 7, 2011

I am so damn pissed off and frustrated and annoyed and argh avonpersijfnf.
I know I have no right to be but. I. Am. Bloody. Annoyed.

Bad attitude whatever idgad.

It's not that easy you know. And after I spent a shitload of time and a shitload of nights on it. Bloody pissed off.

No it's not you.

7:17 PM

#617; like frankie said, I did it my way
Sunday, March 6, 2011

i did!!!
y so staler.


YA hahahaha.
oh frankie

i don't stalk you!!!

it's ok(: i know you're in deep denial.
so i'll accept your lies.
people like you make me miss sec2.


then i remember why i dislike 210 so much.

Haha Cherylie I miss you :(

Btw after that she clarified that it's cos of the other people k not me!!!

11:49 PM

#616; my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again

Emotions are a really really unstable thing. Which is why I need to stop accommodating all my negative feelings towards minor things because when I start thinking about how it wasn't good for _____ to do _____ and what ______ should have done instead I start getting annoyed, when it probably didn't even mean anything but I'm still all sensitive and apsdoiajpoisdnf

Cannot express myself. I am a trapped little bubble.

Omg does that make sense?! Trapped in a bubble? Wtf man.

Yeah anyway.

Because if you let yourself really feel the emotions, then when everything's back to normal, you feel bad.

I feel bad.

Ok my level of expression is about this high: ___

Damn you RALITs. (Yes you, Laura.)

7:07 PM

#615; when everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am

I don't know which radio station is playing now, but it's playing all the songs from my childhood :)

Now I'm sorting out all my various screenshots from everything that made me smile/ sad/ think, and,

I'm going to miss B11ATCH and Guides so so so so much.

9:27 AM

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Omeegaaaad stupid mosquitoes please leave me alone for another hour or so I need to finish proposalllll :(

9:28 PM

Friday, March 4, 2011

I. Am. Tired.
But, tired and happy, tired and excited.

Started teaching the sec ones the AA dance today- just realised how we have less than three months and desperately need to buck up. But they were so so so cute heehee I am allowed to paedo k.

Dinner was gooood, as always, and my battery life lasted longer than usual cos I deleted msn!

Tomorrow's FD and I'm not scared, somehow. Seriously looking forward to the March Holidays because I have ten thousand things to catch up on LOL Y MY LIFE SO SAD NOW. :(

I want to take another long long sleep (yesterday I slept for eleven hours! Omg I've never been prouder of myself) I don't know why I'm still tired.

(Oh and no song stuck in head now cos was forced to go home without earphones :(((( )

10:20 PM

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today is going to be an amazing day!!!! I CAN FEEL IT COS YOU COULD FEEL IT.

Heeheee yayyy :)


5:58 AM

#610; please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you

Enchanted has started playing on the radio!!


It's going to lose its essence, in a way. I'm going to start skipping it on shuffle because I'd have heard it too much!! THIS IS BAD.

5:20 AM

#609; the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Title + post dedicated to a very special someone (actually I don't know why I'm not explicitly stating your name):
Today was a good good day I miss you so much I'm so glad we met at the bus stop!! And haha like what I was telling you before my mum came- I seriously feel damn comfortable around you, like yknow the blog person we were talking about? It's like I always feel kind of awkward around her but LOL MAYBE IT'S COS WE JUST SPEND OUR TIME GOSSIPING and I can't wait for tmr and haha one more thing I forgot to tell you today- I think it's very admirable how you can always see the big picture and stuff, even when the situation is directly related to you? Explain more tmrrr. <3


It's only 7:51 and I'm already tired lol. Don't think I can do my written work later because I can only stay up when I'm damn tired if I'm using my computer?

I don't really have much to say nowadays; all my posts feel damn redundant.

7:45 PM

#608; we like to sleep all day, and party all night
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Need to get logs in by Thursday hahaha okay more sleep deprived days. I'm still suffering from the aftermath of sleeping at 2 two nights ago cos of SSAA LOL. My eyebags are getting bigger and blacker wth haha I'm so loserrr.

Patrol corner today was a happy affair :) I love Orchid!!

I live near that view!!! But I've never seen it before LOL normally not that pretty. And as a result I take 1.3333 hours to get to school everyday :@

Oh and my dad got the garden lights fixed today so my garden is super pretty now! I think I need to walk around the outside of my house more often cos if my parents mean what they say they're going to sell the house soon :/ Haha no other house can keep all the junk we have man.

And Bball match tomorrow!! 8D

Back to geoggggg.

10:15 PM

Just now I was listening to Bless the Broken Road and talking about JC CCA when I realised that next year I'm going to have different batchmates.


7:19 AM