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#417; you make it easier when life gets hard
Monday, June 28, 2010

Just finished reading the elections writeups (after about half an hour of waiting for it to download + staring at the small icons + clicking on it and seeing "Secondary Twos" in a gigantic font and getting very very scared- my hands trembled I swear I have no idea what's wrong with me) and,
omg b11atch I love you all to bits.

I've always thought, but never felt this trusting and safe in the knowledge that, no matter who gets what, we will pwnass. (and not pon, you ass) (sorry couldn't resist)

You all are the greatest people I have ever had the privilege of meeting.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


10:37 PM

#416; just another word
Sunday, June 27, 2010

I don't believe in love anymore. I once was love's biggest fan. I loved love. I believed in love at first sight, true love, soul mate, all that mushy-gushy stuff the best songs and books are written about. It's what every little girl dreams about. One day my prince will come....blah blah blah. I used to believe in love. I was in love, like I'm talking head over heals, stars in your eyes in L-O-V-E. I loved you with all my heart even though I knew you weren't perfect. You were always more sure about us. Then we broke up for a summer, but our hearts led us back together after three months of not ever really being broken up. When I walked in on you and her in bed, I thought my world would end. But time heals all wounds right? And you were so sorry and it was the biggest mistake of your life and I took you back once again. We were happy again and more in love than ever. Then you said you wanted to move in together when the summer ended. And from there we would live happily ever after, you even knew how you wanted to propose but wouldn't tell me the surprise. I was living every girls fantasy. Against the odds we were soul mates made for one another. You went on your graduation trip across Europe and wrote me romantic emails. Then an e-mail came from six time zones away saying it had all been a lie. A lie? Three years was a lie? What should I be more upset about my broken dreams and broken heart, or the fact that I fell for it? Only fools fall in love, and love played me like a fiddle. So I don't believe in love anymore. Because if you don't believe in love there is nothing to cry about, and I don't have anymore tears to cry. So I gave up on love because it gave up on me.

I don't really know what this post is about.
Just saw all these posts/pictures within two days and.. thought I'd share.

5:46 PM

#415; what you got boy, is hard to find
Saturday, June 26, 2010


Something I want you to know.

Today = a bit of geog notes, and nothing else. ):
Oh, and fictionpress HAHA.
These stuff take away my motivation/concentration/life.

Come on kway get online you owe me a very long elaboration!!

4:06 PM

#414; burning bridges shore to shore
Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm tired and I lack motivation and I want to curl up and fall asleep hugging my bolster but no I have a semester's worth of work to file and two subjects to mug and too many PTs-

I hate the feeling of knowing there's too much to do and not being strong enough to handle it.
But it's just general drowsiness, tomorrow will be better.

Okay baby steps.
1. Turn the computer off.
2. Get stacks of paper off the bed.
3. Organize Geog & SS notes - the rest can wait.
4. Go to sleep.

rae. ♥B11ATCH says: (PM 09:39:01)
Haha, shit.

Koh says: (PM 09:39:19)
Hahahaha go to your garden and pick some punk
..wtf is wrong with you.

EH wth just realised I slept 11 hours last night, I'm not going to survive school term am I.

5 days to Guides Session! And hopefully a movie :D
7 days to Enrolment! Whoops shit, presents.
19 days to NDP Prac 1!
26 days to NDP Prac 2!
33 days to NDP Prac 3!
34 days to NDP Prac 4!
36 days TO AA OMG :D :D :D
40 days to NDP Final Prac!

Why the hell am I looking forward to NDP Prac hahaha omg.
Nevermind, AA :D


Maehanyi says: (PM 09:53:00)

rae. ♥B11ATCH says: (PM 09:53:06)
cos its 9.30
and you're exhausted
from sorting your rocking worksheets?

Maehanyi says: (PM 09:53:21)
i am a lsoer. 

rae. ♥B11ATCH says: (PM 09:53:34)
yes you are a lsoer.

Maehanyi says: (PM 09:53:39)
go away. 

rae. ♥B11ATCH says: (PM 09:53:39)
but not a loser.
Haha ily rae-ann :D

9:30 PM

#413; when you find you, come back to me


Ah I lost 300 facebook photos! D:
Shit shit hope they aren't important ones.

Not very productive, only did CmPS today, on to SS now.
I'm actually really quite scared for the new semester.

seems like getting closer to groups of people negates drifting from others- its like theres this maximum amount of attention you can give people. which is very true, I suppose. you need to choose who’s worth that attention and choose carefully.

Sucks to know that's too true.
Whatever, I hope/think I've chosen well.


7:45 PM

#412; I could really use a wish

A lot of work to do because I've already wasted more than half of today sleeping (woke up at 12, wtf right I never sleep past 10! D: ) and I just spent the last three hours having lunch/reading pointless websites.
So this is going to be short.

Working Camp!
Haha I like Working Camp :D I think it's the first time I've really felt part of OSL, because prior to this I barely knew my comm and was only close to two other people? Working Camp really let me get to know a lot more people, especially my comm members and groupmates!

Shan't go into much detail but rest of the camp was:
1. Lucky Plaza: going around talking to Filipinos and asking them questions- really quite fun, they're awesomely nice people you can't actually find around Singapore; photohunt turned into desperate attempts of showing the pictures to random shop owners asking them if they've seen it before; neck + eye pain from constant turning around to make sure the mentors didn't run off; dinner at this malay/indonesian restaurant that had good food and hot chilli + walking to Lucky Plaza and back to school was actually pretty bonding too :D

2. Icebreakers/Games: really liked them- blow wind blow which was very amusing with people going up like, 545739 times; the blanket game = very embarrassing shouting the wrong name + all our weird schemes of back turning which was pretty effective ;D ; twin towers was pretty fail with very little space, but fun all the same; poison ball was :D :D and a whole lot of hiding behind people and screaming; charades was very very amusing with spastic people going crazy from talking ban + repeatedly wrong guesses :D

3. Comm Meetings & Team Updates: I really really liked them, now that I think about it. I think the entire First Aid thing has really brought GLT closer together, and comm meetings were pretty fun and waaay less awkward, even with the other team. Team Updates felt.. good, in that we actually knew what was going on, I mean there are frequent email updates but it's not the same!

4. Night Movie/Midnight talking: HAHA this was awesomee. Night movie was the Iranian version of Homerun (and somehow no one doubted that Singapore's one was the imitation LOL), so Amelia WangXuan and I stopped watching after a while to go sleep, which turned into Epic Fail because Amelia started talking to me and all three of us started going high. D: Talked about QTS successors and random hotdogbun-ing and general guides-y things.

Amelia and I, at the same time: Did you read his bl- HAHAHAHA.
Amelia: You know the person we ________? Yeah I found his blog.
Me: Oh yeah but he doesn't update.

.. And then we realised how stalker we are D: HAHA whoops.

5. Meals in general: was our motivation throughout the entire camp HAHA. We'd be like, ahh three more hours to lunch/dinner/breakfast. Food was good, food finishing wasn't too bad, and Group 3 is very very silent during meals hahaha.

6. Operation Smile! I liked this one (: All the stuff I read.. made me smile haha, and everyone who wrote something on my back started laughing the moment they saw it, thanks ah amelia. Didn't write for everyone, but managed to write for most of them - I really like OSL a lot more now, after this whole camp (:

Campaign Setup!
Did quite a lot actually!

1. Tripod/Hammock structure was pretty okay- lifting a really tall tripod definitely needs more than three scared screaming people; must remember that all knots need frapping too, shit; a lot of worrying when the tripods lifted up when people sat on the hammock - resulted in major reinforcement with twine and pegs and I really hope the twine doesn't snap but so far so good; left tripod was pretty slanted, Laura was like "Do you think we c-" "NO."; diagonal lashing over three poles becomes big knotted pretty things that hold well; resulting structure was pretty okay, so (what else could we do) we camwhored with it :D faster upload!

2. Facebook wall- really pretty! I love the f a c e b o o k logo, not bad ah alethea. foam was in a very pretty fb colour :D still have quite a lot more to do for it though, I think? Once again, CAMWHOREEE. :D

3. Vote Canvassing discussion = never discuss with Sarah omg. I swear she is way too mature for a sec one and freaks me outtt. Went to find Laura after that because our discussion was touching topics that.. shouldn't be used in any form whatsoever to canvas for votes.

3. Dinner! Under the escalator, ah I miss it. ): Shihlin + Milk Tea with Jocie WeiYi Laura Sarah, tradition never dies eh :D Learned how to be a bimbo (yes I'm a natural ty), fantasized about Switzerland over Slice, and a lot more bits of the conversation I can't exactly remember right now, but I love our campaign team :D

And now it's time to get back to work ):
Staying away from MSN because I know what's good for me.

And )*$(#&#^(*& NEW TIMETABLE SUCKS.
Study block isn't go home early anymore D:
And spam of third recess second lunch eeyerrr.

2:43 PM

#411; remember what you put me through
Monday, June 21, 2010

Inspiration for Elections Writeup comes in the form of my memory box. ):
I can't believe I've already dumped so much junk in there hahaha.
But. I was reading Lathiga's letters and everyone else's letters and- argh.
I think I must have done a shitload of community work in my last life to deserve something this amazing.

Which was why I went into a very lengthy (bordering angsty) explanation of what we I hope will be changed. Hahaha and no it's not going to see daylight.

Another form of inspiration came in the form of laura.
I didn't tell you this but you nearly made me cry.
Thank you for being there everytime I take a risk- even with OSL ily laura you are amazing.

laura says: (PM 02:30:51)
what she said was- if you have the slightest inclination, go for it
if you have the slightest inclination go for it because
failure is never failure when you have people believing in you
while regret at what may have happened, what could have been
or not having been true to yourself and the world
is the most difficult thing to live with

laura says: (PM 02:45:20)
and I know for a fact after striping
that we're going to hurdle to far east
and drink milk tea
and cry

2:03 PM

#410; you are my star
Sunday, June 20, 2010

4 koma comic strip - Dreamworks

Need to stop finding addictive (but incredibly funny and amusing and entertaini- OKAY. STOP.) websites. ):
Hi SS I'll get around to doing you tomorrow ;D

Ahh sick of taking your crap, leave me and my thoughts alone will you.

10:28 PM

#409; I'd go wherever you will go
Saturday, June 19, 2010

HAHA I love lovecalculator. Haven't used it in foreverrr.
...don't judge me, people do try these kinds of things okay. D:

And yes, Laura, of course we're not distracted from any campaign work. :D

1:08 PM

#408; the fire in your heart is out
Friday, June 18, 2010

Finally in the mood to post about it after tagging like 4574385 photos.
Haha I just deleted a whole chunk of it because I Cannot Write In Paragraphs.

1. VIVO HanJun Rae-Ann Amelia Brillia Nicole Denise Yongxin FuKang Ryan JunYu YenMing! Haha lousy turnout, ish, but whatever la was pretty fun. Guys wanted to eat so they we agreed on meeting at the rooftop in ten minutes, but we ditched them and went down to buy water (Nicole you're officially smart) and potluck food, so by the time we came back we just sat in our own secluded circle and Bitched :D

2. SENTOSA EXPRESS I feel like such a noob I don't think I've ever gone to that part of Vivo until yesterday LOL. Got off at Beach Station and waited (and sweated :@) for the tram to come for like, fifteen minutes plus, and then took a five minute ride to the beach -.- That's what we get for laziness tsk.

3. ULTIMATE FRISBEE HAHA this was Ultimate Fail. Basically what we did was, someone would throw the frisbee to the center, the guys will jump around in the middle and.. do what they have to, and while they're doing that the girls stroll over to the other side and wait by the line and scream excessively and attempt to catch very lightly very gently thrown frisbees and then when the frisbee sails past us nobody reaches out to grab it, we just. look. (Y)

4. CAPTAIN'S BALL This was waay better, LOL. Haha they all were pretty nice about this even though we are Very Unsporty and they were all pretty encouraging even when we missed/ducked/screamed excessively (sorry, instinct.) But I liked it, because the girls not only caught the ball, we actually contributed in some way to the score. 8D HAHA. And Nicole paraded around in her Glamness taking photos of our Unglamness :@ It's a ploy I tell you.

5. DOUBLE DARE should not be played. Spent like damn long choosing the asker and the victim (both were Yongxin HAHA (Y) ) then trying to think of a dare so we finally settled on him doing a Bollywood dance around the palm tree with HanJun so they walked over there and then came back saying there was an Indian there and he'd be offended LOLL.

6. SEA WADING Haha this one was another scream spammage we were standing there and Amelia was like, go in deeper la, the water's only until your knees your shorts won't get wet! Then I took a step in and suddenly this gigantic wave came D< This should totally be a team building activity hahaha idk why.

Wanted to push one of the guys in because they all had extra clothes (and only Rae-Ann had for our side but she wore white shorts and.. polkadots HAHAHA) which was very fail so instead we mass schemed against YenMing by taking a group photo Too Close to the sea :D

7. PRANK CALLS Hahaha this one. We're supposed to come up with a list of ten very random words and the other side must call a friend and incorporate the words into normal everyday conversation without the other person suspecting. Their side = damn pro, RAFFLES TAMPONS ANYONE? HOW ABOUT LINGERIE? T.T Our side = ..damn fail hahaha sorry minchih!

Haha finally a successful one :D OT! ♥

9. BASKETBALL This one = entertainment time :D Felt like they were trying to impress us HAHA. But seriously quite cool, like all those weird showoff-y ball throwing around and backward throwing and throw pushup catch throw and gigantic bouncing. And FuKang breakdanced for us! OH AND THERE WAS A FLYING FISH I SWEAR. Fish do fly.

10. CYCLING Felt damn bad because JunYu couldn't cycle and we didn't know it before we rented the bikes. /: Very high bikes = butt pain ahha. A lot of bike screwups also, like wheels falling off and gear problems O: Cycled around with b11atch while the guys stayed back to teach JunYu how to cycle! And Ryan was being all overprotective father-ly and banning us from cycling across pedestrian crossings and everyone was like, Yes Dad. Ahh can't wait for b11atch chalet hope I can go + MIDNIGHT CYCLING :D

11. DINNER Went back to Vivo after that, this time we were smart and walked back instead of waiting for the tram. Singapore is super pretty at night! And Sentosa too haha, we let a lot of people ahead of us because we stopped to stare LOL. Dinner = rooftop, burger king, no appetite, cheat, fountain walking (?!?!), and food dumping.

12. HOMEE Card screwed up and hahaha I think this waiting for each other thing is turning into a tradition thank you people :D MRT-ed home with FuKang (and when the East-bound train came Rae-Ann was like, mayoooo hahaha). I WANT BOARDING. D:

13. MSN Haha I realized after every OT-related thing I get on MSN and don't leave till like, 2. D: I think I'm really going to miss all this when school starts again omg. D:

But I had to act Perfectly Cheery because they think I slept at 10.
And later = late night family dinner (i.e. past midnight- don't ask), damnnn. Must go on sugar high later.

3:33 PM

#407; when you fall apart dry your eyes
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A lot of details changed, to protect the identity of Sandra*:
sandra says: (PM 09:56:06)

Maehanyi says: (PM 09:56:11)

sandra says: (PM 09:56:16)
no one else ah are you serious
then he'll go HAHAZ
and I will sit under the table and cry

I'm getting overly reliant on nighttime entertainment ily sandra and your fluffalophagus-ness. :D

sandra says: (PM 09:57:54)

Maehanyi says: (PM 09:58:07)
..i hope. 

sandra says: (PM 09:58:09)

Maehanyi says: (PM 09:58:10)

sandra says: (PM 09:58:11)

Maehanyi says: (PM 09:58:15)

sandra says: (PM 09:58:25)
and I will cry anyway because to see him pout will be natural disaster magnitude richter scale 6.79

9:57 PM

#406; i won't say goodbye anymore

rae. ♥B11ATCH says: (PM 03:39:56)
be positive mayo
hot sweet sensitive guys aren't attracted to unconfident girls

mayo;; ♥B11ATCH  ♥AMAZING (RACE) OT ♥QMS '09/'10 WILL PWN AND CLEAN! says: (PM 03:40:20)

rae. ♥B11ATCH says: (PM 03:40:20)
they're attracted to unconfident guys
LGMH isn't good for us. Ahhhhhh.

Tomorrow = going out = PTs die (not like I've managed to do any .__.) but happiness meter probably satisfied.
More important. :D

3:39 PM

#404; my first kiss went a little like this
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Annoying-talking with Laura is very amusing, HAHAZ XP
Maehanyi says: (PM 07:32:57)

laura says: (PM 07:33:04)
sorry water
i meawn
sori, h20

Omg people don't ditch me on Thursday! Or I'll be going home alone ):

7:16 PM

#403; stop crying your heart out
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Best part about holidays is MSN I swear hahaha. Mm that sad.

Spent last night talking to Rae-Ann and squealing over very sweet/romantic stuff and hahaha at least I have a buddy to be a hopeless romantic too. :D Ahhh! Haha shit. Rae-ann you're very very lucky - fairytale life!! HAHA. And let me hack into your account one day ya. :D

..I seriously have nothing to do now omg.

10:56 AM

#402; we're all of the stars, we're fading away
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Because Laura blogged this:
laura says:
haha like
“heehee nice bag, “
(actual thing said has been changed to protect reputation of non-grammatical identity)
and just ended like that

Maehanyi says:

laura says:
am not being ungrateful!!!!

Maehanyi says:

I will blog Laura's monologue:
hey good morning! had breakfast yet? haha no I havent. what did you eat? okay never mind. watching tv? haha I dont like tv, tv kills your eyes. maybe thats why you have spectacles HAHA. no la, jkjk :D have you started on your homework? I have to do math and SS. what do you have? haha you're hardworking eh. oh look, its lunch. do you cook or do your parents cook? I'm hungry. anyway yeah lol do you play football? I guess you dont. I like football. omg fifa world cup coming up! not like its a big deal to you but still. how many siblings do you have? I have 3. what primary school were you from? how much does your father earn every month? whats your best subject? whats your GPA? hey I have a secret to tell you- did you know A said she likes B? gossip much. haha. i'm borrrrrrrrrred. I have something to tell you.... I think I like you. I think I like you a lot. I dont even know why. I know you wont be interested in me. but never mind.... I'll keep waiting.

Say, are you busy?

Here's to the annoyed people in the world. (Y)

Ahh laura get back online I want to play shoot shag marry (or the other version HAHA)

7:40 PM

#401; and after all, you're my wonderwall

Shit, I actually LOL-ed at that. D:

And I'll go do Bio research now because I don't like doing the actual PTs. Annoying.

yinyu HAHA OMG yinyu you spam man, but ily! my mac's spammed with tumblr pics in general too. D: omg enrolment presents how ah?!?! and shit, batch outing, LOL. you barely update your tumblr tsk I bet I update more than you HAHA and go post something other than show, I dare you :D huh fan where! o_o final year cos next year they're changing to philippines! :D I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOUR FAN QUESTION.
HANIN omg I think I cannot!! seriously. D: when you coming back to singapore ah?
yinyu yes all those flyaways are.. BACK. hahaha yay i like it too (duh ;D) omg if there was another girl inside I might have actually used the toilet T.T
HANIN nah it's not weird for yinyu, she's kind of used to it already, so seeing another girl would be weirder ;D and the toilet next to it was also a male toilet, obviously the next one should be female right!
weiyi (L)! haha are we seriously going to study next monday? :D or how about uh, ot outing day! LOL.
laura it's okay laura we have no lives (: AND NO COOL HAMMOCK STRUCTURES :D omg i can't wait to build that! are we going to start over the hols or in week one?

2:34 PM

#400; gotta be strong
Friday, June 11, 2010

Didn't keep to my MSN ban in the end. D:
But to my defense I only talked about SS stuff HAHA.

Did.. a decent amount of research but I'm not satisfied. Whatever I'm going to sleep.
Haha Kway sorry and ily!

SS is confusing.
And so are you.

11:27 PM

#399; don't it mean I love you

Whoa shit the SS PT is harder than expected.
Today I won't go on MSN or any un-SS site until I choose my topic + get decent amount of research done.

GLT Meeting today!
Ended quite early, then went for Comm lunch at Far East.
Haha conversation was.. weird like it'd be super awkward then we'll start talking a lot then it dies and then it starts again. But it was kind of fun!

Week 4 will be for Working Camp and mugging, so I have exactly one week to catch up on work. /:

3:09 PM

#398; told you from the start
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Did it ever occur to you that you’re so caught up in trying to make the right choice that you’ve never stopped to consider the possibility that there may not be a right choice, or a wrong choice, just a bunch of choices?
[Dawsons Creek]

Out with Kway today!
First time we've watched a movie since Alice In Wonderland damn we're losers.
KILLERS IS AWESOME it's crazily funny and I had a.. very full bladder HAHA. /:

Rest of the day involved getting TD patches (finally!) + yami yoghurt (haha this is turning into tradition) + squealing over the iPhone 4 video (!!!!!!!) + buying stationery + shamelessly prodding at every single kids toy in BHG + THAT close to buying board games that were so annoyingly attractive (but my dad's talk about saving money got to me, be proud daddy) + meeting Laura at Braddell + pretending to print photos at Kodak because it was our only available form of a memory card reader + walking around Very Worried about meeting people, but we did anyway + ..buying stuff (okay maybe the talk didn't get to me in the end) + heading to Swensen's for lunch and walking away when we saw the insanely long queue and walking back when we saw the 1-for-1 lunch offer (don't judge us) + scheming for next year + talking + missing our stop, twice + buying oversized drinks because they were 20cents more ex + wanting (but never actually) doing shameless things (okay maybe sometimes) because we weren't in school uniform + a lot of other stuff I can't actually remember right now.

Haha why do I feel tired now.
Eh just realised I have the sleeping pattern of a baby HAHA DAMN.

7:39 PM

#397; I will fight till forever

I was only 11 years old when I ran away.

There was a college girl who sat next to me at the bus stop in a foreign town. She saw me crying and gave me 100 dollars to get home, along with a hug saying "everything will be okay".

Today, I'm in college, working part-time.

Even though my boss doesn't remember me, I've never forgotten her.

Haha Jocie I nearly forgot-
): I hope we're good enough.

I keep sleeping and waking up early!!
I slept at 10.30 yesterday and woke up at 7.30 today. Haha what's wrong with me.

8:38 AM

#396; love isn't love till you give it away
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My days are very boring. ):
Spent the entire afternoon (and morning) on campaign discussion + talking about.. the future.
I think we're all scared.

Ahhh it's already halfway into week two what kind of holiday is this.
Need to start doing PTs/mugging soon.

Will start next week.

Okay need to quit Chrome soon or my battery will die from tethering.

7:16 PM

#395; maybe it's true that I can't live without you
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Two days without phone/internet connection is... weird.
But I did Math, and I'm proud of myself :D

Kway I was damn happy when you called ahhhh (L) I miss you twooooo.
And if you don't get online in half an hour I swear I will spam call you.

6:08 PM

#394; but my friends keep telling me that something's wrong
Sunday, June 6, 2010

): I agree, somehow.
Have you ever had the feeling where you wanted to talk to someone about something but talking about it = admitting it exists and the very thought makes you feel like.. a weaker person?

HAHA YINYU I totally forgot about the walking into the male toilet during SDD. T_T
At least there wasn't anyone inside. I think.

9:35 AM

#393; I'm finally now believing
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday afternoons are sleepyyy.

South Division Day, I just realised it's like my first one in three years O:
B11atch was... pathetic, YinYu Hanin Vanessa Keerthana and me omg.
Human Table Soccer was awesome shizz - we won 2nd place! Haha totally unexpected but we have pretty (individual!) trophies. :D
Spent the remaining like, 4 hours talking and playing games and camwhoring and fail singing with b11atch/sec twos/recruits!


Bused/Walked to Queensway Shopping Centre which is omgsoulu but had Macs!
Haha Hanin we are not going to reach __. D:

Ahh why is today so hot.

This is the coolest shit ever hahaha, I spent damn long tossing the search box around so I could type while it was flying .__.
Hanin where'd you find it!

6:53 PM

#392; one step forward and two steps back
Friday, June 4, 2010

Sometimes I think the human heart is just a simple shelf. There’s only so much you can pile onto it before something falls off an edge and you are left to pick up the pieces.
[House Rules, Jodi Picoult]

Ahh I love House Rules, halfway through! ..yes I bought it from them don't judge me! It was $10 cheaper than Borders!

Discussing a lot of next year stuff with MinChih somehow is interesting, and that's kind of depressing. D:

Omg I can't believe a week of the hols has passed alreadyyy, only three weeks left. ):
Haha so much for efficiency today.

4:23 PM

#391; but I won't let you fall

Today, after he passed away, and after wondering whether or not he liked me for the last 8 months, one of his co-workers told me she had to hack into his work laptop to recover some work-related files, and in doing so discovered that his password was my full name. MMT

So Elections and Striping's coming soon. ):
Sucks lah, I can't believe it's already been a year since the last Enrollment/Striping.
I don't know what I'm going to write about in the writeup.

Haha and somehow I'm more worried for who's going to end up as QTS rather than CL/PL .__.
I don't know I guess it's sort of the general feeling that it's still going to be b11atch as a whole running guides next year (and the very thought kind of scares me), I don't see any major distinctions between the different roles, in a way - I'm not exactly worried about Striping and I'm thankful for that.

Omg faster come back I want to hear all about it!!!!! (it's okay laura hahaha)

10:26 AM

#390; and you've already got me coming undone
Thursday, June 3, 2010

First week of holidays has been a pattern of going out and staying home haha. And next week's going to be the same O:
And so I am going to be the mother of all things efficient for every day I'm at home yes I will.

Did TV choreography today, i.e. go to school at eight (wtf is wrong with you minchih) and spam watch youtube and fb vids till ten, get ditched for an hour, SUBMITTED CHEM PT (omg one down! shit, actually only half.), and squeezed out a bit of choreo at the end :D Crystal we are way more efficient without you hahaha.

Pigged at KFC because someone insisted and.. it looked tempting, whatever. $1 cheese!

OSL meeting was.. well, nice. It's like when HuiMin asked how OSL was so far, I was thinking that.. point was I wasn't thinking much, because I haven't really felt a connection or commitment to OSL yet /: But I think Lesson Plans I/C is going to be really fulfilling (and demanding) and actually I'm kind of thankful that I have this opportunity to do something for OSL (:

And I think they expect a lot more out of this year, osl'10 being the final year visiting Cambodia is kind of pressurizing. /:
I hope we don't disappoint.

6:22 PM

#389; I hope your love leads you back to my door
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Omg Rae-Ann you're right Tobias Mead is awesome shizz O:

12:57 PM

#388;and the world thought I'd had it all but I was waiting for you

Today, after telling my grandmother that I didn’t want to risk making such a huge mistake, she looked at me and said, “Looking back on it all, there are so many mistakes I wish I had had the courage to make when I was your age.” MMT

Today, he’s a Christian and I’m Jewish, and he’s shorter than me – which usually turns me off. But ever since I got to know him, I keep waking up at night because my heart beats too hard when I dream about kissing him. MMT

Today, in her final hour, she held my hand and said, “All these years later, with all the extravagant things we’ve done, what sticks out in my mind the most are nights like the one when we wandered through the hardware store and spent an hour in the doorbell section trying to pick out the one with the perfect ding.” MMT

Eeyer my internet was awesome for like twenty minutes and now it's slowww. ):
Last day to fix Chem PT but no moooood, I'll do it after lunch. (and youtube and tumblr)

I think tomorrow's going to be funnn :D
So annoying why so few movies nowadays.

yinyu HAHA HIGH VOICE it's okayy we will uh practise together go do more raffles cheers :D :D yesss hanin lucky la it's malay! and omg I sort of understand the commands you know I think my bahasaindonesia lessons weren't too bad LOL.
HANIN (: haninnn why you so long never tumblr!! yes it's awesome you annoying person it's taking away my life and reducing my efficiency by ten thousand omg. love you ninah :D
jocie haha thank youuu :D it wasn't very long though! hahaha you also high voice go practise! ...on your brother. :D
yinyu aww jiayou yinyu! at least they let us refer :D HAHA BRAZILIAN?! (omg I can't believe i just went to check) they speak portugese!! thank youuu :D :D OMG AM I REALLY DARK when I came home my parents and siblings were like o___o and minchih claims I have a shoulder tanline! D:
weiyi SERIOUSLYYYY only for waddle right!! other houses have cool tan people also D< haha thank you kway! (:
diane I FOUND YOU BACK love you too!!
laura HAHAHA LAURA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU OMG. hahaha thank you PROWESS, NOT SKIN COLOUR. hmph. hahaha omg you know last year hanjun said she spent very long watching this other tanned girl in waddle then she realised it wasn't me. .___. LOVE YOU TOOOO
weiyi omg koh wei yi I love you to bits your shoes saved me I swear ♥♥♥♥♥ sorry about your feet!!!!!!! hahahahaha
yinyu yes it is! haha quite cool man enrollment split from striping = sedia shorter time! :D
char sorry but HUH WHAT DUMP? and bad joke friend. :D
yongxin haha duhhhh they are, HELLO :D
yinyu RELINKED :D hahaha omg your tumblr is spammed with show! but I like the pic of his jumping thing it's cool you should get a tagboard like hanin then I can actually tag hahaha

11:49 AM

#387; just come with your heart
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Miss Jazilah's comments on my Chem PT draft:
1. Is the draft complete? It seems to end quite abruptly.
2. Also, I'm hoping to see more chemistry in it. Is it possible to provide more of the acid-base chemistry involved?
When you select the application you should select one that will allow you to show a deep understanding of the chemistry (see the rubrics to know the 'standard' expected).
3. I don't see your references list, do make sure you have a variety and don't forget to include it (It's not counted in the 3 page limit).

omg FML. D:
Tomorrow = Chem saving day ):

11:21 PM

#386; don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable

Tickets sold out, you'd think if people liked it that much they'd have more than one screening per day D:


1. MARC JACOBS. We walked in trying to look rich and all that (because we decided that today would be Shameless Day) so MinChih held out her China (but real, yes) Marc Jacobs pouch and we as good as strutted in and pretended to be buying something for a friend.
Me: (Looks at jacket that cos 600 bucks wtf I know) "Mm, I think we can split"
MinChih: (stares at me very weirdly) "My ass we can split"
And we headed straight for the door with very constipated faces and burst out laughing the moment we stepped out WE ARE PHAIL D: AND NEXT TIME WE ACT POSH = MY BEHIND, NOT MY ASS.

2. MinChih's kungfu kick trying to show me her FBTs just as the lift doors open D:

3. PASTAMANIA! Omg shitload of cheese + shameless eating + conversations about nothing and cheerleading and People That Should Not Be Named Because They Are Big Assholes And You Should Know That By Now + general hobo-ing.

4. DUNKIN' DONUTS! Haha camwhored like crazy and pored over magazines like bimbos and bought ice coffee one minute before the promotion ended (minchih and I stared at the cash register and went YES! too shamelessly when $2.00 popped up hahaha). Ningxin and Crystal joined us after that SEE LA EDA SOMEONE GOT SMP AH.

5. YAMI YOGHURT! (ya la we eat a lot) Crystal the Cheapo made us walk one big round to see every single shop so she could make sure that she was buying "The best food available" but she bought yami yoghurt anyway .__. And we stood at some place because Ningxin was in school u and we couldn't wreck the school's name by sitting at a food court table that had a label which was too damn obvious saying "No outside food allowed" D:

6. FOOD COURT! Because nobody said anything about having to buy food to sit there. Saw sharonong and they all started freaking for their various reasons. Gossiped like crazy hahaha I miss you all (L)


7:42 PM

#385; I see you all over me

Omg I spent forever rewatching them.
I want to learn!! But I haven't tried this kind of dance haha /:

This is cool shizz

9:15 AM