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#384; she was running low on faith
Monday, May 31, 2010

Sometimes I feel like going on a major rant but then... people read this.
Hahaha okay I'll never get around to doing that.

See kway this is why I send you long ranty emails about nothing when you're away heehee ily YOU BETTER REPLY ME.

Omg I want to sleep now what kind of holiday is this.


9:52 PM

#382; and I'm in this dream

..Okay fine I'll go do Chem now. D:

4:00 PM

#381; just trying to find my way back home

I think I am a very shitty counsellor hahaha, I have no idea what to say when people tell/ask me about more sensitive stuff. D:

I. Cannot. Stand. The. Heat. Omg woke up damn early today because it was too hotttt. ):
You lucky people in Europe!

I can't believe it's showing in cine, ily cmmen (L)

I will finish Chem.
After lunch.

1:36 PM

#380; I can tell you what no one would ever say
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today, I came home from work at 10PM hoping that my mother wouldn't be awake so she couldn’t ask me any annoying questions about my day. But instead, I found out she had been rushed to the hospital after suffering from a sudden brain aneurysm. MMT

My grandmother's grave sits atop a very steep hill.

As we helped my 83 year old grandfather up the hill with his can, some people said it wasn't a very good idea.

I was the only one who heard him say he would crawl to her grave if he had to.

His love gives me hope :)

People who aren't even leaving Singapore, say aye. ):
My rgguides group of msn contacts is like, non-existent now EVERYBODY. IS. GOING. AWAY.
Need to get over that soon hahahaha.

Best thing about holidays is that you get to do a hell lot more pointless things because half your day isn't swallowed by school so the next 30 days of blog posts is going to be full of numbered lists.

Today I:
1. Woke up, EARLY. Damn you sister and your dance class tsk!
2. Packed my wardrobe! I have a lot more dresses than I thought I had zomg and now I can't wait to go out so I can wear them hahaha
3. NAPPED, very happily until The Sister shook me awake to go swimming :@
4. ...swam.


Can't wait for next mondayyyyyy :D

7:18 PM

#379; blow my heart up

Bold the ones that are true for you.

I am a morning person.
I am a perfectionist.
I am an only child.
I am Catholic.
I am currently pregnant.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart.
I am left handed.
I am married.
I am addicted to MySpace.
I’m shy around the opposite sex.
I currently regret something I have done.
When I get mad I curse.
I don’t like anyone.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy jazz music.
I have a car.
I have a cell phone.
I have a pet.
I have at least one brother or sister.
I have been to another country.
I have been told that I’m smart.
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
I have had a broken bone.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have had surgery.
I have killed another person.
I have had my hair cut within the last week.
I have had the cops called on me.
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t.
I have kissed someone of the same gender.
I have mood swings.
I have rejected someone before.
I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I have watched Sex and the City.
I like Shakespeare.
I love to cook.
I love Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping.
I love to shop.
I miss someone right now.
I own over 100 CDs.
I own over 100 DVDs.
I own and use a library card.
I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I strongly dislike math.
I think Britney Spears is pretty.
I will try ALMOST anything once.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I can name all seven dwarfs from Snow White.
I am currently wearing socks.
I am tired.
I am currently waiting for someone.
I lost contact with someone.
I hate Miley Cyrus.
I think Party In The USA is catchy.
I’d date Harry Potter.
I can name all the past presidents of the United States.
I know who was president before George Bush.
I love pickles.
I need the internet to live.
I prefer vanilla over chocolate.
I watched Star Trek.
I watched all six movies of Star Wars.
I own an Xbox.
I think music is life.

Movies (Bold the ones you’ve seen)

Pride and Prejudice. Glory Road. The Princess Bride. Goonies. Center Stage. Ocean’s Eleven. Seven. Newsies. 300. Robin Hood Men In Tights. Love Actually. Garden State. Donnie Darko. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. My Best Friend’s Wedding. Anchorman. Drop Dead Gorgeous. Wedding Crashers. Elf. Zoolander. Austin Powers. Clueless. Mean Girls. Hairspray. Moulin Rouge. Fight Club. Rocky. Pulp Fiction. What A Girl Wants. Kill Bill. Thank You For Smoking. Little Miss Sunshine. Requiem for a Dream. The Departed. Dawn of the Dead. Memento. The Lovely Bones. 17 Again. 8 Mile. Office Space. Snakes on a Plane. Boondock Saints. Say Anything. The Silence of the Lambs. Saving Private Ryan. Superbad. The Prestige. Just Friends. The Devil Wears Prada. Saw. Ace Ventura. Under the Tuscan Sun. Titanic. Steel Magnolias. She’s the Man. Because I Said So. Catch and Release. Music and Lyrics. Spanglish. Stick It. Step Up. The Fast and the Furious. Joyride. Halloween. The Italian Job. Crash. Must Love Dogs. The Last Kiss. Chicago. Harry Potter. Rush Hour. Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Clerks. Shooter. The Bourne Identity. Meet the Parents. Dirty Dancing. A Christmas Story. Rudy. Miss Congeniality. National Treasure. Sleepless in Seattle. The Science of Sleep. The Matrix. Good Will Hunting. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Empire Records. Phantom of the Opera. Lord of the Rings. Click. Scarface. District 9. The Notebook.


10:39 AM

#378; talk to the man with the reasons why

(Y) Many people I'd like to say this to HAHA

My best friend's girlfriend, who he's in love with, hates me.

A few weeks ago, he promised he wouldn't listen if she told him not to be my friend.

He came up to me today, looking sad, and told me she said that.

As I was about to cry, he said, "So I dumped her. I love you more." His love GMH.
Omg, get together already. O:

Yesterday = SHOPPINGGGG! ♥
Now I have new clothes (and new shoes!), and I am happayye :D
Already spent half of my holiday budget, GOING TO SPEND THE REMAINDER AT 313 :D

I need to finish up my Chem omg. ):

cmmen we need to go out hahahaha stupid name. -.-

10:00 AM

#377; it's a mistake if we just erase it
Friday, May 28, 2010

Things I haven't posted about in the midst of everything:

1. WEIYI I LOVE YOU FOR YOUR SHOES!!! And for you hahaha :D You know after Sports Fest we were walking to Pizza Hut and I walked like some ahma it was damn painful D: I swear if I did the routine in my shoes I'd have sprained something ILY A LOT A LOT (L)

2. Sucks to show your Progress Report to your parents, if they're teachers. (Especially since I failed the subjects they teach HAHA - nothing on them, I didn't ask them for help, don't ruin their career hahaha) They read into everyyy singleee commenttt. D: negatively.

- Planned my TV schedule
- Went on Facebook since... I came back from breakfast.
- Read Jodi Picoult in my nice and cold bedroom
- Took a 3-hour long nap

4. Alicia's email. This is highly highly highly inappropriate and I'm guilty too ): But: OMG WHOAA TELL IT LIKE IT IS (Y)

5. GUIDES ON WEDNESDAY! I loved session: had Be Prepared and I'm so so so proud of B11ATCH, we set up the flagpole in like eighteen minutes + made up our own knots + IT LOOKED SO PRETTY the lighting was awesome ILY B11ATCH (L)(L)(L)! Footdrill after that was very fun hahaha, Kim's Commander Training 101 included a lot of going low (hahaha jy jocie, yinyu!) and sounding stern! I like footdrill. :D Horseshoe after that, arghh Enrollment/Striping is in Term 3 Week 1- WTF. I JUST REALISED. That Wednesday was probably our last session with the sec fours omgomgomg D: D: D: D: D: Unless it's just enrollment and not striping!!! shit shit shit. ):


Somehow the moment it reaches past 10 I go a bit high. D:

10:06 PM

#376; can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

And it's over.
5 months (and one day!) of practice, and I'm going to attempt to chronicle everything:

I swear the best part about sweating like a pig on fire is that everyone's equally bad :D Like we're all dripping sweat with ugly sweat stains and sweaty foreheads and dirt/grass stuck to our sweaty knees/legs/hands/bu- (okay, I'll spare you the details) and we walk around half-lidded mouth gaping going baa--beerrr teeee.

KOI AFTER PRAC IS AWESOME SHIZZ. Actually anything cold is awesome shizz but Koi is Kool and gives us pretty Waddle straws and a hell lot of pearls and a hole in your pocket and immense satisfaction when you're dead and in Toa Payoh.

Toa Payoh pracs = start at 6, get on the track at 8.15, get off the track at 8.30 :D A lot of joggers (who are so on they run on the outside lane of the track) and security people who either 1) chase us away, concerned for the welfare of the joggers, or 2) direct us to little jutting out bits of the track, concerned for the welfare of the joggers.
Blocking = pillars and poles, lines and spaces, hahaha very confusing, very effective :D
Walking = very far, but it feels so short.
Going home = armed with Koi, with like half the team, who somehow all live in the east :D

Never, ever bring a cup of drink into the station because even if it's empty you'll get fined -.- Very anal security people with no concern whatsoever for people's feelings, so long as they don't get in the way of his job. Spent a very eventful MRT ride home plotting ways on getting back at him:
Shanxi: "One day I'm going to go back there in my own clothes and beat him up"
(20 minutes later)
Shanxi: "Did I tell you that one day I'm going to go back there in my own clothes and beat him up?"
And she has very... interesting ways on how to get back at people who shove you on the mrt/bus hahaha (Y)

I think one of the most O_O part of cheer this year was our original costume, and it was, well -
Sarah calls it a "spandex cavewoman suit" or something to that effect hahaha. Basically it was this one-shouldered crop top with what was supposed to look like a continuous black line wrapping it but ended up look like a thin bag strap criss-crossing front and back and made us look flat and odd and mildly bumblebee-ish. :D

But the Sec4s redesigned it and it ended up looking explorer-y and kind of cute when you wear it on and :D :D :D

I think the most important thing I learnt this year is that Cheerleading isn't all about competition.
Last year when we were a whole lot more prepared, we were all aiming for champions because we were very close to getting it and we knew it. And it was.. good that we had a goal in mind, we worked like shit for that goal, and we did achieve it.
But this year = less prepared, and somehow it felt.. nicer? Like we were going up there to perform, not for placing but more as a performance. Like less pressure, more of "okay we'll just give it our all and see what happens" and all that.

And the environment this year was really quite different from last's. I think this year there really was close to no competition between the houses, everyone was cheering each other on, and it was nice hearing "GO CHEERLEADERS" among all the individual house cheers.

I think I like this more (:

I really really cannot thank all of you enough, I LOVE YOU ALL LIKE CRAZYYY.
Thank you 304 for your.. random cheers of "WADDLE MUST WIN", Guides for your a lot a lot of good luck and Jocie for your hug even though I was disgusting and sweaty and "GO CHINDIAN" and smses and the house's periodic cheering (especially during Tokyo Drift!) and all of our energy levels normally go downhill from Tokyo Drift onwards but everyone was cheering so much that it was like WHOA, what tired?
And all the comments after performance, I love you all (L)

I love the sun hahaha, it came out at all the perfect times, just in time for our performance and even though that normally means we'll get tired a whole lot quicker, it made our hats looks super prettayeeee :D
And it started raining right at the end of Sports Fest = after all the races and competitions and prize giving, and we camwhored long enough for us to leave the Stadium just after it stopped raining :D

Cheerleading: 1st Runners Up
Overall Champion: 1st Runners Up

And I'm sorry if this ruins all house spirit I should be having, but I don't really care about those results because


1:03 PM

#375; I keep it steady cos steady is how I do it
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So many things to blog about, but I must go and sleep now.
For the sake of the team, and my sanity.

17 hoursssss.
Yes I've become one of those hour counting freaks. :D

Tomorrow/Friday = long long post!

11:26 PM

#374; no one can save me, the damage is done
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Because school and projects aren't all that, okay.

There are other things, called commitments.
Start committing.


7:03 PM

#373; in the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain

Today, it’s been exactly 5 years, and I still can’t forget her smile as she walked out our front door for the last time and said, “I’ll see you tonight, honey.” MMT

First time in a long long while that I sort of have a day off from school (:
But I'm missing carwash argh I feel badd they're already very short on manpower /:
I hope it goes okay!!

I swear I will lose any shred of self-respect if I don't finish most of Chem by today.

And I've been ignoring this too long hahaha:
amelia ahha I agree. ): omggg it's like only one year left!! ): WE MUST HOBO AFTER FAREWELL. I want to hobo all through the night. /:
yinyu HAHA OMG yeah doing guides stuff is funnn, proposals! LOL but omg have you memorized the footdrill commands?! D:
weiyi LOL yes hahaha, should have taken a picture of rae-ann's face :D
nicole haha we had to lie to you lor! means to an end :D :D have you gotten the video from ryan? omg I want it toooo!
rae-ann yes rae-ann I know you only like reading my blog because your name's on it :D IT WAS HILARIOUS for us hahahaha, and yess physics pt is over! (hello chem.)
weiyi hahaha yes himself in general. there were these two women staring at us lor LOL. OMG LET'S GO WATCH THE LAST SONG- oh wait, I'm only free on Friday. D: anyone wants to watch the last song with me? :D hahahaha no I don't kway, it comes when it does. D: I just high over stuff in advance LOL
jocie HAHA VERY CUTE I KNOW :D do YOU want to watch the last song with me?
amelia I LOVE YOU AMELIA I DEDICATE THIS.. TAG REPLY TO YOU. ♥ OMG do you want to watch the last song with me!! (hahahaha shit, I'm getting desperate. BUT MILEY CYRUS AND CUTE GUY LEHHH. emphasis on cute guy. CUTE GUY. LOL)
weiyi ;D my pleasure. LOL good, maybe our batch can pass firelighting faster than we passed gadgets. D:

9:28 AM

#372; what do you want from me
Monday, May 24, 2010

Brain doesn't work at this time of the night, so from now, working backwards:

1. Showered, clean and happy :D Only bad thing is that I'm in the Tumblr mood. = nothing done whatsoever, including Chem. D<
2. I reached home at 10.30. I still can't believe it.
3. MRT ride home with Nadia Rachel Nicole and Miru, never knew so many people stayed in the east!
4. KOI CAFE! Haha crazy queues, but it's awesome and overpriced and efficient and cool and, OMG never buying pearls again -.-
5. We are going to die during the routine I swear, it's damn tiringggg, we're dead by the second last song hahaha.
6. "You know some of my SEC ONES are bigger than me?!" - Diane
7. About the runners, "omg, don't they have lives?" "no they don't. ...Just like us". And that was somehow amusingly depressing.
8. MY NEW AWESOME SPEAKERS. which are china brand and crackly when at full volume but it was $20 and amazingly compact.
9. I am officially broke. I started Saturday with $50 I think?! And now I'm broke, wtfwtfwtf. ):
10. Dinner! I like rush dinners with shihlin and milk tea :D
11. Plan to solo hobo at Borders with strawberry milk tea = no more, when I met Ningxin and Claire and somehow they convinced me to go to Taka because Borders obviously wouldn't let me drink inside (who would know that omg?!)
12. OSL First Aid Training! Haha I love bandaging :D I hope nothing actually happens though, that requires First Aid O:
13. I realised I won't get a proper days sleep until Thursday night, and that's only if my dad doesn't wake me up to go for idk, family breakfast on Friday.
14. I cannot survive without sleeping everywhere through days with little slee-


I will go when my battery dies, which is in about 10 minutes.

11:10 PM

#371; it's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Sunday, May 23, 2010

This is for Jocie, I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you at the bus stop yesterday either, I hope you're well, happy through it all. (:

This is for WeiYi and Laura, I hope like crazy I won't see you on the 29th ;D

This is for HanJun, because when I saw it I thought, MEN and IA much?

And this is for the rest of us, and me;

10:50 AM

#370; after everything I must confess I need you

Yesterday was exhausting.
For everyone, I swear. Which is probably why msn is dead now. ):

Left home at 7, reached home at 10.30, sticky, sweaty and dead tired.
The two cheer sessions were quite okay, but this year's sec ones are very softttt.
Haha MinChih go use your charm on 104 too. D:
And I think people liked Tokyo Drift!! (:

Lunch was good, MALAY FOOD > CHINESE FOOD.
Went down to the Guides booth for a short short while, what happened to all the booth explaining people ah!
And Laura omg you looked so tired thanks for still explaining to them what Guides was about! (L)
Good job Laura/WangXuan/YinYu and co!
And Jocie Brillia YinYu you three were amazing OH i/cs I don't know how you all managed to coordinate something this big so well, and I think it really did turn out to be a success and I heard all about how b11atch managed to adapt so well with hot water-roasting marshmallows (.___. I swear you people are WEIRD.) and letting the p6s experience it first hand and getting the marshmallows rejected (what's wrong with them omg!) and the on off firelighting (did you all like, redig the hole each time?!) and booth promoting and I LOVE YOU ALL VERY VERY VERY MUCH I swear I will labour like shit and pull all-nighters for a week and become a walking talking (maybe not so much) zombie with evergrowing eyebags if that's what will make our CCAO city dream come true ♥ AND IT WILL. We need to make a shelter though, and get like five months in advance approval. /:

Back to prac for the rest of the day, was pretty okay, I feel decently prepared at least. :D
TPY Stadium after that, finished all the blocking just as it closed!
6/10 team dinner, pigged at KFC and turned into fat, binging, unmoving lumps for the next hour.
I like, HAHA.

Ah I want to sleep at like, seven today, because I'm not going to be getting much sleep till.. Friday?

Four more daysssssssssss.

9:50 AM

#367; I want the world, nothing less
Friday, May 21, 2010

A combination of three late nights, four days of wearing contacts (I swear I can feel my cornea peeling away) and a four-hour cheer prac = I'm dead exhausted.

I like two-hour long school days. And I missed two setups and walked around like a zombie after prac and was... useless everywhere, I'm sorry b11atch/osl! ):

(And a 13-hour long prac tomorrow - I'M QUITE AMUSED ACTUALLY HAHA)

GOOD LUCK WITH OPEN HOUSE b11atch I'm so proud of you all the structure is omgsoawesome and the gadgets are - well, MANY FAILED TESTS HAVE TAUGHT US WELL ;D banner is so, so, so pretty, I really hope it doesn't ra*n tonight/tomorrow. ): And the special gadget is very very cool!! And the posters omg, (L) SUPER PRETTY, totally > pieces of paper saying "visit ____ at ____".


We're going to show those p6es why they should join rgs just for guides ;D

And I'm going to sleep now, eyebags becoming as big as my eyes I swear.
Ya my eyes are small/have lost all muscles that control eye widening, whatever!

10:34 PM

#366; and I hope you always stay the same
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Uh, duh. :D

Choir concert today!
You people choose good themes, HSM = (L)!
I loved the skit hahahaha, "she's hot" "yeahhhhh", and ChengYi was a very amusing Zeke HAHA
Ariel was a good bimbo :D

(and if i'm not wrong, did someone buy you uh, twelve roses? ;D and i'm hoping he's not your brother because okay he's quite cute HAHAHA)

A super super big thank you to everyone who supported LSE and bought a flower! :D
They're pretty! (and I can pretend like I actually bought them for my mum, hence stay up later hoho)

Can't wait for b11atch dance concert ♥

Still can't touch my toes.

11:25 PM

#365; I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exist
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

LSL Training today!
I'm kind of freaked out for when we actually have to story tell to the little kids, I am not entertaining, sorry. D:
And it's kind of new to us all, I think, the importance of really taking into consideration every single word you say and every action you make, in case you bring across the wrong message.

Yes, kway, I need lessons on tact. -.-

Made HanJun and WeiYi wait for like one hour because they released us forty minutes after I thought they would /: I'M SORRYYYYY!! ...at least you got to do English? D:

Went to Bras Basah Complex to visit The Awesome Popular = got very excited at the prospect of a cafe on level 3 (but it was closed, must be a sign) + HanJun spent forever reading through two dictionaries trying to choose one + hiding behind shelves in big populars is awesome + HanJun and WeiYi singing Promiscuous Girl again and again LIKE OKAY WHATEVER THANKS AH + I like colours and how seeing them all put together just makes you so fluttery and happy + I hate budgets + YAMI YOGHURT + I think I'm going to start swearing by it hahaha (L)

And I need to be able to touch my toes relatively easily by Saturday.

9:50 PM

#364; save them for a rainy day
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And I hope this helps.
Don't tear yourself down, you don't deserve it.

You deserve a whole lot more than you think you do, so remember that.

10:51 PM

#363; but don't you leave cos I know all I need is on the other side of the door

I went to taco bell for lunch today and paid for it entirely with change. That way, it feels like I'm not actually spending money and I'm getting a free lunch instead. MLIA
Hehe doobie maybe that's how you spent $97 in four days on food ;D ;D

Philo COI SA today, very fun hahaha, and omg Jie Lin I love you you gave me like ten thousand ticks O:
I like knowing that everything that screws up, like failing physics, was predetermined.
(yes, i'm escaping from reality, whateverrr)

Today I will finish English AA and Geog FA.

I like going home early.

And I need to watch a movie soon, last time I watched one was like Alice in Wonderland?! D:
Hahahaha hope The Runaways isn't NC16 ;D
(Imagine watching Eclipse after that omg)
OMG I NEED TO WATCH A MOVIE BEFORE SCHOOL ENDS, or my life will officially be Pathetic.

5:48 PM

#362; you know I'm strong, but I can't take this
Monday, May 17, 2010

I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

I told my husband I would understand if he wanted to leave, he didn't sign up for a mentally ill wife, and I have made his life hell for the past three years.

He just smiled and said, "In sickness and in health covers crazy, too."

His love GMH.

GMH, MMT, Taylor Swift and chick flicks and romcoms are turning me into a hopeless romantic. D:

And speaking of which,
Love you WeiYi hahaha, the timings were so in favour of miley cyrus HOT GUYS.


7:53 PM

#361; if i go crazy then will you still call me superman
Sunday, May 16, 2010


Does this feel good or what.

Is there anymore homework due tomor-
No wait, I don't care right now, because


9:48 PM

#360; if you're looking for a show

Cheer + AR yesterday!

Never going to wear a black shirt to cheer prac again omg, I thought it be more uh concealing BUT NO WAY LOL. Cheered with Waddle, the sec ones aren't very enthu but their volume's pretty okay! They have no mass dance enthusiasm ): Left before learning the new choreo MINCHIH/CRYSTAL TEACH ME SOONNN.

Ended up being the only one showering because Wei Yi didn't sweat at all (wtpoabnpweha you just sat down all through house prac didn't you!) and Hanin came too late, so rushed off to Plaza Sing to meet YongXin and JunYu, and everyone was late hahaha. Hanin bought her stupid cheese fries that were clumped like gross little chunks and she started forcing WeiYi and I to eat it, unglam + disgusting much, and the guys kept laughing at us wtf! They went to buy the cake, because we were taking too long, no heart-shaped ones but it had some pink on it! HAHA. Was like 15 minutes late (RAE-ANN I'M SORRY, I LOVE YOU!!), and set up the cake all ready for The Plan, but someone came late so uhh, turned into a birthday surprise for nicole!

Set up the cake and WeiYi's laptop on this table in the middle of nowhere, then dismantled 313's cupboards hahaha, and everyone hid inside for shit long because Nicole didn't check her phone and we all started sweating .___. Rushed in and out like crazy "OMG SHE'LL SEE OUR BAGS" and then suddenly YongXin was like SHE'S COMING and we all ran inside and waited forever,
"Eh was it you who saw her coming?"
"Not really, I saw someone in a black shirt"
"Uh, she's in her PSB shirt today"

But then finally she came and we all mad-rushed into the cupboards and heard the door click open and it was all silent because we had to wait 5 minutes for her to finish watching her birthday video:
(Made by Ryan!)

And then five minutes later we heard the door click again and everyone was like o__o and Brillia gave a feeble scream (that was supposed to be our cue) and we all scrambled out of the cupboards to see Nicole hovering at the door because she thought we'd be hiding outside and started singing happy birthday and she was like "YONGXIN VERY BUFF MEH?" hahahaha.

Laura the Awesome got us permission to eat in class ("we have RI guests, so we have to be hospitable") and then Hanin started smearing cream all over herself like, UHM, OKAY, hahahaha gives a new meaning to face cream!

Discussion was pretty okay, at least now we still have a full-day AR :D
Got bored so we started playing circle games (again) like 007 and tukituki (WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LIKE THIS?) and bandage which ended up as a personal face cream treatment too, thanks hanin, and no I'm not pissed at you LOL!

Confirmed game ideas after that, at least now our skeletal draft is done :D :D With a very awesome, unwilling secretary, HAHA rae-ann! And WeiYi have fun typing it out HAHA

Dinner at Plaza Sing, left with Amelia WeiYi Rae-Ann Brillia Keerthana Ryan FuKang and I, then Han Jun joined us later! I love eating under the escalator. OH and omg amelia's hotdog was epic-ly disgusting, it had a mush of yellow cabbage looking like things which she dumped and this hotdog that was so damn big she ate it separate from the bread like uh, okay, not eating that again. Dinner = a lot of awkward and pregnant turtles and hand shape things (with hole-in-the-head dragons/snakes) and weird looks and "YES!" and random waving and ...should-never-go-there-again topics and move-in-security-guard! and expressions guys should never wear and cross-eyed retard faces and yami yoghurt sharing and well it was fun :D

OH and omg hahaha ride to plaza sing = rae-ann waved to yongxin and junyu who got off at orchard mrt and ryan waved back and walked over and was like.. himself.

WeiYi insisted on leaving afterward so we all left, went to Sweet Talk to steal straws but didn't so Ryan went to ask the woman if he could take some (in good chinese some more wtf) and he got like, five THANK YOU THANK YOU I would say I love you to bits but, uh, no. :D

MRT with WeiYi HanJun FuKang home, with eyedrop-dropping and I forgot what we talked about hahaha, I love OT meetings!

Okay, and now all tabs closed, hello Physics.

9:11 AM

#359; looking for a reason
Friday, May 14, 2010

I love how these little wake-up calls are planted everywhere, to get me to


6:30 PM

#358; somebody like you

awww ♥

And NO, I wasn't hooked on Tumblr for the past two hours (ikr, home so early), I was choosing a movie for English AA.
Yes I was.

2.4 today! I GOT A C :D :D :D 15:32!
And I feel so accomplished ahaha, I only walked for a quarter of a round (don't ask why I run so slow hmph)

Done with SS AA, 4.0!
One down, three to go.

Cheer + YOG + OT bonding tomorrow! (:
& go see this!

5:17 PM

#357; you get a little but it's never enough
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Watching people do 2.4 is so depressing/heartening at the same time /: Saw two people looking close to collapsing, and so many others running and running again and again just to help their friends.

2.4 tomorrow ):
Aiya get C very happy already.

Tomorrow I will go home early.
Not even milk tea.

I will go home, and finish my Physics.
Yes I will.

Maehanyi the Master Of all things Magical (like, self-control).

yinyu OMG THOSE CROSS-EYED ONES hahahahaha, okay I think I like the current banner more than that ;D haha thank you! :D The video effects are with iMOVIE DARLING, DON'T YOU HAVE LIKE, MAC CLASSES?! I like the part with your face ;D Hmph Picky Wei Yi
jocie thankyouthankyouthankyou jocieee I saw your blog post ♥ I hope it'll have the same effect on the p6es /:
weiyi OMG YA and how we can look at cloth and think "yeah okay decent price", or "let's go see somewhere else" why are we turning into aunties?!
HANIN HAHA I don't WANT my sleep! but, thank youuu (:
amelia meme I love you to bits and thank you for that sms too ♥ hahaha, eight, you're turning me into a peeeg. I think, if next year, after striping, I watch it again, I'll cry like shit. ):

9:19 PM

#356; do you feel my heart beating, do you understand
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well, sorry, nobody told me that the moment you stepped into a "premier" school your worth would be quantified by grades, and everything co-curricular that you actually enjoy should be thrown out the window, ignored, or left to someone else to complete because it doesn't matter that everyone else has their own commitments, only I, my needs (actually, YOUR needs) matter right? Oh and my grades, or lack thereof.

Screw you and your expectations, I'm not obliged to live up to everything you couldn't.

9:32 PM

#355; baby bump that track
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today, his daughter killed herself with the gun he bought to protect his family. MMT

OH prep tomorrow! :D
Yay I hope we get to structure/gadget-tie or banner paint (or maybe not).

Chinatown with kway today, finished my yuwenlianxi while she was at OH training, first in a long long long while I feel so accomplished!!
And it really sucks how we're starting to know our way around Chinatown. D:

): very tired.
And OH video needs editing D:

8:31 PM

#354; god blessed the broken road, that led me straight to you

1-and-a-half hours past the extended deadline, but heck, it's doneeeee.

Hope it isn't too sucky though, late nights (very very late considering I slept at like eleven latest the past few nights because I was too damn tired) tend to ruin all sense of judgement (which explains why I did eat midnight ice-cream).


2:34 AM

#353; yes I know they wanna kiss me
Monday, May 10, 2010

Was just rewatching it and, ♥

Just 16 more days.

11:50 PM

#352; you know better than that

I'm considerably happier now (thank you tumblr, hahaha), but nowhere near completing the video damnnn.
And I'm in the mood for near-midnight ice-cream, but I don't like dark kitchens!

I'd better get my ass up to bed by 12:30 if I want to be passably functional tomorrow.
Chinatown. D:

10:57 PM

#351; everything you need

i'm shit stressed now don't know what i'm doing here.
a lot of things to blog about but another day.

love you hanjun i loved today thank you and we should totally do it again some other time.

choir concert in 10 days, something to look forward to.

okay okay calm down.

8:44 PM

#350; it's the age of princesses and pirate ships
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!
(Though you don't read this/I don't let you read it :D)
And no, I'm not implying that you'll end up dead and fried TOUCH A LOT OF WOOD.

But just so you know, I love you a lot a lot and thank you for well, putting up with me all these years, even though sometimes I'm an annoying brat yes I know ):
And I'm saying this here because I won't say it out loud hahaha.

yinyu what face do you love drawing I forgot! D: OMGYA manga drawings will look disgusting and that's so un-weiyi! HAHA YES YOU ARE FIRST :D
HANIN see that's how you get followers ;D thank me now, s'okay HAHA

9:59 PM

#349; hit by a brick the other day, just when I thought that I'm okay

And I'm back, and I haven't completed anything.
Hanin, this is what tumblr does to me D:

Email + Blogger + FB + every non-SS-related tab will be closed now.

7:37 PM

#348; between the lines of fear and blame

My brother would totally agree. -.-


Good luck with life, with love, and be nicer to me!! D:

ahtiyah's buddy ;D says: (PM 04:37:30)
our new time table
has a history block in it

Maehanyi says: (PM 04:40:41)

ahtiyah's buddy ;D says: (PM 04:40:48)
go see!!!!!!!
i was like huh?

Maehanyi says: (PM 04:41:56)
which day/week!

ahtiyah's buddy ;D says: (PM 04:42:08)
bothe weeks have

Maehanyi says: (PM 04:42:08)

ahtiyah's buddy ;D says: (PM 04:42:12)

4:37 PM

#347; I can't watch the time go by

(I think the URL is the first smart thing she's ever done.)

And this is so pretty, if I ever got tumblr it'd be for this!
Love you ninah for using it 8D

4:00 PM

#346; should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere

Okay today will be the day I fully regain possession of every shred of self-control and time management I have within me.

OH Video
Physics PT
English AA
Chem PT
Chem Worksheet
Chinese Essays x2
Chem File

Wtf is wrong with rgs.
See you in three hours, with SS AA completed and OH Video halfway done!

(And okay I will keep to my promise)
Tag Replies!
yinyu HAHA maybe maybe, I wouldn't know! But sucks la so many of the photos are camwhoring, can't put in vid D:
HANIN heehee too bad yinyu's first :D YES YES (L) I was totally falling asleep near the end hahahaha nothing against you ya ;D

2:11 PM

#345; another day to sing about the magic that was you and me
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just lent my raffles umbrella to my brother who is going out with AC friends HAHA HOPE IT RAINS :D

I have no self-control this is so annoying.

And nobody is free on tuesday?! D:

Okay you know what I'm going to start replying tags hahaha, don't worry I read all of them and I love them/you all a lot okay! But I'm not going to reply now because I don't know where to start, so :D (yes I don't even have enough motivation to do that. damn)

7:07 PM

#344; I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways

omg why is singapore so damn hot + filled with annoying mosquitos I have like four bites now! D<

Broke resumed diet on day 1 eating ice-cream HAHA, but weiyi says we need a bit of cocoa everyday + today is shit hot. ):

I want to migrate to Antartica.

5:38 PM

#343; where are the dreams, my cinderella story scene

Drenched like a pig - (do pigs really sweat hahaha never seen one, but then again I've only seen a dead pig ._.) and I am so bathing before meeting next Saturday or, embarrassing/..revealing much.

Anyone wants to accompany me to China-qpfhejbq3uqU$P#as-town to buy cloth for OH banner on Tuesday?
omg kway can't believe you're doing this to me.

Heehee this is how guides photo-sourcing looks like.
And if you see your facebook photos in the video sorry I stole them and I should tell you but I stole them from so many people I can't remember which belongs to who AND IT'S FACEBOOK so uh all privacy is as good as gone, so :D

And OMG YES heart attack guides banner cannot look like that HAHAHA embarrassing much.

3:00 PM

#342; this is what I get for wishful thinking
Friday, May 7, 2010

Guides Room Clean-Up today!

Haha I think our first guides room clean-up versus today's - enthusiasm level is steadily going down, and we're like uh don't need stock take la about the same things. But we will clean it up to ultimate awesomeness before QM handover!

AR/AG Discussion after that, everytime I'm with some b11atchie the conversation just steers towards Amazing Race! Cool ideas, but really quite different from last time, looking forward to next sat in a way I guess!

Cheer tomorrow, 2.4 on monday, SS AA on thursday, OMG OSL 100 PLUS SALES ON THURSDAY, SEC TWOS COME AND BUYYY :D

And omg bitching session with Hanin + Rae-Ann wasn't even bitching hahaha people stop asking!

9:10 PM

#341; I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today marks the ten year anniversary of the day when I slapped him and screamed at him remorselessly for not letting me in the bathroom after we ate breakfast. That moment also marks the positive turning point in my battle with Bulimia. I think he saved my life that day. MMT

Macs with Rae-Ann and Hanin today :D
They're crazy seriously, but I love talking to them, it's like how for everything you always have that certain person(s) you can talk to more about a certain topic? That kind of thing.

Hanin: You know how brunettes, blondes and redheads are all pretty and something, like pretty and smart or pretty and dumb - then, where do the ugly people go?
Rae-Ann: They go... (dramatic pause) for plastic surgery.

Made someone's birthday card too, drawn by Amelia, BE VERY HAPPY/EXCITED, because I know you read this hahaha.

Okay. Need to get thoughts nice and ready and ordered.
AR. Jocie I just read your post and I feel so bad I didn't.. well I guess I was always trapped in my own little bubble thinking everyone was free enough to give their all but now, well. No, not everyone is. And neither will I be, in a while. But, I know we'll all put in effort into this right? I mean like. Look at banner. We weren't exactly the free-est of people and with a very tight deadline but look look look how it turned out ;D OKAY THIS IS MOTIVATIONAL. GOGOGOGOGO.

8:05 PM

#340; outta my head
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And so, 17 June isn't happening anymore ):
Right now in the midst of hoping the sec fours will continue working with us, doing with sec threes will just awkwardify everything again. /:

And I know I looked annoyed and pissed and everything today, but it's not because of the necessary changes or whatever. I just.. well frankly I expected more perseverance from b11atch la, I mean look at us, we can totally do this you knowww.

Bitching session with Hanin + Rae-Ann tomorrow OMG CAN'T WAIT.
Discussion too I guess!

9:01 PM

#339; I know I'm playing with fire
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I loved how we schemed together to cheat for IPU (quite fail because Mrs Anis found out anyway hahaha and came over to go, LAST TWO NOT COUNTED D< ) and cheered for each other ("LOOK THAT'S _______ KNOCK HIM OFF YOU HATE HIM" "PIERCE HIS EYEBALLS" "2 MORE CM AND WE BUY YOU MILK TEA" "FLY FLY FLY!") and.. well I don't think I've ever had a PFT this awesome (:

Half tempted to get a headache next mon and defer with b11atch, but. ):
Will get it over and done with.

Next year's April Camp should totally clash with PFT again HAHA (:
And SUPER BIG CONGRATS to Wang Xuan and Amelia and Jocie and Han Jun and Keerthana for getting the next grade/putting in so much effort I really respect you all I wouldn't have that much perseverance if it were me. Next year we'll do better! :D

Yay everything seems to be getting back on track.

I love b11atch.
And I know we keep saying that and I don't know why but there're these points in time where you just think about everything and that's the first thing that comes to your mind because you have a problem or you want to whine or bitch or you're scared or you just need some insanely lame person to lighten things up and they're all in b11atch ♥

8:21 PM

#338; fighting for nothing, crying for nothing
Monday, May 3, 2010

I swear no other CCA will give you the opportunity to do such diverse things from dancing and hopping gayly around a fire to working your butt off trying to lug crazy heavy tent bags around to being all demure and girly and braiding hair to smelling like some smoker after firelighting and looking weird collecting leaves at the side of the road.

And I think I should get down to properly posting about April Camp.

I really love April Camp in general and how it feels so we-are-guides and like we're revisiting our roots and really getting down to what makes us, well us. And without forgetting all the little things that makes camp, and guides amazingly home-y like meal rings and fall in and colours and insect-tolerating and minute leg-get-the-hell-off-me-you-stupid-fly-shaking and song singing and campfires and getting high and food finishing and toilet cleaning and well, getting scolded, and station games and running around and helping others and singing grace and loving sleep and morning exercise and lovely showers and holding doors and talking across stalls and guides own and blowing fires feeling like dragons and feeding the cookers and eating up all the stray bits of food and camwhoring and milo in the morning and general enthu-ness.

Yet it had all that bits more like real, good outdoor cooking and the pretty tent house (one day if I become old and broke and poor I will buy gadget poles and twine and ditch Ikea) and Wide Game and tent pitching with crazy heavy tents and very fun cart pushing and a proper campfire pit (even though there wasn't a fire!) and insects and bathing with the bees (this sounds like dancing with the stars) and sleeping in cockroach tents and picnic breakfasts and all that (L).

But, everyone's saying stuff about how this is a training camp and how we're supposed to learn stuff from it and how they DID learn stuff from it and I'm still trapped in my little blur bubble and thinking.. what did we learn? If it's about sense of urgency and all that, haven't we already learnt all that from the standard guides sessions? Taking initiative to help others, well that's.. I guess that's a lesson I never got to experience because well they helped us, and maybe I'm taking things too literally and not seeing what things mean but I really can't figure out what I really learnt from this camp ): what NEW thing I really learnt. Or maybe usual sessions are already so effective HAHA (:

Well. I think April Camp was, a really.. interesting experience. Patrol mates I don't talk that much to, and the allocations really did provide more opportunity for all that, and the opportunities given to us during this camp was amazing, it's stuff we'd never get to do in school, which the YAs have noted and realised and wrapped it up into this perfect bundle called April Camp ♥

7:22 PM

#337; now you're gone, there you go, somewhere I can't bring you back

today divine preordination sent me an angel in the form of a fluently english-speaking mcdonalds delivery guy who heard me calling the locksmith from his place at the semicircle slumped over his delivery bag. lost your keys? he called, and I was near tears and I said yes, they fell into the car and I have no allowance for the next 3 months, and walked sadly past him and ignored him. he followed me and asked my dad politely, can I help, sir? and my dad, half murderous and half extremely upset, went oh I don’t know, I really don’t know… and the guy walked back to his motorcycle and wrenched out tweezers and whatnot and clambered onto the seat and rooted about. too far in, he said. then he felt around and and muttered, it’s a continental model, bound to be a catch somewhere, then found said catch and yanked up the seat and effortlessly revealed the key that I had dropped between the seatbelt switches into the cavity below that we’d spent a painful half hour rooting with stuck hands for and my parents were prepared to slaughter me over. there, he said. and after the parents were done thanking him and threatening me in front of him they drove off for their walk and it had been a horrible day and I began to cry and he sat there with his delivery bag and its soggy mcwing contents (some customer wrote him off, he said) and comforted me on the steps for half an hour. his name was christopher something, and he is well educated, and he was a godsend. I don’t know how to say this but really, really, really, GMH and MMT and every possible good acronym there is in the world.

Woke up at 6 today (!!!) I need more sleeping-in days ):
But post-Sports Fest period is going to be weirdd, with too empty Saturdays /:
Learnt the cheer, need to practise!

12 days to Final Cheer Review.
19 days to Open House.
24 days to Sports Fest.

Went for OSL Team Bonding after that, at like 11plus O:
Not a lot of people went, and we mainly just ate hahaha, or walked around and stared at swans and wondered if they were fake. And omg Wang Xuan and I ate so much trying to finish the food D:
I've been pigging out like crazy the past few days trying to finish leftover food that nobody wants to eat D<
Plaza Sing after that, hobo-ed under the escalator (which now has an annoying potted plant in the middle of nowhere and sand on the ground! D: )

Left with WangXuan (I linked the blogs for you go see!) at like 1plus, to eat yami yoghurt and go home hee :D
Discussed guides stuff with her, I'm worried/excited/VERY VERY VERY WORRIED.
Yay but I love you Xuan Wang :D


3:31 PM

#336; darling I wish you were here
Sunday, May 2, 2010


And shit, AR proposal.

Cheer + OSL tomorrow!
Need to buy M&Ms hahaha, Amelia are you going?

8:32 PM

#335; I wish you never looked at me that way

Sports Fest is in 25 days ):

We are screwed. Cheer Prac tomorrow, we can do this!!

And I really hope that every one of us, every single member of this team can really give more. It's a commitment we signed up for, it's something we joined because we love dancing, so why shouldn't we be putting in all our effort, this is getting ):

5:42 PM

#334; we must unite for what is right, in friendships true and strong


My eyes are dim
I cannot see
I have not brought my specs with me

There was WeiYi, WeiYI
Making lots of babies
In the store IN THE WHERE In the storeee
There was WeiYi, WeiYi
Making lots of babies
In the Quarter Master's store

I LOVE THAT SONG, Amelia YinYu WeiYi HanJun and I started going high on it :D

April Camp was really quite awesome, and I have bad thought organisation, so.

1. I love sleeping in tents! We wake up with disgusting sweaty hair but the five tents are so pretty, they're all pitched facing Colours and everything looked so guidey and (L). And sleeping stories are very.. odd, apparently Yin Yu stuck her hand out in the middle of the night and was like "SHUWEN HELP ME HOLD" and I sleep in odd positions with protruding body parts (wtf?!) and Amelia wishes people goodnight while she's already asleep LOL.

2. OUTDOOR COOKING WAS COOL SHIZZ we cooked proper food, like baked rice with spam cheese and pizza (with proper dough!) with spam cheese and chicken kebabs and chocolate bananas! The pit was awesome, zhiqi made it into some perfect little rectangle and the fire lighted with one match (!!!) and ... we make weird noises when we blow fires ):

3. Gadgets! Baggage rack, towel rack, shoe rack, malleting (omg weiyi's bruise HAHA), it all feels so traditional! But nobody used the towel rack because night time = a lot of insects = a lot of shit = D:

4. WIDE GAME. Hahaha screwed it up we ran around everywhere finding red paper and random masking tape stickers because we had no idea what all the clues lead to, so, hahaha. BUT SIR WALTER RALEIGH GOT 3RD PLACE! :D

5. Oh yes omg,
SIR WALTER RALEIGH = Lyana ZhiQi Brillia ChunHui YinYu and I :D

6. Lyana: "Life is like penises. The longer you live the harder it gets."
Yin Yu: "HUH?! I thought it gets softer!"
Me: "WHAT?! You mean you have experience is it!"

7. BREAKFAST BREAD SPAMMMMMAGE. Haha ate like 5 slices of bread for breakfast today D< Amelia ate a total of 8-and-a-half slices over two days LOL. (Y)

8. DINNER SPAMMAGE OMG. Bee Hoon x 3 servings because KOH WEI YI is an annoying person + Kim is an.. annoyingly successful guilt-tripper = D:

9. Twin Towers! Haha we were totally comparing it to OT's, so not as awesome, but (L) enough!

10. BATCH CAMWHORING HAHA, (I swear, stick around nicole during out-of-school trips and your facebook photo count will explode) [x] Come on Nicole upload soon!

11. Reflections time! I really really really don't know how to express this but when asked what do you like most about guides and I kept seeing B11ATCH, B11ATCH, B11ATCH and, I LOVE YOU B11ATCH ♥♥♥♥♥♥

12. I'm sorry I'm not doing April Camp justice my mind is woozy and the only thing I'm thinking of is I HAVE NOT BROUGHT MY SPECTACLES WITH MEEEE. I love that song.

13. BATCH LUNCH! = WeiYi HanJun and I, THANKS AH. But it was, well we talked about a lot of things. And I realised that everyone needs major.. sharing sessions after camps HAHA, next year, next year!! March Camp 2011 will be ♥

OMG nearly forgot:
14. CAMPFIRE!! Haha Zann + Trisha asked Brillia and I to be emcees and we were like /: okay... but it was really quite fun because their wasn't a script so we made up shit connecting stuff and sang and tried getting people to high (yes weiyi I love you a lot a lot for singing so much :D)

4:52 PM