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#174; tarzan and jane are swinging on a vine
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I shall use this time while waiting for Candyman to download to blog!

Spork Sales are finally over! And I think we did better than expected xD Two very pretty colours sold out, almost no major screw ups, and uh, many happy spork-wielders!

But WAAY more importantly, TALENT VOGUE 2!
Didn't go last year because it was concert-period and I'd already watched a lot of concerts, but I am so happy I went this year. Had Guides first, Yoga/Stretching & Breathing was very fail, very amusing, and very... PE warm-up-ish. AND I HATE YOU KOH WEI YI ):

(OMG this just reminded me of some MSN conversation with weiyi and kim and then weiyi was leaving and I said 'KOH KOH DON'T GO' and kim was like 'DID YOU JUST CALL ME KOHKOH?!')

After that was ASEAN test, very scary, they asked for 5 goals which was very DD: because I couldn't remember any specifics! Farewell Prep after that, we didn't manage to get anything done D:

Waited very very long for Eda afterward (actually just 15 minutes), then we went to Far East with Min Yan for dinner! Met Amelia WeiYi HanJun there, then Crystal (s)Melissa came after, then Rachel Tans! I think we all ate Chippies except for Crystal who had cheecheongfun and melissa who.. dieted? and I don't think the Rachel Tans ate either O: I liked that dinner, it was very fun and... nice? Because it's like we all know each other through different ways, 210, guides, squash, friend's friend, and we all still felt comfortable as a group and everything <3 After that WeiYi and Amelia and the Rachel Tans left, then the six of us left for school! Except for melissa who decided to go home ._.

The TV queue was super super long, but we had very nice entertainment like a very mature Aru ;D and WenYing looked very scary, very cool how a bit of eyeshadow put in the right places can scarify you O: And Mr De Souza was very normal, which was very unexpected because he's him LOL. But then again him being normal was weird enough. There was some pathway thing that was okay scary but not THAT scary because it was just gross and not scare-you-freaky, but we screamed anyway for the fun of it :D AND MR EVANS WAS OMGGG. I shan't upload the photo here, but here's the fb link:

Performances were awesome, violinists, two singers, another two singers, the sec3 dancers, who were super super awesome and nadia and rachel were both very very pro and the entire dance was very nice to watch! And they killed Alice, haha CONGRATS :D (this is so sadistic)

And argh I am in no mood to post now (why does it always come to this?), TV2 was awesome, very very awesome I hope there's a TV3 next year, I will so attend it.

OMG, YES, WENYING NATASHA SHIJIN PERFORMANCES! Very Very Very nice omg, I liked the dresses! and the dance! and everything! and the beatboxing+singing was very cool also :D

Okay this post is very very incoherent. I'm going to sleep now, and add on to the fourteen hours of sleep I've already had today D: 16/24 hours, LOL, I'll only be awake 1/3 of the day! goodnight world.

9:24 PM

#173; she's got you high and you don't even know it
Wednesday, October 28, 2009


And because he is so awesome, he drove me all the way to a CC because the hyperlink for online registration is screwed up so that I could sign up for "Dancepointe Hip Hop (Teenage to Adult)"!

And because he is so awesome, he lets me go all the way to SENGKANG CC just so that I won't have to attend class alone xD OMG I'm very very very excited I've never attended a dance class since... p5! (And that was for Chinese Dance ._.) And it's starting on Sunday omgomgomgomgomg.

Not super awesome as a performance, but I think it'll be fun to learn! (Though I don't think we'll actually be learning this dance or the choreographer must have run out of ideas for what, two years?)

Oh and today I had the most sinful and AWESOME lunch with Doob LOL. ShihLin + Milk Tea + Graffiti Cafe Fried Wanton :D And then we spent another one hour trying to play some Spikey game which is seriously addictive that I missed my stop and spent a very long time walking home (while playing Spikey). I love love love love Post-EYA period, you know even the talks aren't that bad. Olympic Day tomorrow! Then Spork Sales -- I am very scared something will screw up.

(spoil my mood)

6:56 PM

#172; to knock them down
Saturday, October 24, 2009

I just realised how long it's been since I tag replied! O:

maehanyi why didn't you thank me for helping you code your blog!!!
maehanyi your blog is super funny i baked cookies today and i packed my room and i already threw away my secone stuff LAST YEAR and i've been watching youtube a lot ever since EYAs started and my letters are super neat and popular has discount on notebooks (i think!) and i highlighted the first three letters of brain and was wondering why it screamed sleep i talk a lot O: i want to watch fame!

Thanked already! LOOOOONG AGO because I am very grateful and yingshuisiyuan! If that's how you use it, I wouldn't know I have forgotten my Chinese roots already HAHAHA GET IT? Omg you know I haven't done any of that list! I am going to pack my room soon! Maybe tomorrow or Monday or Tuesday or next year. (I like the last option the most) OOH IT DOES? But I already found pretty notebooks to buy at Taka! Maybe I should go see popular first. First three letters of brain? bra? HUH? How does bra scream sleep omg Cheryl are you okay I think you need TCM because.. I don't know, TCM does everything! and have you watched fame already?

"so hanjun, me amelia and I stayed and talked" MAYO YOU ARE TOO SELF-ABSORBED
oh and you're not thirteen anymore! ...camwhore.
hello mayo retard i will colonise more of your tagboard! yesterday was awesome awesome awesome we should get together and talk more often hmm sleepover in the december hols! <3 oh december camp funfunfun! convince your dad to let you/us sleepover! and we will talk through the night and not sleep yay i love you and our batch and hmm.
and mm i agree with jocie don't get too self-delusional about your singing ablilities yeah? (not even singing in the shower that's called shower head abuse D:)
jocie guess what i read your archives too you sounded very cute hohoho (isoundpaedo) mayo: i keep a diary hahaha i fill up like, one notebook a year which is why i dont blog (:
because i am awesome (and egoly told her to put it there with all her other <3s) and everyone cant help but love me can they (:
yinleng's blog is lj
mayo, post! hello laura (:
omg the same thing happened to me for rock climbing! lanes 3 and 4 are impossibly hard; i never got past bouldering, even with the harness and all D: but i managed 6 panels on lane 1 (:

OMG amelia, you tag a lot O: I changed that already! LOOOONG AGO TOO HAHA :D Oh yes omg I haven't changed that since... last year, okay. Camwhore?! ME?! LOL this was from so long ago. No, my shower head is very encouraging of my singing talents, unlike some people ): hahaha jocie this is what you get for keeping a blog for soooo looooooong, but no you shouldn't delete anything! A diary? WOW I'll never have the patience to write in it. But OMG I think I will try write in a diary for like a week or so, I bet I'll only have one entry -.- HAHA, I think I will delete my love message for you very soon or your ego will fly fly fly fly fly. Okay but I don't think I'll ever change the URL unless I change my age too then I'll do them all together! Yes I posted already haha. ME TOOOO. I love the first lane. you know I tried to do Lane 3 just the week after Lane 1 and then I couldn't go anywhere I feel so lousyyy hahaha. Eeyer NetCarn on Monday, are you playing? I'm cheering and we have no cheer or routine -.-

hello mayo. (: haha I haven't been to anyone's blog for ages. ;D Never knew you had a blog. xD whatever. TAGGED.
HELLO WEIYI :D ooh I am honoured (because I so did not tell you to tag right?)

maiyo hello omg maiyo whats up. i dont want a dictionary, tyvm.

Yes you do spell that bad, what is "II"?! And I copied and pasted so it's definitely what you typed LOLOL. HAHAHA so ironic, THAT'S why you need a dictionary then ;D

yes dear i loved today too and haha omg the 8 hours passed really fast and i was really sad to leave >< we must have more of this kay (: don't delude yourself though, i think maybe you should stick to singing in the shower to yourself (omg my tag is so long ahaha i'm going to colonise your tagboard) and i managed to watch spore idol in the end heh i was going to talk more then i realised that your blog was public and no fun to reveal our awesomeness too early so never mind xD haha okay i love you mayo! <3 (yes really, don't make me take it back)
omg you read my archives D: they're highly embarassing. but (: anyway yes do blog more then i will have more to read heh. (ps. i love you too hahaha)
oh no i am doubly embarassed. i think diaries are cool but i never had the patience to keep one/ could stand to write so much. win some & learn some (: and about holiday dance classes, sure, if you can find a nice one (: hey hey why does amelia get a love proclamation in your profile I WANT ONE TOO D:
thank you ♥
haha i couldn't see you properly in the video watch with me sometime and show me okay? i will crashhh your qts outing.

WOW you tag a lot too! yes I loved that day too too! :D OI, I SING VERY PRO OKAY. Maybe I should show you someday HAHAHA I will burn your ears off (because it's so awesome, not that it's so sucky!). Hahahaha ah well if I privatize I wouldn't know who to invite O: LOL I am suddenly tempted to go read ALL your archives. And thanks for the Bring It On CDs, I've been watching them nonstop haha, and now I'm moving on to I NOT STUPID (you know I never realised it was so Chinese!), and I'm trying to find somewhere to download Step Up 1 & 2! I think I have a sudden obsession with dance movies I've been watching a lot like Fame then Centre Stage then some other dance show called Save the Last Dance or something like that and then your two Bring It On and now Step Up and I want to watch Take the Lead later I miss watching it ): Haha suddenly I have no motivation to find a holiday dance class, maybe it's because I'm tired okay tomorrow morning I'm going to google them! Or rather givoogle you should givoogle rather than google but google is waaay prettier, because givoogle's icon won't show. OKAY I will add your love proclamation too, when I get around to removing amelia's, changing my age, and changing links! HAHA AMELIA I LOVE YOU TOOOO. you can go and check youtube everything is there and youtube has good quality! (well better than last time) Okay I will "unintentionally" post the details here and you can very coincidentally bump into us but I doubt we'd ever get around to even having one because of everything in the holidays like uh, ACP ): At least a blessing of no grad dance and AA means our schedule is WAAY less packed, but less fun too argh ):

hey! i like my blogskin better._.
HAHA PISS OFF ): My blogskin is very pretty okay! (yes yes, I love you Cheryl)

aww, amelia <3 hello mayo I was just reading your blog and wow, it's so different- I like it so much now I'm gonna check back everyday
Haha laura you must be very disappointed I blogged very little!

wow maehanyi! you were such a bronzed warrior today....:D
i like point 2 and 9!

LOL,I guess that's better than "egyptian princess" hahahaha ty. Eh, what are they again? I'm lazy to check haha.

EHHHH what dress code! =O and why cant i have a say in it ! HAHA.
haha I told you during phototaking already! WHERE YOU WANT TO GO? We need to plan fastttt. And we can apply our Appropriate Attire knowledge LOL :D

YO! this is my first time here i have two things to say: first. update your age on your profile. second. i died laughing when i read thursday's post about monday
FIRST TIME HERE? really? no what I remember very clearly that time you told me you read through all my archives -.- WHY DOES EVERYONE NOTICE MY AGE?! WHO READS PROFILES?? lol you ego you are laughing at yourself!

CHIO CHIO SS! Tagged your blog.! woaini(:
um hi, uh thank you for your love but who are you?

7:19 PM

#171; she wolf

I was wiki-ing GMH to find more sites like it and FML and TWI (which seriously sucks), and then I found out that the creator of GMH also created Givoogle and Mugglenet! So different ._.

Went to eat at Shaw Macs with MinChih and Harvey, and there was a "little birdie" there by the name of Mr De Souza -.- And it was weird because he was sitting quite far away and I don't think he even turned around once but somehow he saw I think he has eyes on the side/back of his head.

According to Crystal their conversation went something like him telling Crystal he saw us there with an "ACS boy" and then I think he asked who's boyfriend it was and Crystal said "One's from Rosyth and the other's from RGPS, what do you think?" HAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CRYSTAL♥

After that we walked back the Draycott way, errr, someone appeared and everything became very awkward, sort of. (not for me though since it was never not awkward LOL) Then went back to school and tried choreo-ing Starstrukk, did quite a lot! Had to rush off afterwards so MinChih could go tuition and I could.. go home.

Oh and some time during lunch I tried solving the very hard PSLE math question and it's very easy eh!! (And that's saying a lot coming from me)

Guides! HanJun had to go for Selection Camp and so Miss Lee got me to give out all the money refunds from the uniform, and I've never been happier not to be treasurer. Even giving out money is hard, COLLECTING MONEY MUST BE X.X We had Appropriate Attire after that, Amelia was very surprised I had a formal blouse and skirt LOL. Very fun to see their clothes and what they'd wear haha. Next was the Topographical Map thing, learnt how to use the weird compass, I feel very smart now 8D

Helped give out the cookies afterward, then WeiYi and I went for Milk Tea! Spent like an hour plus there until really very late, then had to carry my gigantic box of cookies + paper bag + school bag on the very crowded bus, which means no seat forever and ever and ever (until Bedok, but that's forever enough). But this very kind person helped me hold my box :D (And when I told this to someone later, that someone whom I've forgotten said "But she didn't give you her seat what." -.-)

ACP PREP. I think 210 is quite productive compared to the other classes but not up to our ex-COs standards OO: Talk with ST after that, Crystal and I started uh, thinking of stuff so we could appear like we're listening. (And no, it was nothing sick. just gross, but not sick gross OKAY NEVERMIND.)

Lunch with Ningxin and MinChih at the topfloor Shaw, KFC! The salesperson was overly enthu and told us to have a nice day about three times each ._. (She reminds me of my thirdlang teacher, I think maybe Ibu Christina sent her sister to haunt me for ponning third lang)

After that MinChih left for Netball and Ningxin and I went to watch My Sister's Keeper! This is probably like the third time I've been in Lido One and twice (including this time) it was very empty considering its size! The only time I saw it reasonably full was during HPHBP haha, where like the whole theatre-worth of people started cheering when the show started! Saw the New Moon trailer big-screen, OMG NEW MOON IS LIKE. CHICKEN ESSENCE. My Sister's Keeper was very very very awesome, it ties with Nights in Rodanthe for second place in the movie-I-cried-the-most-in LOL! Marley and Me is first in Game Plan should be after that I think! Speaking of which I really want to watch Game Plan again hmmm.

Then Ningxin and I went to walk walk around ION! Didn't see any Singapore Idol stars though hahahaha. Went to Artbox and Prints I think I forgot where already then went home!

Bought TV2 tickets for $5, so worth it 8D Spent super long walking all over the world trying to find the location for the EL/Lit subj roundup, the teachers just cracked jokes and gave out forms to collect money ._. After that was SL Presentation, the SL projects they do are quite cool! But I think I'd really rather start our own. Career Talk after that, just for Medicine though, a bit.. biased?

THEN WAS RECESS, FINALLY. Didn't have Breakfast and my stomach was chewing itself up during SL presentation. Crystal and I went to check the Waddle board to see who had signed up, a whole bunch of 107 people had O: And MinChih remains the lone warrior (bad pun, whatever) on Monday, probably 'cause they're scared of her ;D

AWWA Talk later, quite okay, but I was already super tired so I kept falling asleep to be prodded awake by MinChih -.- Lunch after that with WeiYi and Amelia, we had BK (so unhealthy this week), then went to Taka for Art Friend! I've already chosen my planner and file for next year haha, the files aren't that pretty I realise /:

And right now I have to go and do a whole chunk of CmPS stuff, and there isn't anyone online I can dump it on D: And I will begin after I finish watching Bring It On and find a good-enough website to watch Game Plan. I love Post-EYA life omg.

11:47 AM

#170; don't stop now
Monday, October 19, 2009

i have absentince from my hpone

What brilliant spelling skills phyllis has LOL.

Tomorrow is paper checking! I don't know if I'm scared or not omg ): Because if I do well :D OMG, AM I GETTING MY NEW MAC? And if I don't I'm stuck to using a lousy laptop with the audio abnoaepfjagk thing spoilt. (I think I should brace myself for this computer to hang in revenge.)

I feel quite accomplished this weekend! Because there's like no homework, except for Guides! And yesterday I spent, what, seven plus hours making two posters that look like I threw them together in half and hour -.-

CIP at Tzu Chi!
It was quite okay, reached there slightly after 10, and then we started sorting out paper, different plastics, steel etc, quite boring, a lot of mosquitoes! Then they asked us to dismantle ring binders instead which was really quite cool, first MinChih removed the gigantic ring thing with a screwdriver, then i removed the other metal stuff around it, then the rest sliced off the plastic and ripped it off! Swapped around for a bit, lunch was vegetarian, then went home! (you can tell I'm so not in the mood to blog)


1:46 PM

#168; pretty lights
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finally I can blog completely at ease. Not really the omg-exam-tomorrow kind of unease, but more of a I-don't-need-to-worry-about-anything kind of freedom!

And since time is unlimited, I shall go into a very lengthy rant on the entire EYA period (or at least until CentreStage starts.)

English was.. (I will not say good or I might curse something) nice, actually, since the topic was.. familiar LOL. Chinese was so-so, but then again it's Chinese so everybody's happy. Geog was okay, don't know if I can get a 4.0 though! History was tiring and my last question was like story telling! English P2 was so-so too, and so was Chinese P2 (I love my very wide range of vocabulary), Science felt very primary school, in terms of format! But Mr. De Souza said the more slack people did better than the nerdier people for MCQ! :D Math today, really quite easy compared to the previous ones which is very scary because I bet they'll penalize everything else.

Friday was English P2=completely unmuggable, so MinChih Ningxin Crystal Eda and I went to Pizza Hut for Student's meal! Spent like five hours there talking about everything and nothing and a lot of stuff, it was really nice (: And there was this part where things got very emotional which is seriously weird because two prominent figures out of the five of us are virtually heartless LOL.

On Friday Amelia and I went to study but after that I went off with Amanda to watch 500 Days of Summer! Very nice, the female lead is super like Katy Perry, and according to Amanda she was the female person in Yes Man!

Monday was like major mugger mode, Ningxin Crystal MinChih and I went to study at Shaw and our table was filled with files, worksheets, pens and paper with just the right amount of snacks xD But it was so tiring and we were there for so long, by the time we left I think each table already changed people twice O:

Today WeiYi Amelia HanJun and I went to Cine, and then Laura and Jocie came after! And since all the Cloudy shows were either 3D or at not good timings, we watched Fame instead, which seemed like a gamble because a certain person told us again and again how sucky Fame was -.- Turned out to be a really really awesome movie and the dancing was so good, the singing was awesome, and OMG THE DANCING WAS SO GOOD. But I really can't wait to watch This Is It, it's a show with definite singing and dancing talent! After that we went to Bishan so Amelia could get her marks, and so WeiYi HanJun Jocie and I (Laura had gone home to celebrate her Dad's birthday) went to the Guides House to use their toilet! And get the Coy Tags too LOL. After that we sat at the Circle Line part of Bishan and talked about stuff haha, which I am looking forward to :D

7:05 PM

#167; with or without you
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I cannot leave my blog on that note, nor do I want to delete it since it's.. well, history.
And I'm too dead to blog properly since it's so HOT omg ):
Long post after EYAs!
No, actually long post after I finish celebrating!
Omg I want to sleep Math Kills People.

I shall make a list of things I want to do after the exams!

1. BAKE; apple crumble banana crumble eclairs cakes cookies and everything.
2. Go to Borders and look at their very pretty stuff and walk away.
3. Sleep for 15 hours, straight.
4. Pack my room until it's so awesomely pretty.
5. Throw everything from Sec 1 and 2 that I won't need next year OUT OF MY ROOM 8D
6. Convince my dad to get me a Mac, whatever my GPA will decide to be.
7. Sort out Sporks!
9. Watch YouTube until my eyeballs pop out.
10. Find all my letters in this house and put them in the same place! (Motivation from Cheryl!)
11. Make random crafts.
12. Go School Shopping for next year and buy a whole bunch of very pretty notebooks!

Oh god I can't think of anything else, my brain keeps screaming sleep sleep sleep I think it's time I go to my bedroom and turn on the aircon and try to study.

2 More Days 2 More Days 2 More Days.
But with all the very fun stuff the school has set up for us post-EYA, it's starting to all feel like a chore /:

4:13 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

fuck my life.

1:08 PM

#165; one time
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

Justin Bieber has nice songs, even though he's only 15 and still sounds like a girl!

I realised that even though I blogged on Thursday, I never blogged about Thursday!

Thursday was an awesome day, woke up at 9+ and my schedule went something like that:
10.00 Okto's One Minute of Fame Finals (Miss Syazwani told us to watch an Okto show!)
11.00 Hannah Montana (I think this time it was cool it was quite cliched but it didn't end cliched-ly!
12.00 Ratatouille! I remember watching it in p6!
2.00 Jonas (Wasn't super awesome since they were quite try to be funny, but heck, I didn't have anything better to do)
2.30 Slacked/phone/computer/read

Basically I didn't actually mug, except for writing the Thematic Expo FA and reading TE notes.

Friday was Chinese first; don't think I did it awesomely, but it's Chinese so nevermind. English after, I was really really lucky with the topic that came out! Hope I did good enough though /: I PEEL-ed! And I realise even though PEEL-ing makes English seem like History and sort of like Geog and Lit-ish too, it's actually quite fun since it's all personal experiences we're writing from, and not memorising the 3 G's or whatever.

After that we had History for one hour which was, frankly, very waste time. Watched a video for 45 minutes, then she just re-said all the basic points of SBQ and then gave us back our long long ago essay. Oh yes, we got back some marks which I am very very happy about :D

Geog: 16/20
SIP/ISP: 46/50 (wait, I think it was upon 50. Maybe it's 36/40)

And nothing else! Haha, not very happy with History marks D:

Then Amelia Crystal MinChih I went to Shaw to study (we hope.) Ate Macs for quite long, FB stalked, talked (stalk and talk sound so alike), then finally got around to studying, for like 2-3 hours? Then Crystal Amelia and I (MinChih pangseh-ed us, again.) wanted to walk around the lower floors of Shaw to relax, but we ended up getting hooked on this video game from Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs! I am going to ask my mum for a Wii, Since the PS2 has spoilt, and all the other fun gadget stuff have been placed somewhere which my dad "forgot" -.-

I am going to make Banana Crumble now!

10:04 AM

#164; I have nothing if I don't have you
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nothing like mugging to encourage you to blog more!

Hmm, I really cannot remember how Monday went!
I think Science was a CSI day!
"Who wants me to go through the FA?"
"No one"
"Really, if just one person wants me to go through the FA, they will take priority."
"No one"
"Nobody wants me to go through the FA? If you want, say so now"
I love 210.

OH YES, I remember now, Monday was a very sleepy day. I think I slept through most of Math and I didn't even realise I did I thought I just closed my eyes for like, a minute during the Topic Summary Presentation, then when I woke up my specs had FALLEN OFF, and everything was very blurry (even when I re-put on the specs) and it was five minutes to lesson end O: And Mrs Choo didn't even wake me up like she always does with znx!

Both English blocks were about.. MoV I think, really not sure. Higher Chinese was one of the most amusing lessons ever, sat beside Crystal and we spent about ten minutes trying to decide who in our class actually paid attention for the whole ten minutes, and our list boiled down to Sophia and maybe Sze Ning, and everyone else just spaced out when they tried to listen.

Me: (whispers) uh, can I tell you something sensitive?
Crystal: uh, okay
Me: you have vegetable stuck in your third towards left tooth
[Crystal tries and fails a lot of times and we laugh like crazy.]
Crystal: That's not very sensitive what. But I have sensitive teeth.
Miss Tay: (quoting her ex-student)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All play and no work makes Jack a playboy.
(written on paper during Chinese)
Why is xxx paid to do this?
Why do we pay for this?!!? :O
(written on the same paper)
Let's give her undivided attention for two minutes. I think she will faint and die. I think so will we.
(written on said paper)
[we proceed to dissolve into peals of laughter]

Swapped seats with Nicolette and sat with MinChih during Math, Mrs Choo mainly went through worksheets and let us copy the solutions while we talked about what we want to do for CmPS next year, very fail D:

Aesthetics was really super-ly wondrously awesome, I love Production Comm! Ten of us went to Kitchen 2 to try out three new recipes, while the other 22 stayed and discussed the other aspects of ACP!

MinChih Eda Ningxin made Éclairs, it was really really cool. First they made some yellow-ish mixture, then using a self-made plastic cone thing (you know the type with the hole at the bottom to squeeze out cake icing?) they squeezed straight, short, fat lines on the baking pan which looked really weird since éclair were supposed to be puffy. But when they came out of the oven, they were all bloated up like the real éclairs, super cool O: Then they cut the side of it, squeezed in cream, then squeezed chocolate icing on the top, and it was DELICIOUS, AND THEY ARE AWESOME.

Gloria RTHP Vivian and Arunima made Swiss Roll, also cool! They whipped some creamy mixture, then spread it out on this baking pan, baked it, and it came out puffy and spongy! Then they spread jam and sugar all over it, rolled it up and cut it into cute spirally sponges :D Also really yummy.

Crystal Cheryl and I made Apple Crumble! Sliced the Apples quite thin, added lemon juice and Cinnamon. For the Crumble we put flour, cinnamon and butter, mixed it with our hands till it looked like bread crumbs, stirred in oats and sugar, poured it over the apples, and baked it for 25-30 minutes at 190degC :D I can memorise the recipe, except for the numbers! Couldn't really tell when it'd cooked, since the crumble covered everything, but when we took it out we cut it (or at least we tried to) and served them on pretty paper dollies! And everyone said ours tasted awesome ;D (though they were too crumbly, but come on, it's called apple crumble for a reason.

<3 I super can't wait to bake again!

Wednesday was hijacked by two rounds of phototaking!

Bio in the morning, went through FA, english was Appearance and Reality, Geography was about the exam, left at 10.50 to change for phototaking! Used the canteen toilets since two people headed straight for the 3rd floor toilets, Crystal paranoid-ly wore her blouse over her costume, I didn't bother and just RAAAAN. Walked to the Gym then Dance Studio to look for the poles then went back to the hall and they were all lying on the floor there xD For Fun Shot WenYing made us kneel in some weird, though warrior-like position, which was very sad because all my weight was on the left knee, which is the one with the disgusting, painful when pressure applied scab, and PRESSURE WAS APPLIED, I tell you D: Went back halfway through History after changing and everything, did SBQ! S&D after, we played Pass The Bomb, and left halfway again for Guides phototaking, changed, and spent the free twenty minutes or so looking through stuff to be returned and trying to return them, braiding a lot of hair, cutting one length of scotchtape, and drinking chrysanthemum tea!

(Wow that was a long paragraph)

Had lunch after that with HanJun Amelia Laura Jocie WeiYi, the super nice Stall 3 auntie gave me a currypuff for free! I am going to eat a Stall 3 more often so maybe the profits from me will make up for that currypuff. After that HanJun went to get her bag and I asked her to help me get mine and though she said "NO.", Jocie and Laura told me she would so I just stayed in the canteen :D

But like, five minutes before the bus left, she still wasn't down and I started freaking out and picturing mental images of her stumbling around, weighed down by the weight, so I ran up to find her yes, stumbling around, but not too badly! She went down first with everything while I returned Crystal's pole which she accidentally took. Then Amelia lost her belt and everything was very crazy for a while as I tried to make sure the bus didn't leave and rush Amelia and carry my pompoms, stick, costume, uniform and bag at the same time. Finally got on and everything was so crammed and I read through the notes once half asleep D;

Reached MOELC and Doob and Alethea stole my stick, and they hid beside some pillar and the female security guard saw it and told me to keep it at the guard table since it was a "weapon" that should not be brought into the exam room O.O It's living up to the warrior reputation, I must say. On the way there some other Security Guard called Alethea over and Doob and I followed, to listen to Alethea get scolded a lot by the guy for wearing tarbet shirt and culottes, her attitude was O.O and Doob and I looked sorrier than she did -.-

Exam was okay and I slept a lot, they give us too much time ._.
Listening was quite lousy, they either talk too fast or too slow or too blurry, so I didn't understand a lot and just guessed. Compo was okay! Though I wrote above the limit by like, 50 words o.o (I never knew I was so pro hahaha) Paper was normal!

7:01 PM