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#163; get out
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I hate people who demand inconvenience of the world, stop controlling me.

And nobody gave you bloody permission to question me and assume everything for your own pride.

4:58 PM

#162; like a battlefield
Sunday, September 27, 2009


School again tomorrow D: Not sinking in, really. Maybe in about an hour or two it'll hit me and I'll finish up my summary. Meanwhile, I will do all the QM stuff that I've been procrastinating too much on D: HANIN WEIYI PLEASE BE ONLINE ):

I really want a QTS outing! <3
We should have a dress code! (which nicole shouldn't have a say in HAHAHA)

8:19 PM

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I owe Cheerleading an official post-IHG Cheer post, so here it is!
Nine months of hard work and I think it has really paid off :) People said Waddle's was really synchro, and there are people who love it so I am HAPPEEE 8D

Thank You HanJun for filming :D

It's really quite sad to think that there's like, three more months with nothing cheer-related (unless we perform again! And Cheerleading trials in November), and even sadder to think that next year there'll only be four months of Cheer and eight months of too much freedom D:

But I'm really glad that we've all put in so much effort into this, and it's all worth it now :) We went up, we had fun, the sun didn't seem too hot, and we GLITTERED 8D

I don't really actually have much left to say, I'm just very very happy about what we've done, and I'm super looking forward to next year :D

8:33 PM

#160; cos we are so young now

Sometimes I wonder if I'd wasted eight years of my life or if I'd lived it well.

I don't know which choice I'd prefer, and I don't think I really want to know.

6:08 PM

#159; you make me smile
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Omg I'm really nervous.

Woke up half an hour earlier than I am forced to, on my own, and I couldn't sleep till midnight (we had a curfew of nine). Ah well, I'll pay for it tomorrow, right now adrenaline shall keep me awake.

Last Cheer Prac of the year yesterday, from 5.30-dinner. Did it once full out and it wasn't that tiring considering the HEAT. Team minus shijin diane sarah at Far East, saw four gays putting on makeup, high-class-ly bought milk tea, bought soup/rice, got super super full, and went home, packed for like two hours (trying to fix my sequins that look very not pretty now ): ), bathed, watched a bit of Singapore idol, Duane is pro, OMG LATER LATER LATER NINE-AND-A-HALF HOURS LEFT I don't think I'll be able to pay attention at all today /:

Nine months of blood, sweat and tears (okay not so much tears), today's the day :)


6:30 AM

#158; like they do in texas
Monday, September 21, 2009

2:25 PM

#157; I still looked at you like the stars that shined

I have this very nervous jittery feeling inside of me and I don't know why, it's scary and heartwarming at the same time - scary since this feels like someone is trying to warn me about something, or maybe something important is happening that I've forgotten everything about; heartwarming since it feels nice to know that I'm looking forward to something, whatever it might be.

2:12 PM

#156; this time I need a soldier
Sunday, September 20, 2009

I love Google Chrome! I just downloaded it and everything loads so fast that when I'm typing this I feel like as though I'm not typing fast enough to keep up with the awesome-ness of Google Chrome :D

And since I have very nearly gone back to my lazy-I-will-abandon-this-blog-now mode (thanks Amelia, Laura, your tags fired me up to post more haha), I shall write a really long post about everything that happened these past few days by the time my dad turns away from the TV and decides to wonder what I'm doing on the computer.

CSI group work thing again in the morning! Still Silent Poker, a bit fail. ): The first one was good, but the second one completely ruined our average /:

(Okay maybe I don't like Google Chrome that much, it keeps underlining all my wrong words with a squiggly red line, very demoralizing D: )

PE after that, I think it was one of the best and worst rock-climbing lessons ever.
I love you Eda, MinChih, thank you so much :)
As for the good part, OMG I CLIMBED SIX PANELS OMGOMGOMG. Last time I never made it past the red line (not my fault, the fourth and third lanes are impossible D< ), but for this time, we were at the first lane, and it's so easy to climb, I didn't even realise that I reached the sixth panel that quickly :D

Nothing significant for the rest of the day, after school I went for third lang, because it would eat very horribly into my conscience (though my happiness wouldn't have lowered at all) seeing that I've missed.. a lot of lessons already. Walked in at about.. 5.15 I think, there was an invigilator at the back of the classroom, but she left soon after. Then our teacher made us present the work we did which was this piece of paper with healthy and unhealthy foods written on it, in front of a video camera. Every group did it once, then she wanted us to redo it, for the record or something, which she grumbled a lot about. Then she realised that the camera wasn't on (she was so happy to the point that I'm sure if we weren't there she'd have done a little whoopie dance), and she started laughing and going, oh we never noticed that ha-ha, she didn't even set the camera up properly, not my fault!

TGIF omg. This week was seriously looong, by Wednesday I was thinking it was already Week 2 ): CSI this time it was Colour Blind (though I shall not go into specifics in case some class hasn't done it and this blog becomes a Crime Scene)! Screwed it up very majorly, at the end of the five minutes or so we only did like a third of every other group's. Ah well, I'm sure we will pass awesomely at the other tasks :D (yes we will, yes we better)

Uh, Geog Debate after! I think this was seriously the first time we actually wanted to stay for Geog into Recess, because the Debate was really fun, and Mrs Koh kept giving my group extra time to talk; we were the ministers after all ;D Argument between the Pharmacists and the Loggers was seriously -.- and ._. and amusing, haha, they had the most obvious compromise sitting in front of them and they still started claiming the entire forest for logging purposes and medicinal reasons and without money you can't buy medicine and without medicine we'd all die.

Recess next, then Chinese! Can't really remember what happened, same for English. After that was Cheer Prac! Richard stole the dance studio, so we went to share the gym with Buckle, and used the side which had a whole load of Sec1s there doing their Gym Routine. It was okay, not that tiring, I love the gym, I never knew that parquet floors could scrape my knees and feet ):

Walked to Far East with Crystal and MinChih after that, MinChih left straight for her tuition and Crystal and I just sat around and ate ShihLin/Chee Cheong Fun for another hour or so :D Then I had to lug home two long bamboo poles in repayment for Crystal staying there D: Wasn't that bad really, if you ignore the fact that it's impossible to sleep while holding two poles in fear of the people around you, small boys cannot distinguish the difference between black bamboo and metal handrails, and that I hit someone rather badly I think in the rush to get out of the bus ):

Went to school at 7.30 lugging the same two poles :@, a big paper bag and my blue-white striped bag which handle decide to un-knot itself and hang loosely around. Practised for a few hours in the amphi (Richard stole the dance studio again) then waited another hour for Mr Yeoh to come and review us. Superduper tired after all of that, went home and... watched TV haha.

And sometime within this week I realised many things about my sister:
1) I love my sister, she is so so awesome
2) My sister can annoy me like hell
3) She can be the most selfish person on the face of this Earth
4) She can be so generous and nice just after being the aforementioned selfish person.
5) She can imitate a flying pig pretty well.
6) While I've been blogging about three whole days, she can finish... one math question.
7) She likes to side my mum and put on an annoying voice and say exactly how irresponsible I am.
8) She likes getting her fingers shut on the door of the refrigerator so that she can pretend to be in pain
9) She asks weird questions about why people crook their finger to symbolise someone dying, since when someone dies their upper body doesn't slump forward, instead they should their entire body should lean forward and they should fall flat on their face.
10) "Give me a good reason why I should let you ___________" "Because you're my sister" "Not good enough."

Oh yes and sometime within this week NLB sent me a "My Friend of the Library Journal", I feel so helpful and caring and 有公德心! (Though I haven't actually done anything, but yes I will!)

3:03 PM

#155; want love or you want fame
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

These past few years I've taught myself not to regret, so I will deal with the consequence, close my eyes cross my fingers and hope and pray that I won't again. Made the wrong decisions, what matters right now is that I've learnt from my mistakes and that's all that should matter now.

On a happier note, uh, school was school. Guides after that! Started later than usual so Laura Jocie Amelia and I went to pastamania to eat lunch, since HanJun wanted and needed to practise for her piano exam tomorrow, and WeiYi had House Comm Meeting for awhile.

Shared a pasta meal with Amelia; Jocie shared with Laura. Then WeiYi joined us after that! We went to sit under the escalator (tradition prevails) and attempted to write a letter, steal WeiYi's crepe, and barbecue as many sausages, meat, fish and whatnot without burning them :D

Fell in at.. uh, the canteen! Sec2s went to Gadget Prac so Amelia Vanessa and I went to help with Sec1 Footdrill. Kim made us demo the stuff then correct them after, which was really quite awkward so we corrected them with their backs facing us haha, so much easier. They're actually not bad! (no of course we didn't think they were why would we?)

Went to E101 for thrift later, felt damn extra for about five minutes or so until the I/cs came and we could go back to our batch :D Didnt have anything to do so we tried to sort out what needs to be returned and uh, managed to do some.

(I just realised how nearly every sentence starts with a verb omg)

&JOCIE, don't worry, some people just... don't know how to treat others I guess, she's not worth you being upset over, it was your job to ask her for stuff and you did it well :) Nevermind what the outcome was, you did what you had to and that's all that matters, yeah?

5:55 PM

#154; tell me why
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

you're so hard to forget
don't remind me
I'm not over it
tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Which is pretty much how I feel right now but I don't know why, it's very on off, I wish it'd just choose one and stick to it already.

Cheer review today, throat became super super dry. Need to superglue my pompom handle back on. Really exhausted not in the mood to blog or do Math PowerPoint argh ):

Maybe I will go bathe now and attempt to feel more alive omg it's only 8. I'm turning into a baby ):

A whole load of Math
Math PowerPoint
Attempt CmPS video
Glue on handle
Bathe and Sleep (why does this sound so tempting, nevermind it will be motivation.)

8:09 PM

#153; I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Monday, September 14, 2009

Win some & Learn some :)
I'm over the initial disappointment already, quite unexpected that I'd be able to so fast, but we should all look to Jason Mraz yes we should.

Today was the awesomest slack day in RGS history, haha, Miss Syazwani and Miss Tay both didn't come, which equals to three awesome free periods ;D Apart from that had Math, which I realised isn't all that boring if you ignore all warning signs of depression and drowsiness and just stare at her and ABSORB :D (and everything is much easier when you have Very Sleepy People in front and beside you, just gives you more motivation to stay awake 8D)

Bio was CSI watching, Chinese was the ChengYu TingXie and some very very boring movie on KongZi.

Cheer Prac after that, I got a STITCH omg, first time when doing the routine haha. Really can't wait for... tomorrow, friday, saturday, and NEXT THURSDAY OMGOMGOMG. Then Cheer would be done for the year and I will feel too free ):


My MUM, who went round Newton Circus three times once because she kept missing her exit, just got a speeding ticket HAHAHAHAHAHA what has happened to the world.


7:43 PM

#152; would you lie with me and just forget the world
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Downloaded an app so I can blog on my phone, step number 1 to becoming an obsessive blogger ;D

Had the usual Sunday today, breakfast in the morning, bla, went home earlier than usual since it's the holidays (or rather, the end) and so my sister didn't have dance class. Sometimes I don't know if I regret quitting dance, it's made my mornings free but some dances are really fun to learn (despite the biased teacher, but hey, whatever).

After that went with my sister and brother to their music centre so that on the way I could pick up my music cert from my Violin teacher. Passed with flying colours 116! Really quite happy with my marks; expected a fail considering how nervous I was and how badly I played /: The examiner was really nice, under general comments he even wrote "good luck for the next grade" which made me feel really bad, since well, I'm quitting. I don't think I'm the type to learn and stick to learning an art into the really high grades and standards, I really prefer short-term courses of learning the basics :D ooh I should start surfing the net for fun holiday dance classes. JOCIE (I know you're reading this/will read this soon) WANT TO SIGN UP?:D

Oh yes! I filed all my math worksheets today 8D hahaha, it's been a while since I felt properly accomplished, I should do stuff like that more often.

School again tomorrow, I seriously don't know what I feel about it, I definitely won't be overly excited about the lessons and exams, but somehow I don't feel like I'm dreading it! Must be all the school-related co-curricular stuff during the hols, so now I can close my eyes and pretend it's still the holidays tomorrow and every day after that.

(Finally, after weeks of my mum's attempts at herbal imitation Prego sauce for Spaghetti, she finally buys ORIGINAL prego sauce :D )

7:51 PM

#151; &this is what we wished for
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cheer prac again today, it's really getting very scary how close we are to the competition date, and I really feel so unprepared and unconfident of our chances; of our standard. WenYing said that there was a time where we'd reach our peak, and then our standard would just detoriate from there; I don't know, but I think our peak might be over, what with H1N1 and Sports Fest being so late originally due to SYFs and competitions. But we've all put in a lot of work for this, all the early Saturday mornings, drilling drilling and drilling; I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't give this my all in the last two weeks we have for this awesome routine.

I don't think I did very well today; I screwed up for some parts, and I slacked off a bit because I, well, I was just tired. And now after that whole paragraph, it's really hitting me that this is NOT the amount of effort I should be putting in; after all we've done, the effort I put in today wouldn't have proved anything. And today we got news, bad news really, and I feel kind of.. bad that the news was like that. I'm really going to have to work much harder, really.

On a happier note, I really loved this week, as quickly as it passed. I didn't really go into much detail in my previous post by I don't know how many (Have you realised how I might abandon my blog for a few days and go on a major spree when I do come back?)

On Monday CSI was in the morning, left the house later than I should have, and reached about 20 minutes late after wandering the 3rd and 4th floors of Block A trying to find the Dry Lab until I decided to check the 2nd floor and found it ): Felt kind of bad actually, walking in late, until I realised that some people didn't even go since they had other commitments / didn't want to :D CSI videos were really amusing, makes ours look so FAIL, especially with the last-minute technical error ): But we all put in a lot of effort (and food) into making that video, and it does look kinda great if you look at it... like that (squints eyes and tilts head).

Left a little early, didn't see Jocie, HanJun, Kibs, etc.'s video /: Lunched with Amelia at Subway, she made me stand in the queue but it didn't seem very long since I spent the entire time sending and receiving weird messages from her (I love unlimited ♥) Amelia had to rush off and meet her RS group after that, so we bought Milk Tea first and left, her to Toa Payoh and I back to RGS, in which I received a very angry call from WeiYi wanting to know where I am ): So when I reached there I purposely placed my Milk Tea very strategically behind my bag so that they wouldn't see and complain more :D

Went into the guides room where WeiYi Hanin Kim and Alicia was, and Kim started asking me to think of my own punishment since I came late, and according to Alicia (I never knew she could see so well) "didn't even buy us Milk Tea!" Taking stock is actually way funner than I expected, though I still really hate twine and silverfish. Took stock in an awesome.. four hours I think, with no pressure at all, eh?

Hanin Kim Alicia left after that, and WeiYi and I went to Slice of Ice to eat, um, ice. I think the _______(insert some Asian country, Korea/China/Japan? I forgot which, they come up with everything) are really smart, they make ICE look good. And taste good.

Tuesday was really my only free day, sat around and slacked and used the computer excessively. While that might be enjoyable and all, I think I really like to do stuff, haha.

Wednesday was JOCIE'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE as I said before, went there at 7.30 to bake Amelia's cake which really ended up looking like bread. But the bread cake wasn't made on time so we presented Jocie with another very pretty cake, Amelia's D&T Cake! I think I said this before, but nevermind, good things deserve to be repeated! (no, not your cake, Amelia, the surprise :D) Laura came up with the boxes, thank you so much Laura ♥ Thanks for sacrificing CAP Primary and making the time to come down and celebrate with us :) Camwhored awesomely (and fail-ly at the same time, we're so pro we can do both 8D) I think I'm going to start albums in my computer (well actually not my computer, since I'll only have one when it's finally repaired/I get a new one) of every event, and fill it full with photos koped from everywhere :)

We spent the rest of the time talking about really everything, it felt really good to be able to come and talk and not have any worries other than ____________ (sorry, yes, my blog isn't privatised), and be able to, I don't know, just let go, sort of. Jocie asked after if I thought we'd ever run out of things to say, and we both agree we'd never come to a conclusion so :D

Right now I'm surfing DIY sites for AA Presents, omg, they're all so really pretty and I don't know if I'd be able to make them O:

Thursday was Cheer Prac! Just the Sec3s except Diane, and me, since Diane was overseas and Crystal was at Squash ): Went to Wheelock after that to try and get my charger changed, but the saleswoman/person/assistant said I had to go to a SingTel shop instead, so I just walked around without really knowing where I was going, since I was smsing mostly. Went up and down escalators 'cos I kept going wrong places, and cocky Borders employees just stared at me weirdly with that "I'm sure you can't afford this" when I accidentally walked into the Border's Cafe, which had no menu by the way O: Left Wheelock and walked around ON MY OWN, haha, it felt weird but also unexpectedly.. pleasant, in a way. Thought I'd die of boredom or something, but my SMS-ees must have been entertaining :D Went home after that, and picked my dad up from the airport :D

Friday was Cheer Prac again! At the Gym, since the Dance Studio was locked. Arts Fest people came in halfway and stole half the gym, but it was very amusing to see them go Ting Geok Hong or something like that again and again xD

I'm really tired now O: And it's only like, nine. Really can't wait for the exams to be over /:

7:43 PM

#150; leave with no regrets

Oh gosh. I feel so guilty and bad for no reason at all; I was just looking through Jocie's blog and the archives were from so far back - all the way from Primary 5, and it just made me feel that all these memories I had were just lost because I didn't blog about it.

Haha, I guess that sounded really weird, but I seriously have no diligence in keeping a diary - I kept one in Primary 1, and I tried to start one in Primary 5, and now when I happen to chance across my diaries or journals it feels really good to remember who I was then and how I felt, what I did. Kind of like rediscovering the "me" that I'd forgotten :)

So now I'm not going to care who reads this (maybe I should just privatise it, I don't know; maybe that's how Jocie writes so openly, knowing that random strangers won't be able to invade into her feelings, her thoughts), I'm going to really make time to blog each day about what happened, so that one day I'd have years and years of memories to look back on, and reflect.

My paternal grandmother used to keep these black books, and she'd just write a sentence or two each day, and they date back so so long ago, it's really very sweet and very.. nice, since I don't have a better word to describe it.

And my dad's friend's mum from Canada has years worth of memories, a few years a book, and she has loads of these books; I would like to be able to have something to look back on in the not-so-near future :)

Wow, I think this post sounds quite.. unlike me, I don't know. This is going to be my New Year's (not so new) Resolution, and I'm really going to go through with it. yes I will

7:34 PM

#149; new old-fashioned way

After youtubing so many songs for ACP, I'm starting to wish it was Christmas 8D December Hols in TEN WEEKS :D

On a sidenote, I just realised how emo my last post is; I'm just tired D:

7:02 PM

#148; nothing else I can say

is all I can say.

6:03 PM

#147; evacuate the dancefloor
Thursday, September 10, 2009


This picture looks so pretty and blogskin-able; found it on one of my deviantart cravings haha. I'm in really no mood to sleep, I don't know why, nothing particularly interesting or anything is happening tomorrow
(except perhaps this is my last night in a while that I can stay up so late doing absolutely nothing.)

These holidays feel so unaccomplished academically, I still have that Geog worksheet and the list of stock in the Guides room is still on paper and not typed out ah well I'll do that another day, tomorrow later today.

But emotionally, they've been awesome; I loved CSI, lunch, stocktaking, and today was awesomely awesome, jocie, I agree we really should do it more often it feels nice to not have anything stressing you and just talking about nothing and eating fail cake.

And maybe on Friday I'll do the mass filing I've always wanted to get around to doing but never got around to doing argh I need to stop procrastinating. Suddenly I feel very glad that I've revived this blog, it feels good to rant about nothing and unearthly hours when there's no one to rant to, and to just... not feel constricted to anything. I don't know if I should make this blog privatized; I always thought that it's weird to have a blog and privatize it since then why not just have a personal diary?

(I guess there's a good feeling when you see your thoughts out there on print)

But then again, some things are just better kept private /:
And I wouldn't know who to invite; it feels like I'm 'choosing' my friends, argh.

I can't really tell what my feelings are for the new term; EYAs are coming so so soon but nothing's hitting me; frankly the only thing hitting me is that Cheerleading is on September 24th.

2 more weeks, we're going to have to work really hard and I'm sure we will (:

12:21 AM

#146; do you know how to patch up a wound
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

so annoyed at my phone charger; I've spent at least half an hour trying to get the wires to connect and stay connected but it refuses to cooperate ):

I have to go to Somerset soon.


I just realised how much my title is like my problem now haha, patching up a wound / connecting an annoying wire D<
I'll choose wire anytime though.

I've given up, I hate Apple (no actually I love Apple but for this :@), I will live with a half charged phone tomorrow and hope and pray that it won't die - I always feel very helpless without my phone; lucky my mum's driving me tomorrow so I won't have to waste my battery on the 1.5 hour bus ride,

(ningxin, WHERE in somerset? O: )


11:59 PM

#145; cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you

Singapore Idol this year talent not bad!
(But I think I like last week's more cute guys LOL.)

My brother keeps saying they are very American Idol wannabe, so so true.


Anyway, today we celebrated JOCIE'S BIRTHDAY! WeiYi HanJun couldn't come; Laura could only come for like twenty minutes, in which we presented Jocie with Amelia's D&T felt cake because the Betty Crocker cake was dead and crumbling in the kitchen. So all we did was do fail jump shots and take pictures with um, that cake. (Which was really quite pretty!)

Spent the rest of the... O: EIGHT HOURS painting, eating, watching TV, talking, talking and talking. <3 I love today :D

8:17 PM

#144; you are the reason that I still believe
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Is it program or programme? American/British spelling confuses me.

Lucky the President's Run Challenge thing ended so early or I'd still be on the bus fretting whether I'll miss PPP (haha cool word 8D) :D It was very weird actually, like we had stuff to do for like, at most one hour and we were supposed to be there for four hours O:

Anyway, reached City Hall at 2p.m., so on time, but kiasu people still called to ask where I am D< HAHA. Went to eat at Mos Burger after that and spent like fifteen minutes or something trying to decide what to eat :D Started making the shaker stuff; people don't recognise my expertise in wrapping bottles ):

After that we walked to the um, City Hall steps! The Sec3s walk abnormally fast and the we walk very slow normally. Couldn't see anyone, and we were like THE ONLY GUIDES THERE (I thought it'd be filled with blue people) so we sat down at some random place to wait, until this group of very short Brownies came and the teacher i/c started handing out pompoms o.O Though Amelia, Nicole, Jocie, Christtine and I volunteered to the popping :D

We had to wait for like three hours before the thing actually started, and when we thought it had started, the emcees started doing some warmup dance thing (which is a little too similar to aces), and Jocie and I just stood around like extra blue people who get in the way of cameras haha.

THEN OMGOMGOMG THE PRESIDENT CAME and we were all fretting super a lot like "omg what if it doesn't pop?" "omg what if the thing flies anyhow" "omg what if we're too weak and pop too late?", internally of course haha.

3, 2, 1, (HORN BLASTS)
Amelia frets and pops too early xD
Jocie, Christine and I pop on time.
Hordes of people rush past.
A pop from the middle of nowhere HAHA NICOLE!

7:04 PM

#143;one step forward and two steps back
Saturday, September 5, 2009

I'm a woman on a wo-mission and I'm going to post!

Finally, it's the Sept Hols :D Week 10 was probably like, the longest week I ever had, even though it was only like, three days long. But Wednesday itself felt like coming back to school after an awesome holiday D;

Teachers' Day Celebration!
ACES in the morning! I think it's really cool how Sec2s and 1s are all lines of colours, and Sec3/4s, the colours are all jumbled up like 8D

Concert next! Eda, Crystal, and I spent damn long trying to find a decent place to sit, since everywhere was either wet or gross from our muddy shoes ): Ended up sitting beside Amelia! But we took out our shoes, haha, at least no GOH :D The items were quite cool; but I think the teachers make better superheroes then the students make coffeeshop aunties! Or maybe we just couldn't hear Lynn!
RAFFLES CHEERS were awesome, as always 8D

Though we spent most of the time trying to load a very laggy YouTube instead of... partying. And when we finally load one... HAHAHA, AWESOME YEAH. When Clara uploads a video of ahemMRDESOUZAahem doing the Nobody parody dance very enthu-ly, HAHAHA.


I think Thailand guys pull it off better LOL.

Crouching Tiger

Hidden Dragon


We wanted a silhouette photo but FAIL ):

haha, everyone abandoned their numberings! ): EXCEPT RTHP, HELLO RTHP!

HEYLO, I'm Crystal! Can you see me? Yes? No? Now can you? GOOD!

CSI! Haha, quite productive, sort of. More amusing than anything!
Reached Cheryl's house just after MinChih. I didn't even recognise minchih at first O: Cheryl's house is awesome and big and <3. AND HER ROOM OMGOMGOMGOMG.
Went to complete the script first, while minchih went around doing a weird introductory video of the house haha.

Then Ningxin and Eda came, and Crystal was taking forever so we gave up on her and started filming. HAHAHA, MINCHIH CAN'T EVEN WALK DOWN THE STAIRS WITHOUT LAUGHING. And Ningxin's angry/dao face was very funny on film. The filming was so awesome and blooper-filled! :D &the blood was SO REAL 8D

(all photos from TD and CSI are from Cheryl, MinChih, Yasmine and Mr. D's FB!)

So nearly late to school; had to take MRT ):
PE was first block, I think, Rock-Climbing! Which is seriously scary because now Mrs Wee wants us to go all the way up up up to the sixth um, square thing! ): My feet don't even go past the red line, hahaha. I need more upper body strength she says ): Then there was... ICT I suppose, and History? Yeah History is getting boring now/I am getting more tired and less interested in History. Nevermind, next year BYEBYE HISTORY (Haha, I shan't say "history is history", abit overused eh.)

Then was GUIDES!
First was Gadgets Retest; Amelia and I just sat by the side and drank milo and talked to Christine, and Vanessa was helping Hanin. Then um, everyone failed. Next time we will all pass :D

After that it was supposed to be Gadgets again, but Kim was like, keep the poles and let's go to E101. So we were supposed to teach the recruits new guides three campfire songs! :D Quite fun, and the new guides were actually quite enthu also! :D

Walked to Far East after that with HanJun and WeiYi, I love scaring HanJun 8D

No Third Lang today!
And Maehanyi the guai went home so early (after Bubble Tea and ShihLin at Far East) TO DO LIT PT! I like this PT, I didn't rush or anything :D whooo~

Started with.. Bio I think, free block; did some scary face the camera talking. Then it was... haha, other periods, I can't remember what! Assembly in class; hls took up like half the period for chinese, and the other half she told us to write about our difficulties and she left the class for like twenty minutes, came back and said "why isn't anyone writing?" and we all chionged crap paragraphs on the difficulties we faced this year.

THEN SCHOOL WAS OVER, OMG THE TERM WAS OVER, OMG 3/4 OF THE YEAR WAS GONNEEEEE. (not that I mind HAHA) Went to Far East with Hanjun and Amelia, and we met Alethea SuYun and WeiYi there! :D alethea and suyun left for badminton after since someone's conscience was about to burst out and swallow her up, so hanjun, weiyi, amelia and I stayed and talked, until hanjun fretted like mad and she and weiyi left, and amelia and I continued sitting under the escalator for another few hours till 6plus like hobos who have a liking for full house milk tea.

1:36 PM