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#134; and it rains when you're gone
Sunday, May 31, 2009

...And it's the HOLIDAYS!

But it really doesn't feel like one, which is um, good I guess, since I'd be bored to death. By the end of the first week, I would have spent... five days doing school-related stuff, not that I mind :D

Grad Dance Prac on Friday! Sabrina Jocie and I were the first there at like 730, and we were held hostage by the annoying paranoid general office staff ("Your teacher isn't here yet, I can't let you go up."). Don't know why they mind so much, if we were to wreak any havoc the most damage we can cause is um, spoiling their laptop. Okay I see their point.

Spent until 930 slacking and stressing over the choreo, then choreographed 8 counts in 10 minutes, slacked, Claire solely choreod a cool 8 counts, slacked, some office staff came up, and we choreod the remaining 16 counts in like 10 minutes. And it isn't as cool as we hoped it would be -.-

I love RGP and it's near-ness to KAP and far-ness from every single MRT station in Singapore.

Saturday was cheer prac at Toa Payoh Stadium. Doing warmup was embarrassing; there were a lot of old weird people exercising who think that walking backwards is normal. (though it might be more motivational :D)

I stare at the phone
he still hasn't called
and then you feel so low
you can't feel nothing at all
and you flashback to when he said
forever and always

oh oh oh
and it rains in your bedroom
everything is wrong
it rains when you're here
and it rains when you're gone
'cause I was there
when you said forever and always

forever and always - taylor swift

My tear glands have dried up from trying not to cry all these years.

9:54 AM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

23rd May 2009

Woke up at 5plus, reached Simei MRT at 6.30, and waited a while for Ningxin, cos her parents were "experimenting" how to get to Simei MRT.

"Use Street Directory la!"
"I don't like street directories!"
"Then go get lost."

heehee I like that pun :D
MRT-ed to Orchard, helped Ningxin change her $1 to smaller denominations (cheem word eh) to prove to her that the MRT people actually do let you change.
Reached school at like 7.30, then went to Contact Trace at the Foyer!

Saw Hanjun and Crystal there! Went with Crystal to the Dance Studio, and we spent the next two and a half hours putting makeup, doing hair and practising.

I hate makeup.
And I realised my forehead looks super high cos my eyebrows are VERY close to my eyes, so when we put the blue and gold eyeshadow, everyone's eyes were big chunk of blue, medium chunk of gold, and mine was a slit of blue and a slit of gold ._.

Eyeliner was SCARY, and very surprisingly Nadia was right (no offence) that if you put eyeliner on that pink slit super near your eyeball you won't get infection since there's no sweat glands O:

Shijin helped us do our hair, I was like one of the only three people who pushed the fringe back since my fringe is super long and ahlian-ish D:

Then Crystal, Diane, Ariel and I went to the toilet to wash our hands, and we found a DISGUSTING BLOODY TAMPON BEHIND THE TOILET. Ariel picked it up with tissue cos she's a prefect xD But there was still a disgusting blood stain left behind, what kind of person will leave a bloody tampon in the most frequently used toilet on OPEN HOUSE! :@ unless it's a NYGH student O: no offence xD

Went to the Amphi for first cheer session! Watched the Sec1s wave to and fro and to and fro and to again and again, then the gay but looks-quite-fun mass dance :D Then it was cheerleader cheering time!

Tarbet first, used Krazy /: Then Buckle did last year's routine._. Richard did their cute pompom dance, and then it was WADDLE! :D I think it went quite well cos in the video that Ariel's junior took we seemed quite synchro :D Then Hadley did some um, Hard Rock dance, haha. One more house cheer each, then Raffles cheers!

Had a 45-minute break after, climbed 2034839 flights of stairs so amelia can change into her guides u (I still love you for taking my shift :D), then went back to the Dance Studio!

Helped the Sec3s camwhore, and took a "batch" photo with Crystal, haha the Sec2 waddle cheerleader batch abit sad /: Then practised a while more and we went to the hall!


Saw some parents laughing during the screaming/pompom-to-ear thing :D And according to Sarah, some parents had very disturbed looks during the "pull the trigger" part xD And the sec ones cheered during the pumping! haha wonder why._.

Went back to Dance Studio after that!
We peeked through the glass door of the Studio and saw that all the Contact Tracing people were playing Solitaire/Minesweeper/facebook-ing/sleeping xD

Crystal and I collected our food from the classroom, and I think I will swear by Halal food for all the future Open House-s :D The food was like, much yummier than Non-Halal food, even though the Non-Halal food had a nicer package.

And on our way back to the Dance Studio, this girl shouted "Go Waddle!" when she saw us, haha good sign xD

Only ate very little since we didn't want to vomit, then went to the Gym for Review! Waddle was third, so we spent the waiting time eating Toblerone, thank you Claire!

Review went okay, wasn't as tired as I thought I'd be :D Then we (I'm using 'then' and 'went' alot ._.) went to Dance Studio and tried removing our makeup, Very Messy Affair. I dropped a big blob of makeup remover, and the eyeliner didn't come off.

I hate makeup.

Crystal PANGSEH-ed me afterward to go home, so I went to the PSB booth to talk to MinChih/convince her to wait till 5 (one whole hour later) since my dad was only picking me up that late D: Followed her alot of places, then went to the foyer and saw Jocie!

And that stupid tanminchih got a ride from Jocie's mum/dad (I forgot) and I got pangseh-ed again-.-

Went for early dinner after that, my dad very keen on feeding me all the calories I hope I'd burned during OH, 'cos he didn't want us to go hungry later._.

9:41 AM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

On the guides tagboard:

Recruit: There will be house practice on 16th May
Recruit: Theres House prac so all the sec1s cant go
Recruit: Sec ones have to go for the initiatives after house prac right?
Recruit: Hey, I have the shuttle run thingy on 16 May!
Recruit: There's hse prac on 16 May
recruit: we have house prac on that day .. how ?
Recruit: I am like, way beyond confused right now. So u mean the shuttle run thing takes precedence over house prac? Blur man
Recruit: What r u talking about?
Recruit: Oh, I got it now. So do we attend house practice or initiative? Pls reply asap.
Sec 1: Oh Gosh! I want the Initiative! Hate house prac
recruit: totally love house prac..so fun.but mass dance is __

CLs: Hi recruits, 1 tag is enough to let us know that there is house prac, thanks.


7:55 PM

#130; tell me why

I haven't touched the computer in a very very long time O:
(which probably means I will post very repeatedly today heehee :D)

hmm I think I will do tag replies! (since the rest of my life is very boring.)
most recent on top!

14 May 09, 07:45 PM
phyllis: eeeeeeeeh link julian XD

another time!

11 May 09, 03:21 PM
CHERYL;: uh yes, thankyou.

wow so sincere ah? :D I still owe you a present D;

9 May 09, 11:34 PM
julian: yeah, i lost my phone...

9 May 09, 08:29 PM
phyllis: and mayo isnt as ugly as me :X

9 May 09, 08:29 PM
phyllis: hey julian did you lose your phone

y'all are off in your little world I will not reply ;D

8 May 09, 09:36 PM
julian: who's raj?? your secret admirer sounds stupid... how can someone ever admire you?? that person must be blind.

shut up.

5 May 09, 08:55 PM
phyllis: gd luck for your bio reretest
5 May 09, 08:55 PM
phyllis: loser
5 May 09, 08:55 PM
phyllis: spamspamspam
5 May 09, 08:55 PM
phyllis: omg so gay
5 May 09, 08:55 PM
phyllis: yeah babe yeah
5 May 09, 08:31 PM
phyllis: or i kill you <3
5 May 09, 08:31 PM
phyllis: get well soon
5 May 09, 08:31 PM
phyllis: hello loser.

phyllis you die :@ I'm threatening you enough on msn, so I shan't threaten you here :D

5 May 09, 05:05 PM
clara: GET WELL SOON MAYO! haha i miss you (:

hello clara haha thank you! wow this tag reply is damn late ._.

4 May 09, 11:09 PM
! NINGXIN<3: hello maehanyi frances rajendram.

haha glad to know you know my name AND TELL THE WORLD :@ or at least the people who read my blog, haha. omg you know just now this weird person added me on msn, then right, I was like "who are you?" and the person was like "age/sex/location?" then I saw that persons d.p. and I tell you, I am TRAUMATISED okay. So I instantly went delete and block her >< (yes I think it's a 'her')

29 Apr 09, 09:50 PM

hello sabrina, love you too :D and you have my number already:D and I get what you mean on "you will love the tag".

26 Apr 09, 05:48 PM
amelia: raffles (house) cheerleading is the most loser thing ever lah how can it be rgs D:


26 Apr 09, 12:37 PM
junhao: cool cheerleading xD

eeeh no!

26 Apr 09, 11:31 AM
amelia: how is OMGAA five letters? there's O,M,G,A thats four. unless you count the D in the : D

yup I counted that!:D

26 Apr 09, 11:29 AM
amelia: aww i know you love me

I take that back.

5:41 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009


happy birthday pioneer!
and this pioneer multicoloured-lettered word is dedicated to you:D

8:27 PM

my tagboard is fugly, what's with that blue scrollbar, and have I only just noticed that?

sorry I don't want to do tag replies now (it is mainly phyllis you spammer) thank you for tagging though!<3

I shall go up at this very very early twentythree minutes past eight (saying time like that is fun:D and it makes me sound cheem.) to read my harry potter (i borrowed seventh book from library; my brother's harry potter books are absolutely OUT-OF-BOUNDS, he lets me read them the FIRST time -only after he has read it and dropped many hints on the plot- and they can only be opened at a 20 degree angle; the library's books can be opened at a 360degree angle, IN YOUR FACE.) and curl up in my bed and cough my lungs out.

sit on wood, actually.

8:22 PM

Monday, May 4, 2009

I just realised I haven't blogged on the week!
I love trying to remember days that I don't.

Learned a bit more of the muhmuh dance, I think Jocie's the only one who dares to pump in class xD Speaking of which, I need to spam her on grad dance again.
The music part was assessment, hanjun did really well (I marked hers), and I think I failed, whoops.
Next was CLE & RS, the usual.
I hate my thirdlang teacher.

no guides ):
Thursday timetable, I hate Thursdays.
Supposed to have Geog CES, but kohby cancelled last minute.

My english compo was very cool :D at least that's what I hope it was It had a cool ending line "I know what you did."
History was fine too!
After school I didn't go for Geog CES, I went to J8 with Amelia instead! Redeemed a free personal pan pizza, and shared a (very disgusting) spaghetti. Went to Bishan Library after that! Saw allison sabrina mary, they were very nice and let us sit in that poky out thing (since we can't eat fries at the sofas). The library staff were very annoying and free, patrolling around and going SHHHH and even resorted to handing out pamphlets on good library behaviour.

I have a very weird feeling I mixed up what happened when, but nevermind.


cheer prac!
did the shouting cheer, we need to improve on our vocal chords and stamina.

(This post was started very long ago, only editted and posted now, so I shall do this week too:D)

Supposed to be SA Day (actually it was), but I stayed at home cos of fever. Actually in the morning my temperature was 37.5degC, but my dad made me stay home, which was smart of him because my temperature flew and hit 38.9 after that.

was a super super super sucky day.
My temperature hit 40.1, had a very painful headache all morning.

was supposed to go to school, but after I took a shower, my temperature went to 38degC /:

went back to school!
I love our row, hanjun minchih ningxin crystal! (and melissa joined after that)

[and now please excuse me as I cringe at my brother give a live performance of Miss American Pie. He is seventeen tomorrow, I will not be mean and tell him to shut up.]

Deferred SA day!
(Luckily we learnt Harlem or I would never have understood what 'deferred' meant.) Three papers, spent the in-between time eating in the canteen and coughing.

I think I like small letters and brackets quite alot. and broken sentences, symbols, and semicolons (which is a symbol, but heck.) and fullstops. I like fullstops.

5:41 PM

Why does iNet have to hang on me now ):
I've typed in my password like 40078375390253 times and it keeps asking me to retype/telling me the address to iNet is http://inet.rgs.edu.sg.
Like I don't already know that D:

Just submitted the 'form' to iNet help, so I won't be able to apply for deferred assessment anytime soon, argh.
Anyone can access, PLEASE TELL ME THANKYOU!:D

And I really really want to go to school tomorrow, it's 3hours dance, but the doctor gave me a 2-day MC, 'cos my temperature was really high. 38.9degC.
But it's been about eight hours already, and the last time I took my temperature, it was down to 37.4degC :D
I hope it stays that low.

Everybody's falling sick nowadays D:
The queue at the polyclinic was super long, my dad said 7 teachers in his school were on mc, minchih and I are sick, and so is my sis.

I have a feeling the flu is spreading everywhere already, the swine flu's just a little deadlier and slower. Though I heard on the radio that it'd affect world health, only it would just be as 'harmful' as the normal flu.

5:04 PM