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#105; no way to take it all back.
Sunday, March 29, 2009

I shall recap the whole week just for a few special moments(:

I can't remember what happened, but no week is complete without a MONDAY :D
Oh yeah, we changes seats D:
Ningxin's still at her old seat, LOL.
Eda moved back from first to the third row, lucky person D:
Minchih moved from third row to second row, diagonally behind me.
I'm sitting at the front, still D:
One seat right to the middle of the middle, at least the teachers have one seat of faith in me.

Laura's birthday!

Mrs Choo wasn't here, so Math was free period (in a way, haha), and the rest of the day was superslack, meaning aesthetics, RS, and CLE.
It was the last aesthetics lesson, and maybe we'll all miss remembering kah on (however you spell her name ><), maybe we won't, haha.
And because Eda and i are both super efficient (I only used two colours when the rest of the class had very multi-coloured works of art) and convincing (Mrs Ho let us off the earliest of our half because we kept asking and she compromised by making us wash the brushes), we had a nearly 1-hour long lunch. But the other half had a nearly one-and-a-half-hour lunch because their teacher is a slacker.

CLE involved SL project and a booking.
RS was us (minchih, deborah and I) walking to Anderson and not finding the results there, going to class, going to Queens to call Mr Toh, standing there and talking for quote a while as we waited for Mr Toh to come out and meet us, until doob realised "HE'S AT ANDERSON!" and we all screamed and ran down.
Luckily he was still there waiting for us and another group he was supposed to meet and listening as people used the phone outside Anderson to call the staffroom looking for him as he stood a few meters away from them. ("aren't you going to tell them?" "nope.")

Last period was Philo, and since the projector in our class' monthly good friend will probably be returning in a couple of days, we went to a J1 classroom to watch a video of a COI discussion.
Then both Hanjun and I had to go to J-Block to meet a teacher (I had to meet Mrs Anis for SSA card, HanJun had to meet Chen laoshi for some Chinese thing) we went to the second floor and called them dunno how many times but no one picked up, so we gave up and started walking down the stairs when Hanjun spotted Mrs Anis going up the opposite stairs and screamed MRS ANIS! then as I ran after her I saw Hanjun reach the bottom of the stairs, turn to her right, see chenlaosho and scream CHEN LAOSHI! in his face. Then we met back upstairs and went down the same staircase as hanjun pointed out that it was déjà vu.

We went back to class to change and saw a very sweet note that addressed me as mayo dumdum telling us to go down.
If you get there before we do,
Don't give up on us
(for we are in the canteen at our usual table eating good things and missing you dearly)

don't ask me why I can remember it, maybe cos Petrach isn't very interesting.

Guides was axemanship and gadgets!<3
I was the same group as weiyi hanjun hanin vanessa sarah and other awesome batchies.
Axemanship included sawing, chopping and splitting which is harddd D:

Gadgets was very slack so we started discussing AA!
hanjun had a cool idea of giving TWISTies with TAILS (tales). a twist in tales!:D

was a very long day.

got me another booking cos I was late for school.
Omg. I just realised that makes two bookings in a week D:

Fridays timetable mainly consists of misstay mryeo misshou recess misstay assembly;D
All the nice teachers :D
After school Amanda Elaine and Ashley went to far east to eat kfc because we didn't want to go home so early, haha.
Ended up telling ___ jokes which were mean but funny:D
Roanna joined us later cos Christina went home, then we started playing DOUBLE DARE.

Ashley started first, and her dare was to go up to the counter and order "a 2piece chicken please. Oh wait, is there pork in that? I don't eat pork." and walk away.
We didn't catch it on video because she said it too softly.

Elaine's dare was classic. She had to call KFC delivery and order food and get it delivered to KFC :D
But the conversation (the side we heard) went something like
"I'm at Far East Plaza. Oh wait is there a KFC here? ... Okay, I think I'll go there."
Then we burst out laughing damn loud, and this Malay woman at the table next to ours said scolded us for making so much noise while we're in school uniform._.
Roanna and Amanda and my dares were less eventful:D

Then we started pranking :D
Most of the pranking involved singing random songs as a 'free ringtone download' thing, or calling from a radio station dedicating a song to someone.
&I'll just say amanda doesn't have a very... pleasant voice xD
To put it cheem-ly, the number of people who put down very early is proportional to the number of times amanda started singing xD maybe she just chose the hot-tempered ones to start carolling to.
I still love you, amanda(:

Cheer prac started at 8!
Claire, Teri and Joie came in halfway and Teri gave us tolberone :D
Then we'd be doing the routine halfway, and Wenying's like "nono!"
Then she'd ask Claire what she thought and Claire'll be like "it looks fine to me."
Okay, it was funny THEN.

2:37 PM

#104; it's getting hot in here.
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour was torture.

9:50 PM

#103; boarded the train there's no getting off.
Friday, March 27, 2009


So many birthdays recently. Like my dad's, too :D
And Char's birthday is coming soon, I didn't forget ;D
This shall be my birthday post for them!

2403tuesday; LAURA.
Happy fourteenth!♥
We (meaning amelia jocie weiyi hanjun and I) planned a BIRTHDAY SURPRISE for laura(:

the ribbons which hanjun chose to bind the scrapbook(: they were really pretty but you can't really see the colours properly here D:
a page of the scrapbook! I love that photo so much(:
all the ribbons and stuff.
the wine bag from daiso!
a gigantic lollipop and fake cherries for laura(:
a LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE card to end the changed lyrics to I'm Yours:D
blindfolding Laura so that we could lead her up and down scary staircases and carol to her :D
laura with her presents!
GROUP PHOTO! finally one that had all six of us (:

Actually, we were really lucky Mrs Choo wasn't in school that day, so during Math, the period before THE recess, we chionged her scrapbook and it had all these paper bits sticking out (that's ARTISTIC.) But I think she loved it all the same :D

full facebook album on her surprise(:

2603; AMANDA.
I know I haven't given you your birthday present yet (it's sitting beside me now, and I really hope you'll like it even if you chose yellow over it ><), nor your birthday letter (which I currently don't have any inspiration to write because I know when I start I won't stop and my eyelids are drooping so I want to sleep and shan't ruin your letter with my tired-ness, but always remember that I love you and you're awesome and have a really happy birthday:D), and I haven't even given you a proper hug yet D:

But I want to say that-
I shall leave that for the letter yeah?(:
Even if you don't get it anytime soon I hope you know what I want to say:D

Two golds is DAMN PRO.
I always knew you had potential from p6, haha(:

2703; CLAIRE.
happy birthday claire! :D
I bought you a present too, but no it is not sitting beside me like Amanda's. It's still in its plastic bag, unwrapped >< I saw it I was thinking "oh, claire'd like that", but I don't know why and weirdly I have a feeling that it's because SOMEONE ELSE bought it for you and you like so my present would be very extra D: nevermind, you'll like it all the same haha(:

Very soon i will give it to you.

It's hard to believe someone shorter than me is older than me xD
But that's the same situation for... everyone else, haha.
Let me enjoy these few moments of tall-ness.

Okay you can burst my ego lower my self-esteem now.

Maybe I should write you a letter too, haha.
I bought your present and I'm sure you'll like it, but AFTER I bought your present I saw this present which I knew you'd SUPERSUPERSUPERLOVE IT, but I didn't buy it >< I'll buy it for Christmas :DD
And since your birthday is on Sunday, (I think? My math is failing me nowadays.) I can give you your present on MONDAY, which means I have time to make my mum wrap it! :D


7:18 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

awesome batchie, we love you to bits(:
I'll write a birthday post another time for you, yeah?
have a wonderful fourteenth:D

it's easy to forget something so sweet can leave a scar

9:53 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's kinda weird how when I visit blogs, I keep seeing posts like "When you want to let go, remember why you held on in the first place", and here my blogskin says let go.
And they're both so true.

When you hate something, hold on; when you love it, let go.
It's really funny when you aren't in the situation.

A pretty picture to seclude the emo-ness.
Dear mayo dumdum,

I sit on you.
You have a nice friend, ME.
You make me laugh (at you).
You should treat me to lunch someday.
Someday I will let you treat me to lunch.
You + me = ♥ .
If I saw you now I'd say hello what are you doing here.
I want to eat friend mars balls with you.
I would build a sandcastle (initiative!) just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be silvery moon (ew).
We could do stuff under the stars.

(P.S. you are dumb.)

Dear mayo blurhead,

I talk to you.
You have a nice msn font. (cause it's my favourite^^)
You make me laugh at your silly/stupid msn messages/smses.
You should give me a very nice b'day present.
Someday I will give you a very nice b'day present.
You + me = :D.
If I saw you now I'd wonder how you got to bishan so quickly.
I want to bother you.
I would build a footwash spa with piranhas which you HAVE to try just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be happy birthday. In a few months.
We could eat my favourite yoghurt under the stars.

(P.S. you have a camwhoring addiction.)

Dear mayo you retard,

I love love you.
You have a nice nothing (cos there's nothing nice about you =D).
You make me faint in the presence of your dumbness.
You should buy a wig =D.
Someday I will cut your fringe off.
You + me = movietime!.
If I saw you now I'd call you a retard.
I want to whack you.
I would build a hair straightener just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be ABC cos your brain cant comprehend anything else.
We could sleep under the stars.
awesome amanda

(P.S. hahaha, i really still love ya loads.)

Dear mayoyoyoyo,

I love x100 you.
You have a nice easygoing personality.
You make me happy and high.
You should tell more lame jokes.
Someday I will treat you to a movie.
You + me = retarded friendship.
If I saw you now I'd hug you.
I want to hug you.
I would build a joke shop in imaginary world just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be anything =).
We could talk under the stars.
awesome amanda

(P.S. still loving ya.)

Dear mayo weirdo,

I am anoyyed with you.
You have a nice iPhone!
You make me laugh a lot.
You should stop attempting to counsel people cos you suck >.<
Someday I will slap you until you no more mother's day O.o
You + me = friendship.
If I saw you now I'd let you kill me like you said you would.
I want to unowe you. (a hug)
I would build a giant cake so that your diet would be ruined just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be some random song like abc.
We could be emo and talk under the stars.

(P.S. you are random and you suck at pool and i do not do everything illegal.)

Dear mayo arh,

I am annoyed with you.
You have a nice butt.
You make me groan a lot.
You should be a parking ticket, cos you've got fine written all over you.
Someday I will punch you.
You + me = maturity of a 4 year old kid
If I saw you now I'd punch you.
I want to punch you.
I would build a fingernail just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be bratz theme song.
We could practise our pick-up lines under the stars.

(P.S. if a fat man puts you in a bag, don't worry cos I told santa i wanted you for christmas. :D)

aww, I love you guys(:

7:26 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

If I knew I'd give up, I wouldn't have tried in the first place.
But I did.

So I won't.

1:07 PM

#99; the hero lies in you.
Monday, March 16, 2009


Monday 09032009!
Financial Literacy
RS Workshop

Financial Literacy was funnn:D We played this boardgame thing that was like monopoly, but deeper. That's what someone said xD I ended up the richest in the group, cos I had RETIREMENT FUNDS and SHARES :D Eda was second richest, cos she was the only one with a house(:

RS workshop was... as interesting as RS can get-.-
But we did an awesome jigsaw!
ningxin, eda, clara, karmun, yanhan, and me!:D

Tuesday 100309

on the boat!

floating fish farm!

the planks of the floating fish farm.

shark and crab!

rope bridge!


hahaha 210 sleeps alot xD

and... KARMUN.

There were these little small children, and they had this cool entertaining tourguide :D. then midway through the tour, he came dressed in this weird thing and went like "do you know who I am, or who I represent?" to the small children.

"I represent a Samsui Woman."
we were trying not to laugh:D

We went to this HDB block which had old people and some sort of Senior Citizen Centre thing. Minchih and I were the ones who went to this old auntie's house to take photos. THEY ARE DAMN LUCKY CAN. PLASMA TV. I have a very retarded shot of xinyi posing with the cooking pot xD

everything else that was interesting was just camwhoring :D

Facebook is lagging on me, so I can't post the links to the full albums.
So go find it on your own :D
Haha, I suddenly remember the line hanjun and ash came up with:
"Are you using facebook?! Get that out of my face or I will book you!"

2:27 PM

three companies twogether as one sisterhood

Even though sometime during the second&last day I felt really disappointed and didn't exactly like the camp, after that it went awesomely, and yeah, GUIDES CAMP 09 <3!

I reached really early, at like, 7.10. but luckily weiyi and vanessa and 01sunflower was there:D so we helped 01 sunflower put up the flagpole!
weiyi and I just stood there and laughed provided moral support! yinleng was very blur and funny.
yinleng hammers the metal peg into the ground *tok tok tok*.
an echo comes from that hill along draycott road which can be seen from the field
yinleng stares at the hill as she hammers.

weiqing: it's the echo, yinleng.
yinleng: oh! I thought someone was trying to copy us!

day1 was mainly gameplaying! I lost my programme booklet, so I can't exactly remember what happened /:
we played some games like bingo and blow wind blow, then later the losers (and their patrols) had to go up and do a forfeit!

then we played human pac man and had a skipping challenge!
02 orchid won, go jocie!:D

lunch was spaghetti! we had to sit in a very weirdly formed meal ring, cos there was this buffet thing that happened there, so the table was still sitting in the center of the canteen, so we squashed to the side.

after lunch we had BE PREPARED! sec twos had to prepare at item for the campfire that night. WITHIN AN HOUR. but it was pretty fun yeah.
then it was... OUTDOOR COOKING!
we cooked meat, vegetables, wanton, chicken wings, and some other stuff. It was actually really yummy :D especially the wanton! but the second batch had to be recooked twice i think, cos it was too undercooked. 02 sunflower combined with 2 other patrols for campfire because vivien didn't know how to light a fire xD

Then we had CAMPFIRE! In the hall, cos it was starting to drizzle. The campfire comm lit alot of tealights and ligned them really close together in the center of the hall to form 010203 :D

We started with our patrol cheers!:D
we are your sunshine,
your only sunshine,
we make you happy,
when skies are grey.
you never know dear,
how much you love us,
cos we are...
Oh, you love we.

02bougainvillea (sp?) cheer was nice!
life without bougy is like a doughnut, like a doughnut, like a doughnut!
then something something dunno what hole in the center thing.

YAs cheer was awesome.

But SOMETHING HAPPENED O: this is a full, unexaggerated version of what happened:D
The wax of some of the tealights joined together and the at first tiny little flames joined together to form a... slightly bigger flame. So the guiders wanted to try put it out cos they were scared it'd become bigger.

I bet they never received that email.
The flame shot up abit higher, but none of the YAs/guiders/campfire comm standing near got hurt. So they called in the security guard to put out the fire with an extinguisher o.O

Campfire continued in the void deck, WITHOUT the fire.
So we started singing 'Campfire's Burning'
Campfire's burning, campfire's burning
Draw nearer,draw nearer
In the somethingsomethingsomething
Let's sing and be merry

The Sec4s put up a performance, it was damn retarded. they all marched damn weirdly onto the 'stage', then YINLENG STARTED BEATBOXING AGAIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
they all did this cool robot thing one by one.

SEC TWOS PERFORMED AFTER THAT! :D: I don't know if that's sad or happy.
each coy put up a small performance, then we all grouped together and danced to "We're All In This Together"o.O

then we ate apples in the amphi, had patrol corner, and slept :D

QMs and their patrols had to wake up early to do stuff! We helped break these long branches into smaller pieces.
Breakfast was bread and jam and peanut butter:D and milo. ><

We copied Zac Efron's Bet On It dance :D

starting from 0.20!
His jumps are damn fun to copy :D
The poor patrols in charge of orderlies didn't get to do it D:

there were these cool games like eating the marshmallows off this high string, and pushing gummy bears into paper plates with toothpicks in our mouths:D

we ate at this ramen shop the fountain at far east plaza O.O
Couldn't decide as a whole where to eat so we all dapao and eat at the fountain:D wenxin and I had subway!

then we had cleanup and batch talk ><
we scraped the wax off the hall floor :D
batch talk was... yeah.
After that Amelia and I went to talk to the Cls/YAs who gave us the talk cos we thought that they had wrongly 'accused' our batch of something, and it was DAMN SCARY. They were really nice about it, saying sorry and it's okay, but we were still scared, because it was like 5superseniors against 2 of us >< but I'm glad we did it(:

batchies, we will bond and pwn ORA!:D

We helped out at the guides room after that, then when we had nothing else to do, we went to sing enthu-ly and extra-ly with the secones:D
We're so much more enthu with them then with our batchies.

We went to E103 to watch a video the CLs/March Camp I/Cs compiled for us(: they put the embarrassing photo of amelia poking my nose because the blue sticker was there ><

Even though this camp was kinda scary, what with the guiders being really strict, and Amanda having to go to the hospital because of her foot, and the minifire, it was really great, yeah?

At first Amelia and Laura and I and some others thought that if we were sec one, this would be a horrible first camp, but after that it really wrapped up very nicely, and it was AWESOMSE:D


(LJ week and founder's day posts will be up later:D)

10:57 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's time I posted.
But I don't have time.
Hahahahaha get it?

Ah well I still need to pack my bag for camp tomorrow. meaning I have to FIND a bag ><
I will post an awesome long post when I get back, yeah?(:

7:28 PM