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#90 goodbye
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)
Celine Dion

07 Goodbyes( The Saddest Word ).wma -

You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady

All you had to offer
Was the promise of a lifetime of love

Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child

And I know
A love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

You gave love to me
Turned a young one into a woman

All I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you loving me

'Cause I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child

And it hurts so
That something so strong
Someday will be gone, must say goodbye

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

But the love you gave me will always live
You'll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
You take my weakness and you make me strong
And I will always love you 'til forever comes

And when you need me
I'll be there for you always
I'll be there your whole life through
I'll be there this I promise you, Mamma

Mamma, I'll be
I'll be your beacon through the darkest nights
I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight
I'll be your shelter through the raging storm
And I will love you 'till forever comes

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

'Till we meet again...
Until then...

7:48 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009

That title was completely irrelevant (not that you can see it on this skin) but I just suddenly felt like typing it ._.
no, I'm not telling you the title-.-

This week has been... refreshing?._.
#1; don't reply all your letters at one go, or you'll feel bored the rest of the day/:
#2; when a teacher tells you not to do other things in her class, SHE MEANS IT.
#3; never read letters in geog classes if you do not want it snatched from you, be lectured on, watch as the letter crushes because of your teacher's fist, then you schemingly plan a way to get it back, only to realise that as she was showing you a video, she sneakily put the crushed letter in her bag-.-
#4; do not attempt to pon geog movies cos they actually very strictly take your attendance._.

yes, I did go for the geog movie >< cos gloria said I'd get a booking if I don't._.

I learnt my lesson last year ><


6:52 PM

#88, review!
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Since my last post was crap, let's uncrap this post:D
hmm, I shall talk about school! ._.
this past week!

[omg my phone suddenly blasted out this weird tango song I didn't know I had._.]
walked into school and the foyer was CROWDED. OBS began! O:
PE was okay, played captain's ball:D if they keep playing captain's ball maybe the basketball module won't turn out as horrible as I expected it to be:D
Playing halfway, then saw oneten running along the tracks! :D Everybody went on mini-game-hiatus to stare at our mortals:D hahaha.
But I couldn't remember how my mortal looked like so I just waved to Jolene._.
Our team did quite well cos there was minchih xD
and there's this teacher that makes the entire class run together like in one heavily packed rectangle, singing this catchy song which tune I can't remember. So much for catchy. IT'S LIKE ARMY O: but it's very cute to watch :D

Cheerleading practice after that, had to air my PE shirt after PE, then wear it again/: supposed to be two hours but we forgot the time and got let off 20 minutes later.
someone: what's the time?
wenying: 5.20. OMG, past time already! (to natasha) check the time, maybe my time got problem.
natasha: 5.21!

cheerleading is awesome, I lose 1/2kg after every prac:D

Tuesday was aesthetics day! I can memorise the timetable:D math, recess, aesthetics, rs, cle. or cle, rs.
I keep contradicting myself.
Aesthetics was fine. We drew balls:D and shaded them in.
Reminded me of this MTV boiling points episode where the irritating thing was this woman flirting with a girl's boyfriend in front of the girl.
Then the irritating woman (who was white) worked at this store, and the boyfriend (who was a black) was checking out the pool cues, so the woman started explaining/playing against the guy, and was all "so the white ball hits on the black ball"
I so want MTV D:

3rd lang after, highlight of which was we (vernadine&I) went to cotton on to buy shorts before class:D I was so surprised that the size6 fitted me._. it was actually loose-ish, in that I don't have to unbutton to wear/remove it:D
The actual class... blegh-ish.

Can't really remember what happened. I think there was bio.
If there was, we went to computer lab to learn how to use moodle.
what a cute name:D
then we were supposed to this quiz which was like ULTIMATE FAILURE.
I answer A.
Then I answer B (same question - they let you re-answer over and over again._.)
I answer C.
I answer D.

surprise, surprise, I got full marks:D
Then Miss Hou was telling us about oneten._.
Apparently someone from oneten asked her:
"How do you want to commit suicide?"
I know the asker, in a way._.

No guides after school:D so went to plaza sing with eda&ninny. To buy birthday presents:D NOT FOR YOU MINCHIH.
Daiso is awesome:D And Eda kept asking: "How much ah?"
then ningxin was like:

oh dear I hate this day.
the geog teacher seriously got on my nerves-.- It was LAST PERIOD and I was so tired and she started talking about how we cannot rest our heads on our hands like WTF.
The geog teacher shall remain anonymous.

If you go to USA (free speech!), and talk rot about Singapore authority in a letter to Straits Times, can they press charges? :D

Didn't go for third lang, was so tired D:

Can't really remember what happened on friday._.
I have short term memory loss, yet long term memory ._.

Had cheerleading practice, but I woke up late D:
I was supposed to wake up at 5, I set my alarm clock, BUT I FORGOT TO TURN IT ON D;
Then my dad woke me up at 6, and then I was like "oh no I'm late"
then he said he'd drive me to school even thoguh the car had a problem and couldn't travel for long distances without kicking into emergency gear. (yes, it actually KICKS, you can feel it)

then had tuition.
Don't know what to say about it so I shall just say "D:"

The gods may throw a dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Loses someone dear
The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall
It's simple and it's plain
Why should I complain.

The Winner Takes It All - ABBA

10:16 AM

#87;YAWN D:
Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm SO tired nowadaysD: but I'm still blogging.
now I'm hoping guides doesn't start anytime soon:D cos right now all that's keeping me free is guides:D

I'm really happy, finally added songs to my phone after SOO much procrastination(: Sec2 has too much homework and too little timeD:

okay, that's partly my fault since i place mortal letters above homework in the list of importance :D

Ah well, I find the teachers sucky (uh, when it comes to lollipops?) except for a very specific few. D:

okay I'm in no mood to blog. My eyes are shutting and it's still so early._.
either that or it's the smoke getting to my eyes.

no, I don't smoke, I mean the mosquito coil.


8:40 PM

Friday, January 9, 2009


I don't know why I put it there._.
It just seemed so... sad.

I have been ignoring this blog for a rather long time._.
so I'm back! I don't really know what to say, cos I can't exactly talk about the teachers or I might have to wave RGS goodbye._.

so now I wave YOU goodbye:D

7:51 PM

#85; 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009

First post of the year, huh.

Well, I guess some reflecting is necessary, in a way.
This year was very... perspective-changing.
It's like, secondary school changes the way you think, the way you feel about stuff, and some stuff you thought were important, are now just plain dumb and childish.

I won't really go into specifics, but I guess most of you have realised this.

I've done stuff I now hope happened a different way, but I don't need/want a second chance. live and learn, that's what they say.

Well, 2008 has come and gone, REALLY quickly for that matter, and I'm glad it went that way, despite the ups and downs.

I would like to thank everyone who made my day, shared laughs with me, and who friended. Their should really be a verb for 'be a friend', it summarises everything I'm thankful for.

This year, I'll forget my past downs, remember the ups, and have a fresh start.

For all those I have wrongly judged or say, something happened...
I just want to say, come this year, fresh start?

For all those who've stood by my side through thick and thin, and even those who stood by thin and ran out during the thick, or those who stood and watched through thick and thin >.<,thank you, and I love you guys kay:D

Here's to a fresh start, 2009!:D

1:30 PM