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#76vietnam, bush!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today I woke up at 3am.

And I couldn't fall asleep again. So I got out of bed at about 5am, because closing my eyes and trying to sleep was harder than staying awake. And surprisingly, I'm not even tired now. I'm in that half tired yet can't sleep mode that I'm in about every school day.

Today I can't sleep, yesterday I was dragged from my sleep to IKEA.

Not that I really mind though. I love IKEA.<3
We went there to buy these kiddy stuff cos my dad's vietnam friend is starting a kindergarten in vietnam. so cool right(: one day I will work at a kindergarten! hahaha if I actually did everything I said I would I'd have approximately no life when I reach 'one day'(:

somehow I think my sleep very little-ness today is because I'm excited about Vietnam. My dad printed out this huuuge stack of wikitravel and some other stuff about Vietnam. VERY amusing. I read about half the stack yesterday before I went to bed, then this morning when I woke up I read for another hour before turning the lights back off and trying to overcome that springy things that the spring fairy stuck in my eyelids when I was sleeping.

You should read these quotes:

If your friends at home love tacky tourist crap, you are in luck!


If you've lost your departure card or forgot to fill one out, the immigration officer may request $20 as a bribe to let you pass. Don't give him the money

Taxi drivers may tell you there are no more airport buses - ignore them.

Driver may come up with any kind of excuses, from 'no vacancy' or 'circus is in town' just to get you [to] stay at other (commision-paying) hotels.

Driving in Saigon is best left to experienced drivers, however - the traffic is intense, and has its own rhythms and logic.

The driver often visits places which benefit his wallet. The driver often ignores your directions for museums and heads to his favoured local poor quality gift shop. They circulate around the central market and will immediately try to take you on a city tour the moment you are on board.

...the biggest problem is when you get of the bus, you become a pedestrian. (haha you think, big deal, then you read these: )

However crossing the road in Saigon can be a nightmare.

Adherence to traffic signals in Saigon is is vastly improving, and while they're not always followed... Just remember though that vehicles can ALWAYS turn right at any time (regardless oflights). Motorbikes often drive in the wrong direction

(On Independence Palace) There is also a photo gallery and a propaganda film recounting how the South Vietnamese supporters and American imperialists succumbed to Ho Chi Minh's indomitable revolutionary forces, upon which point the South Vietnamese Supporters were forgiven and everyone lived happily ever after.

If you care about animal welfare, avoid the zoo.

(On Quan Am Pagoda) The oldest pagoda in town, home of a lot of incense and a cheerful puppy.

(On the Saigon River) Make sure you know how to cross the road before attempting to get there.

If you're in Saigon on a Sunday night, then beg, borrow, or rent a two-wheeled vehicle

Cho Binh Tay in the China, the more underrated twin of Ben Thahn [market](haha it sounds like ben10) , selling everything from spices, Chinese medicines, silk to obscure varieties of fermented fish, dried seafoods, and jerks.

Hidden behind rows of hardware and electric supplies shops, just brave yourself and enter.

Vietnam sounds so exciting(: I also saw this email to my mum with pictures of weird sights in Vietnam. Oh, forgot to send it to myselfD: but look at this email(:

I will miss Bush's quotes

"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."

"The future will be better tomorrow."

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to
Europe. We are a part of Europe."

"Public speaking is very easy."

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."

"For NASA, space is still a high priority."

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that
are doing it."

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."

Makes us love Obama that much more. (:

and this one, from amandah(:

and my favourite...

10:48 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

when you feel unaccomplished, make a list(:

.woke up
.went back to sleep
.woke up again
.listen to the radio
.played a cd
.took a shower
.sat down
.watched tv
.read the newspapers
.used the computer
.uploaded pictures
.check email
.did not eat pineapple tarts(:
.ate lunch (woke up too late for breakfast)
.looked at photos
.drank water

yay i feel accomplished(:

3:09 PM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

we'll miss you(:

It was so cool and so touching. Miss Tan and her sister and her chauffeur (sp? I don't know how to spell a lot of words. And I pray sabrina doesn't read that hahaha) arrived at about 10.30 and the whole school (i think) was there and we were all cheering damn loud and screaming.

The teachers who organised it also got the p6,1&2 (i think.) to line up along the road leading to rgps. so sweet. aww(:

So she got off at the pick up point and we're all screaming and the teachers went to pop those party stuff and mr teo was like struggling with his poppy thing so it was like 'pop pop pop pop ahhhhhhhh ahhh whooooo pause pause pause POP whoo ahh!' hahaha(: serves him right for not being more appreciative that we visit him(:

Then it was the concert! First it was the band playing, big surprise, FORREST GUMP! hahaha they play it at like every event. Then they played colours of the wind(: love that song(: and I haven't heard it in a while/: but the band was playing it and sabrina and bianche were the self-appointed vocals, so i guess that counts as hearing it today(:

After that was the p3 speech and drama course performance. The lower primary is so pampered. They get all these swimming courses and speech and drama courses and some other courses. And they get to play in the playground. allow me to poutD: hahahaha(: at least VISITORS get to play there. but it's getting stale now/:

Then were 2 p3 groups one sang with music, and the other a capella/ aca pella/ acapella. so cute(: then the 4minutes group which performed for grad!

then us. At the end Bianche picked up the card and we all shouted 'WE LOVE YOU MISS TAN!'
hahahaha i bet that was the redeeming factor of our dance(:

I like insulting matches(:
-exasperated look-

(:: hahaha okay la pro(: LOL. like since your name is, uh, (:, by saying 'hahaha okay la pro(:' it's like i'm saying 'hahaha okay la pro, [your name]'! so cool!(: HAHAHAHAHAHA
viv: okay(:
vildana: your name SOUNDS like a twilight character-worthy name(: hahaha that smiley again(: oh dear.
daisy: whee!(: it's nc16D: D: D:
emeline: hahaha you just made me want to laugh at you
ninny: oh. yeah. HAHAHAHAHAHA(: not my fault.
SUPERGIRL ♥: ZERLIND! i remember you!!!
☆ wendy ; ohyah.: haha thanks and HELLO(: whoa. i like that star thing(:
casper: hahaha why do i get the feeling that you're naomi since you said today you had a white casper shirt lol(: edward cullen is so hot the way EVERYONE thinks about him hahahahaha. stephenie meyer let's us fantasize(:

4:47 PM

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yesterday was grad day for rgpbatchof'08!
Mrs Sng asked for two alumni performances, so there we were(: sabrina, bianche, claire and weiling sung 'how six songs collide' acapella (however you spell that). a capella. aca pella. o.o
they were the 2nd performance after this gep+mainstream dance group. Then the school didn't have condenser mikes so they had to use those handheld ones. and claire's wasn't turned onD: but they got cheers(: &they only had like 2 hours of practice or something, so very pro(:

but the audience was quite unresponsive actuallyD: like there was this long row of girls more concerned about candyfloss-.- ew. I just realised it's candyfloss, like dental floss. And I saw a p6er with blue teeth from the candyfloss-.-

the performers quite poor thing. the first performance most people were still queueing up and some walking around so not many people paid attention. Last year like everyone was sitting down and staring. maybe cos it was a competition, not a performance. or that the dj told us to keep quiet.

our dance was fifth! the starting part was too soft thoughD:
only when the dance started did it hit me that the performance was so short.

it's taking a long time for things to hit me nowadays. (hahahhaha like matrix or something. I duck, so the things cannot HIT me!)

9:19 AM

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's time I posted properly(:

boooring, NEXT!
(hahaha can you tell i watched emperor's new school today?)

wow. it just hit me that it's november now.

not bad, but it's quite sad to see how un-united 110 is nowD: we were more bonded earlier this year, when we didn't know each other that well/:
let's just hope for the better next year, yeah(:

my brother just dragged me away to play badmintonD:
he won. 7-0 game points (race to 10) haha quite fun we kept calling shots foul(:
me:"that's not counted. that's a crap shot"
bro:"that's a half body slam, what crap"
-play play play-
bro:"now that's a crap shot"
me:"that's a.. kick back slam.. boom."
i'm creative(:

I am happy(: my gpa IMPROVED! thanks to b.i., actually.
I aimed for higher, but I'm not disappointed or anything. I'm satisfied. weird.

eda, liting, ningxin and i went to cine! and watched lakeview terrace. i think. something terrace.
damn weird show. this black guy is a cop and this whiteman&blackwoman couple just moved in next door to him. And he doesn't like them cos his wife who's black and dead died in a car crash with her boss who's white so he thinks that the wife was having an affair with her boss. so he doesn't like white and black couples, or something like that.
So they start annoying each other

and bang, in the end the black guy dies.

haha well the cinema was so empty, and i mean completely except for the four of us. Which is why the sound was so LOUD. The cinema felt very spooky cos there was no one at ALL, except for the occasional staff that popped in and stood at the back of the cinema.

wearing a white shirt that nearly glowed in the dark. damn spooky. then before there was this 'hell's highway' trailer and we were all covering our ears and shutting our eyes, and that ningxin was just sitting there and staring at the screen-.-

what happened? I can't remember...

nights in rodanathe!<3
I love that show. it's so sad. it's like the tears just stream down, no stopping it. then just when you're going to stop crying, then whoosh, it comes again.
I love shows that make you cry.
and that make you laugh at the same time(:

6:08 PM


hahaha my last post was a quiz and so will this and the next if I separate the two quizzes I'm about to steal from VIVIAN!

1. Who was the first person to tag you?

2. How do you think of that person?
answered this in last quiz alr(: hmm, I shall add on! abnormally hyper:D

3. Do you eat alot of fast food?
yes :D D:

4. Have you kiss anyone in 2008?

5. Do you eat candy on a regular basis?
I prefer chocolates(:

6. What's your 5th sent message about?
I like this quiz, it so respects your privacy-.-
about what we're wearing for grad dance. To sabrina.
hahaha i don't have shorts that short. I don't have a jacket:/ lend me one.

7.Who was the last person you ate with?
hmm my family last night dinner(:

8. Who was the last person you took photo with?
amanda and doob outside canteen toilet on drama night(:

9. When ordering sushi what do you get?
the round cylindrical kaleidoscopes ones wrapped with sushi, with cucumber inside(:

10. Who was the last person you sat with?
eda ningxin on tables during class party(:

11. What were you doing at 10am?
watching tv! hmm at 10... oh yeah watching random shows as I waited for this nice christmas show to start. I love christmas shows with santa and elves which make you feel guilty for not really believing in Santa yet you wonder whether the actors actually do believe as they guiltify you.

12. Have you changed this summer?
ooh, shall I start from 13 years ago?(:

13. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
I think it was 13th march 2008, thursday when we went to watch p.s. i love you and step up 2 at cine and we ate at KFC and they didn't give the cover thing so I spilled it and I think some splashed on me. on my feet.
wow. How do I remember this stuff._.

14. Where is the place you want to be now?
In my bed.

15. When was the last time you cried?
NIGHTS IN RODANTHE!! that was... farewell! last friday.

16. What's your favourite song for the moment?
love story(:

17. What were you doing at 11 pm ystd?
using my phone

18. Who's near you?
my dad and my bro.

19. What were you doing at 5am in the morning?

20. Who was the last person who talk to you on the phone?
eh no wait my mum cos I called to ask her where the laptop was(:

21. Whose house did you go to last month?
doob's? eh no that was a few months ago. dunno. mine(:

22. Who honestly knows everything about you?
I don't even know everything about me._.
Was I a cat in my past life? oh wow that'd be my past nine lives!
was I ever a dinosaur?
was I ever a vegetarian?

23. Who broke your heart?
no one

24. Honestly do you love someone very much?
most of the time, yes(:

25. Who was the last person to tell you i love you?
lol dunno(:

26. Are you friends with the last person you kissed?

27. Are there any parts of your body which hurts?
around my right knee. and mild pins and needles in my right foot.
why am i telling you this-.-

28. In the supermarket which thing caught your attention first?
the cashier? o.o first thing i see. or the swingy metal door barrier thing.

29. How cool do you think you are?
I am mayo the coolcoolcool WITHOUT the -.-, amanda.

30. Do you take drugs?

31. Who do you hate most?
wouldn't you want to know.

actually, so do I.

32. Who was the first person to text you this morning?
I cleared my inbox alr... I think doob.

33. What was the first thing you did this morning?
check the time, check my phone, call jocie, sms.

34. What was the last mistake you made?
define mistake.
and as you search dictionary.com, I will think(:

35. What are you listening to now?
the tv. channel news asia talking about obama and response and economy and stuff. no wonder my dad fell asleep.

36. What is the last person of opp gender you had conversation with?
hmm. last? err my brother like 5 minutes ago.
"who say you can use the comp?"
"you don't know then don't talk la."

37. Who was the last person that called you?

38. Is there something you want to tell someone special?
hello(: you're special(:


10 ppl to do:
AMANDA don't you dare abandon your blog


[x]Talked back to a teacher
[x] Been kicked out of class history(: to write reflections.
[ ] Worn pyjamas to school
[/] Had your tooth fall out at school hmm I can't remember but I remember my tooth cracked into two on an ikan bilis from rgp stall 6-.- then I went to the dentist and got it pulled out
[x] Gotten lost in your school rgs is so big yet so small
[x] Broken the dress code in school attire booking? then four times I guess/:
[x] Completely failed a test eya chinese paper 2.
[x] Left class without asking
[x] Missed a whole week of school in primary2 during sars period(:
[ ] Thrown up in school I can't remember throwing up at all o.o
[ ] Been beat up at school

[/] Argue with your parents a lot
[x] Argue with your brother(s) evidence above-.-
[x] Argue with your sister(s) doesn't everyone?
[ ] Have your own room
[ ] Do your own laundry
[ ] Cook dinner once in a while
[/] Are loud and obnoxious at home depends on my mood
[x]Wears pyjamas when at home at night. I love my pyjamas(: I have this winnie the pooh one from kindergarten that is so short i wear it as a sleeping shirt(:
[ ] You sleep in very long I don't think I've ever slept past noon and that's very rare too. my body clock wakes me up around 8-10am during the holidays. and on school days i wake up at 2/3/4am then fall asleep again(:
[/] All you do is watch television when I'm home alone. And should I be embarrassed that when I typed 'home alone' I remembered the show?
[ ] Your parents are divorced
[ ] Your family makes you cry alot
[ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you
[ ] You cant stand being with your parents

[x]You currently dislike one or more of your friends sigh
[ ] You are jealous of one or more of your friends
[ ] You have known a friend your whole life
[/] Your friends are all taller than you some. but most aren't(:
[ ] You have been ditched by a " friend " i don't think so...
[x] You have memorized a friend's phone number i memorise A LOT of numbers. even my kindergarten friend I haven't spoken to since uh, kindergarten. I still remember it.
[x] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number
[ ] You have been to all of your friends houses
[x] You love most of your friends

[ ] You bite your nails
[ ] You have an odd obsession with knives
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door closed
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door open
[ ] There is at least one sound you cannot stand
[ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[/] You are good at telling lies to some very gullible people ahem doob

[x] You currently like someone. not that way
[ ] You want to kill one of your exes
[ ] You can stay committed for an unusually long time
[ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you a bitch before
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self centered before

[ ] You hate George Bush
[/] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal
[x] Gay marriage is fine to you
[ ] Boys make better friends than girls do
[/] The beach is an excellent place for a date
[ ] Pink is an ugly color
[/] Needles aren’t so horrible
[ ] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal um.
[/] You have plenty of secrets I think at least one person knows each of my secrets(:

[x] Fallen down the stairs D:
[x] Someone has tied your shoelaces together sabrina-.-
[ ] Had a nail fall off gross, no
[ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul by Ars Falcis um.
[ ] Had surgery
[ ] Slapped someone across the face I don't have the heart to even when it's meant as a joke (the loser, lameo, whatever, moron, sucker, nerd, take a picture, SLAP thing) just like tap, not slap
[ ] Killed someone uh, okay?
[ ] Someone has called you a tease o.o
[ ] You have been to Europe one day i'll go to that country which starts with 's' and stay in its ice hotel. I think that country is in europe...
[ ] You have worn something inside out for a whole day half a day(:

[01] Name: maehanyi
[02] Nickname: mayo
[03] Married: hahaha no.
[04] Zodiac Sign: leo!
[05] Gender: female
[06] Age: 13
[07] High School: rgs
[08] Senior high school: rjc. rijc. whatever.
[09] Height: 161? dunno.
[10] Weight: now that's a secret(:
[11] Do you like yourself: i guess...
[12] Piercings: ear. but it's as good as nonexistent. haven't worn earrings for nearly a year...
[13] Right or left: huh? handed? right.
[14] Are you a freak: that's for me to decide?
[15] Hair: black
[16] Skin: brown
[17] Allergic: nothing
[18] What are you doing now: haha this.
[19] What will you do 1 hour later: sit around and do stuff.
[20] What will you do 10 years later: study?

[21] Live with mother/father/parents: parents.
[22] Siblings (included you): 3

where are the questions?

[56] Are you a good student: hahaha dunno.
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: eventually?
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: not in this school.
[59] Always late to school/college: never late(: to assembly... sometimes(:
[61] You love your seniors: hmm. okay la
[62] Senior who you love the most: i am fair(:
[63] Your classmates good/bad: good. mostly(:
[64] Excellent result classmate: vivian.
[65] Laziest classmate: i have no idea. ningxin?


i love and hate meebo. yes i do(:

4:12 PM

#70 QUIZ!
Saturday, November 1, 2008

70th post~
quiz from vivian! haha yay i love you you actually found an undone quiz(:

1. do you have secrets?
ooh, that's a secret(:

2. how do you explain love?

3. do you enjoy going to school?
sometimes. actually, yeah, i do.

4. what would do with a billion dollars?
bribe spotlight manager to let me ransack it!

5. would you fall in love with your best friend?
err. no.

6. which is more blessed, being loved by someone or loving someone?
being loved. it's easy to love(:

7. list out your current ten favourite songs
i don't really have favourites... but I shall list nice songs i remember(:
LOVE STORY by taylor swift
SO WHAT by pink
LEAVE (GET OUT) by jojo
I'VE BEEN LOVING YOU LONG TIME by mariah carey and ti
ALL AROUND ME by ________
IN THE AYER by flo rida!
WHINE UP by kat deluna and the elephant man
IT ENDS TONIGHT by ___________
(can't keep my hands off the cookie jar) by ___________
YOU'RE STILL THE ONE by shania twain!
TAKE A BOW by rihanna
oh. that's more than 10.

8. if the person you secretly like is attached, what would you do?
get over himD:

9. is there anything which has made you extremely happy?
define extremely happy.
going out?

10. list the artists you listen to
sigh. 987fm songs(:

11. how would you see yourself in 10 years time
in university? (when do people graduate from uni?._.)

12. what is currently the most important thing to you
thing... I have no idea.

13. what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is
hahaha vivian! permanent dieter. how does she resist???

14. rich or ugly husband V. poor but handsome husband
call it cliche, but I think who you marry shouldn't be decided by wealth or looks but more of happiness and life fulfilment(:

15. what are your favourite colours?
i like a pink/black combo. and light blue. or the royal blue like the fbts colour. and light purple. like lilac. like last year's english file(:
I use too many likes. hahaha cos I LIKE the colours!!!

16. would you give an all in a relationship
depends on who

17. if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick
the one I enjoy being with more

18. would you forgive and forget someone who did something truly horrible?
I might forgive, but I don't think there's distraction big enough so I can forget.

19. do you prefer being single or in a relationship
I don't knowD:

20. 5 people tagged:


11:08 AM