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#69 clubpenguin!
Thursday, October 30, 2008

I have suddenly rediscovered my longago existent love for clubpenguin(: It is awesome. I remember I started an account sometime last year or something, then we were at jac's house doing some haze project (i think) and roanna was guiding me through all the quests (is that what it's called?) and jac was damn pissed(: And we didn't get any work done except for finishing up a huge pack of lays. And jacjac has a nice tablet pc!

I think rgp now has this tablet pc lab or something. If I remember right we went there in p6 after psle, and mrs ho showed us an inconvenient truth in the tablet pc lab. But they removed the stylus thing, which is like, defeats the purpose ._.

Hahaha i remember just before psle the teachers brought us to the computer lab to play games(: i love rgp!

This year's graduation dance is going to be baaaad D: we have about 3 minutes and 4 songs to choreograph to and we have only completed 4sets of 8D: D: D:

grab the coke can, go one round, crawl to coke can, throw it away!
throw it away (again), punch the coke can, yeah, it's gone (cool)!
yay, yay, look at the coke can, whack, up, yo yo.
wheee, reach out pump, crab walk, left, right!

easy way to remember the steps (or just make us more confusedD: ) either way, it's going to be funn(:

tomorrow is farewell ceremony for sec4s... does their school end tomorrow? or do they still go to school after the ceremony ._. doesn't make senseD:

if it doesn't make sense sense, don't make money money(:
lyrics hardly make sense:D

So school will end at like 10plus so it's movie day! whee(:

tag replies~
viv: no more nice quizzes alreadyD: sad right. the best way to post without having to really think is quizzes(:
they're called olympia coven in breaking dawn? really?._.
and I used to think there were so many quizzes. One of my old blogs was COMPLETELY quizzes. like maybe one not but the rest (okay, only about 7/8) were all quizzes(:
regina: twilight the movie actors actually aren't that bad looking, but they are TURNED worse looking in the movie... shouldn't it be the other way round? ._. like rosalie's actor is actually damn pretty but in the movie she isn't that pretty... and jacob, POOR JACOB D:
belinda: yes!! but so much movies, it'll get boringD:
ningxin: i am hans christian anderson, also know as hanny!
emeline: hahahahahaha that's why it's a love story! between romeo&juliet, and everybody&the song!
"that you were everybody, you were throwing pebbles
and my daddy said stay away from the song!"
so cool(:

4:43 PM

#68 hsm3&netball carn(:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I bet there was a class worse than us(: I bet 20cents!

We did our best! And played in our class shirt which a lot of people said was nice(:
And our banner's awesome(: Mr Ben read out the ben-ner (HAHAHA get it?) results!
One day I will post the pictures.

haha at least we got commended for random cheering!
110 wins for being the only class that cheered!

It's all about the little things(:

yesterday went with doob and ningxin to lido to watch high school musical 3!
Actually we wanted to watch nights in rodanthe also, but like school ended 1plus and we didn't want to go home too late.
Someone needs to catch up on her beauty sleep that doesn't seem to work(:
no, not me.

hsm3 is awesome! I don't think a lot of people have watched it so I shan't comment on the plot. The songs don't seem disney-channel-movie-ish anymore. They sound quite mtv!

in the theatre just before the movie started,
ningxin: eh, what movie is this?
m&d: high school musical!
ningxin: HUH? I thought we watching nights in rodanthe?

she is a blurpok.
haha then on our way to far east,

m: did you watch maid in manha.. manhan.. manhantan?
d: it's manhattan.
m: maid in manhattan? can i just say maid in US?
n: maid in china!

There are so many movies this december holidays, and why do they all have to be so niceD: D: D:
yet to watch!:
.nights in rodanthe
.angus, thongs and perfect snogging
.marley and me
.four christmases
.bedtime stories
.the day the earth stood still
.wild child


6:24 PM

#66 lovestory;
Monday, October 27, 2008

we were both young when i first saw you
i close my eyes
and the flashback starts
im standing there
on a balcony of summer air

see the lights,
see the party the ball gowns
see you make your way through the crowd
you say hello
little did i know

that you were romeo you were throwing pebbles
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
and i was crying on the staircase
begging you please don’t go, and i said

romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i’ll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you’ll be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes

so i sneak out to the garden to see you
we keep quiet because we’re dead if they knew
so close your eyes
lets escape this town for a little while
cause you were romeo i was a scarlet letter
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
but you were everything to me
i was begging you please don’t go and i said

romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i’ll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes

romeo save me, they're tryin to tell me how to feel
this love is difficult, but its real
don’t be afraid we’ll make it out of this mess
its a love story baby just say yes,

Oh, oh

I got tired of waiting
wondering if you were ever coming around
my faith in you was fading
when i met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

romeo save me i’ve been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head, i don’t know what to think
he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said

marry me juliet you’ll never have to be alone
i love you and thats all I really know
i talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
its a love story baby just say yes
oh, oh, yes
we were both young when i first saw you

~Love Story, Taylor Swift

lyrics, music

I love this song<3

9:23 AM

#67 destroying the world

okay that's quite late reaction or something, considering I finished that book like a few weeks ago. hmm let's see... I started reading it uh, some tuesday/thursday when there wasn't school but there was thirdlang cos I remember reading it when waiting for the train to bishan with doob and she laughed at the cover D:

I find it so awesome I shall type out a whole chapter here(:
Which is very hard, since this keyboard is so stiff, it's next to stationary.
I like using 'next to's. (: insults, yet softens the insult. Brilliant or what.

I can't use my own computer cos something happened and I think it crashed. I hope not though D:


"You [John Hammond] were worried about that [the dinosaurs getting free and overrunning the world]? You egomanical idiot. Do you have any idea what you are talking about? You think you can destroy the planet? My, what intoxicating power you must have. You can't destroy this planet. You can't even come close. Well, [the planet]'s not [in trouble].

"Let me tell you about our planet. Our planet is four and a half billion years old. There has been life on this planet for nearly that long. Three point eight billion years. The first bacteria. And, later, the first multicellular animals, then the first complex creatures, in the sea, on the land. Then the great sweeping age of animals - the amphibians, the dinosaurs, the mammals, each lasting millions upon millions of years.

"Great dynasties of creatures arising, flourishing, dying away. All this happening against a background of continuous and violent upheaval, mountain ranges thrust up and eroded away, cometary impacts, volcanic eruptions, oceans rising and falling, whole continents moving...Endless constant and violent change...Even today, the greatest geographical feature on the planet comes from two great continents colliding, buckling to make the Himalayan mountain range over millions of years. The planet has survived everything, in its time. It will certainly survive us.

"Suppose there was [a radiation accident]. Let's say we had a bad one, and all the plants and animals died, and the earth was clicking hot for a hundred thousand years. Life would survive somewhere - under the soil, or perhaps frozen in Arctic ice. And after all those years, when the planet was no longer inhospitable, life would again spread over the planet. The evolutionary process would begin again. It might take a few billion years for life to regain its present variety. And of course it would be very different from what it is now. But the earth would survive our folly. Life would survive our folly. Only we think it wouldn't.

"[If the ozone layer gets thinner], there will be more ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface. So what? Ultraviolet radiation is good for life. It's powerful energy. It promotes mutation, change. Many forms of life will thrive with more UV radiation.

"You think this is the first time such a thing [many species dying out] has happened? Don't you know about oxygen?

"It is now [necessary for life]. But oxygen is actually a metabolic poison. It's a corrosive gas, like fluorine, which is used to etch glass. And when oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells -say, around three billion years ago- it created a crisis for all other life on our planet. Those plant cells were polluting the environment with a deadly poison. They were exhaling a lethal gas, and building up its concentration. A planet like Venus has less than one percent oxygen. On earth, the concentration of oxygen was going up rapidly - five, ten, eventually twenty-one percent! Earth had an atmosphere of pure poison! Incompatible with life!

"My point is that life on earth can take care of itself. In the thinking of a human being, a hundred years is a long time. A hundred years ago, we didn't have cars and airplanes and computers and vaccines...It was a whole different world. But to the earth, a hundred years is nothing. A million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, we haven't got the humility to try. We have been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we are gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us. We might [very well be gone].

"Let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet - or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves."

-Ian Malcolm
"Destroying The World", Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton

9:17 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I feel cheatedD: You realise how most report slip comments are mostly the same as others, and positive? I found out whyD: D: D: D:

disadvantage of having teachers as parents. or advantage, I don't know.

My mum has this book called "Teachers' Messages For Report Cards" and they have sample messages for (I quote the content page) "Weak, Slow and Immature Work - Arithmetic, Language Arts, General", "Behavior Problems", "The Average Child", "The Gifted Child", "Appropriate Adjectives", "Appropriate Phrases", etc.

Does this sound familiar?
_____'s potential is much greater
Not working to full capability
Has the potential to ______, but______.
I guess all these translate to "hey, you kinda suck."

Another time I was sitting in my dad's staffroom, and I guess it was about end of year or maybe midyear, cos the teachers were talking about report book comments. And one of the conversation I overheard couldn't help but hear (they were shouting across the staffroom) went something like this:

"How to say 'so-and-so needs to buck up'?"
"uh, 'so-and-so has a high potential, and there's room for improvement'?"

It's scary to think about the hidden meanings behind all thatD: hmm, where's my report book...

5:37 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

hello(: haha this post is going to seem very ._. as compared to the previous post(:

There's a super long bit of jurassic park which I want to write down here cos it's so nice(: but right now I can't find itD:

Cheerleading auditions tomorrow. scaryD:

This is a very boring wuliao post. sighD:

I should stop using faces. (:

9:17 PM

#63 twilight!
Sunday, October 19, 2008

hahaha i suddenly have so much things to blog about(: but I shall split it all up into separate posts(:

I start with the quiz! yes vivian, I'm doing this for you. but you might already have it... so i'm doing this for... me! hahaha(:

from ninnypok!

level 1
[ ]smoked a cigarette
[ ]smoked a cigar
[x]kissed a member of the same gender

level 2
[ ]are/been in love
[ ]dumped someone
[ ]been fired
[/]been in a fist fight

level 3
[ ]had a crush on an older person
[x]skipped class
[ ]seen someone/something die

level 4
[ ]been to Paris
[ ]been to Spain
[x]been on a plane
[ ]thrown up from drinking

level 5
[x]eaten sushi
[ ]been snowboarding
[ ]met someone through Internet

level 6
[ ]been in an abusive relationship
[ ]taken pain killers
[ ]liked/loved someone whom you can't have
[ ]laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
[ ]made a snow angel

level 7
[ ]had a tea party
[ ]flown a kite
[x]built a sandcastle
[ ]gone mudding
[x]played dress-up

level 8
[ ]jumped into a pile of leaves
[ ]gone sledding
[x]cheated while playing a game
[x]been lonely
[x]fallen asleep in work/school

level 9
[/]watched the sunset. I looked at it and admired for about 10s(:
[ ]felt an earthquake
[ ]killed a snake

level 10
[x]been tickled
[/]been robbed/vandalised. my stuff has been stolen, but that's not exactly robbed...
[ ]been cheated on
[x]been misunderstood

level 11
[ ]won a contest
[ ]been suspended from school
[ ]had detention. my attire dc hasn't come yet(: please don't!
[ ]been in a car/motorcycle accident

level 12
[/]had/have braces. i had retainers
[ ]eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[ ]danced in the moonlight

level 13
[/]hated the way you look
[ ]witnessed a crime
[ ]pole danced. hmm, not around a pole(:
[ ]questioned your heart
[ ]been obsessed with post-it notes

level 14
[ ]squished barefoot through the mud
[x]been to the opposite side of the world. is that america? o.o
[/]swam in the ocean. i have no idea if it was ocean or sea(:
[ ]felt like you were dying

where have all the time consuming irritating quizzes gone to? D:

I officially love this year's december holidays(: The movies are SO awesome.

.hsm3! the trailer is oh-so-cool! but gabriella standing up is so... weird. haha(: ashley tisdale isn't that pretty already/: the shot of the wildcats wearing their hoodies is super cool(: hahaha

.harrypotter! hmm, dunno what happened to it. no posters, nothing. no trailers either. maybe there is on the internet...
omgosh the poster is so cool!!! hahaha my vocab is so limited(:

oh whoops i just realised it's coming out 16 july next year -.-
what the hell.
harry potter and the deathly hallows will be split into 2, one to be released November 19th 2010 and the second part would be in theatres at May 2011. Like, okay, great, they'd cover a lot of it, but don't you think deathly hallows is a bit hardly any plot act-able, splitting it into two would be... not very interesting, since, personal view: hogwarts MAKES it interesting. the final battle would be nice though, but at like 2011-.- sigh.

.nights in rodanthe! LOVE STORY, AWW(:

.wild child emma roberts. shouldn't be too bad eh(:

marley and me! hahaha this is a MUST watch it's super cute! coming out christmas(:

trailer#1 (this makes no sense, but it's so cute(: )


.four christmases a comedy!

.TWILIGHT the best for the last(:
i've been having weird dreams about the twilight movie. 2 to be exact. The first one I was bella, and I remember emmett cullen looked so hot, but not like out of reach kind of way. I think edward was hot, but I expected a lot, so it's like, big deal la. Alice tied a small ponytail o.o like those short stumps. Can't really remember the rest.

The second dream was shorter, and they all looked like aliens.
I prefer the first dream.

I haven't actually seen the poster, so here goes(:

BELLA SWAN. kristen stewart!
hmm she looks plain in the first picture. I sort of expected her to be very prettyD: but in the second picture she looks prettier! edward in the second picture, on the other hand... looks weird(:

EDWARD CULLEN. robert pattinson!
hey he's not bad okay!(: there's a lot of talk about how he doesn't do edward justice, but please, who does? edward in our minds is fantasy(:

JACOB BLACK. taylor lautner!
WHOA. WHOA. WHOA. omgosh he's HOT. hotter than eward. he's going to make bella look like she has horrible taste.

ALICE CULLEN. ashley greene!
This is unexpected. she looks old, kind of. she looks like a harry potter character o.o hahaha oops, no offence. but not bad la(:

EMMETT CULLEN. kellan lutz!
wow. well he doesn't look as hot as in my dream(: but his eye colour is so nice! like they described in the book! so pro(:

ROSALIE HALE. nikki reed!
so fitting! she's damn pretty. but in the movie shots she doesn't look as pretty as this... photoshop? o.o haha(:

JASPER HALE. jackson rathbone!
SO unexpected. but I didn't really expect anything. he doesn't look like jasper. I thought jasper had short hair ._.

CARLISLE CULLEN. peter facinelli!
WHOA. how DOES he pass off as 30?!

ESME CULLEN. elizabeth reaser!
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. this is like their best choice. tie with jacob. rosalie after(: she's pretty, and she has this motherly look. nice!

CHARLIE SWAN. billy burke!
hey not bad! I expected him to be older, but, not bad!

RENEE. sarah clarke!
haha this is extra, but I just want to see picture how charlie and renee looked together(: wow. they fit. I can picture them running away together(:

JAMES. cam gigandet!
LAURENT. edi gathegi!
VICTORIA. rachelle lefevre!
james fits! laurent doesn't really look like a good guy... but then he WAS bad in the new moon, so yeah kinda fits. victoria... I expected her to look meaner, and cat-ish. she looks kinda nice here. o.o

MIKE NEWTON. michael welch!
hahaha curious(: michael, mike! fits(: he's cute! hey wow, the movie REALLY makes bella look like she's got bad taste. so many cute people around crazy for her, and she chooses the not-as-cute vampire. the book gives her much more credit(:

ANGELA WEBER. christian serratos!
hey wow she's pretty! and she looks nice. not bad choice(:

JESSICA STANLEY! anna kendrick!
good choice(: seems nice, yet when she becomes the bad guy you can see hints of bitchiness, no offence(:


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9:37 AM

#62 tagreplies!
Saturday, October 18, 2008

ooh long time no do!(:
hahaha i shall waste a lot of space and quote every single tag for easy reference(:
okay yeah, i have nothing better to do.

amanda: cockroaches ARE CUTEEEEEEEEEE!!! hahaha. i know im awesome. that's why you want to take my quizzes XD
NO THEY'RE NOT. They hide under bathroom mats then suddenly shoot out and you realise it was hiding under and you wonder if you stepped on it/: hahaha more like your quizzes are fun, and that has nothing to do with your taste/awesomeness:D

doob: (:i rock! my jokes r being told! all over the world! i shall dominate the world! MUAHAHAHA. and my sidekick shall be my pet jelly fish(: you know there was this guy with his parrot at the beach 2dae(:
hahaha your ONE joke told on like 2 blogs or something is not jokeS all over the WORLD(: sigh so deluded:D your jelly fish is going to sting you, I bet. haha so cool. i always wondered why the parrots claws don't dig into the flesh of their owners shoulders. eeh like velociraptor in jurrassic park. all the dinosaurs actually. they rip you across the stomach and your intestines fall out/:

emeline: hello wrong girl i am right!:D
I'm rightD: you're left! hahahaha(:

ningxin(:: awww i'm so touched (:
hello! o: woohoo you never reply my sms )))):
(: well, ignoring all the technicalities, you ARE the best in scrabble(: and no, that's not random! hmm you know if I remember correctly, and i'm quite sure I did, I said bye and your said bye. how to reply! D:

char: HAHA so youre the english oral girl.

regina♥: wow pro at bahasa indonesia huh, mayo:D
oh i tag much but !! my school bus has bright neonish lights HAHA. around the windows and the door and under the seats:D
hmph I'm normally very pro okay! it's NERVES(: haha I thought school buses were mainly used to catch up on sleep on the way to school(: with all the lights how to sleep one!._.

Miraco`: Hello worm.

exam period how to update!D: must mug like a good girl(:

emeline: your tagboard is sad and lifeless):
but i am hereeee to brighten it up HEEHEEHEE. my laughter did the trick yo(:
urm. right. okay. your laughter? HAHAHA now i want to laugh(:

amanda: oh that's sick XD hahahah. ii thought the nipples are the eyes of the stomach O.O hahahha
EW. that's equally gross. haha, you didn't watch house bunny? GO WATCH! hey, nipples being the eyes of the stomach kinda fit actually(: but that means some people are blind.... ahem.

belinda.: hiie! ;]] i came to tag! (: care to link me?
hahaha okay(:


11:32 AM

#61 FLEW;

in·flu·en·za –noun

1. Pathology. an acute, commonly epidemic disease, occurring in several forms, caused by numerous rapidly mutating viral strains and characterized by respiratory symptoms and general prostration.

2. Veterinary Pathology. an acute, contagious disease occurring in horses and swine, characterized by fever, depression, and catarrhal inflammations of the eyes, nasal passages, and bronchi, and caused by a virus.

[Origin: 1735–45; < It < ML influentia influence]

I got it from my mama dictionary.com(:

Hey wow this sounds so severe. "catarrhal inflammations of the eyes". I imagine red blotches. Gross. Well, according to my definition, I have the FLU(: sorethroat and runny nose. I wouldn't make a very good doctor/:

I'm happy(: Finished mixing the songs for grad dance, and finally figured out how to level the volume! hahaha i'm not very good at audacity okay, but give me some credit. At least I can cut and paste(:

When Pits in the area area
better check his bank fo direst deposits
check under yo bed bed
check yo closet
she dont like bacon?
COOL I'll give her sausage
Hit The Floor-Twista

ahem. I wanted to prove my point that the song lyrics don't make sense until I actually read the lyrics, and realised it did. argh. gross.

11:12 AM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's not like it was before, and I think that's best for all of us. All we can do now; all there's left to do is get on with our own lives, forgive, but not forget, for what went wrong that wrecked what we had just made what we have now that much better.

8:20 PM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Exams are finally over(:

Yesterday went with eda deborah emeline cheese cheryl and friend to watch HOUSE BUNNY<3

The eyes are the nipples of the face.
HAHAHAHA shelley is so innocently sick.

nice little quiz, to kick things off(:

okay i can't find a quiz.

At the very least, there are infinite shades of gray.
-Mercy, Jodi Picoult

6:21 PM