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#39 anotherquiz.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm stealing this from Cheryl, cos I just feel really bored and ICT has sort of been cancelled so we're allowed to do whatever:)hey wow this is the 39th post. I'm nearing the BIG 40!!!

[One] Who was your last text from?
hmm... WanRan being weird.

[Two] Where was your default picture taken?
um default picture? The one I use as display pic on MSN was from some email I got.

[Three] What's your FULL name?
I don't even put my proper name on my profile page (it's so unique:D), and you want me to tell the world my full name???

[Four] Your Current status?
um. ??

[Five] What is your current mood?

[Six] How old are you?
My last day of being 12. (byebye half priced air tickets)

[Seven] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
I would have worn my yellow shirt instead of my white because it's more comfortable.

[Eight] What's your favourite colour(s)?
Depends on my mood... Pink, light purple (lilac-ish shade), blue (light-ish/baby-ish blue), light green...

[Nine] Ever had a near death experience?

[Ten] Something you do a lot?
Talk. Laugh (lol says eda). Sleep.

[Eleven] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
Depends on what anything is.

[Twelve] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
That Ford guy who designed those Ford cars. oh and ARNOLD Schwazanager (how do you SPELL that?) I think he's a body builder. or an actor. or a politician. hmm.

[Thirteen] If you could have one super power, what would it be?
To be omniscient. (I dunno that word that describes you knowing all??)

[Fourteen] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
What he's wearing. Since it covers most of his body. Well most of the time.

[Fifteen] Favourite season?
Winter. I'm SICK of summer.

[Sixteen] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
Yup. RUGRATS. But it showed on HBO Family, so is it still considered kiddy? I think they're damn cute:D) But why did they stop showing madeline? (Okay my spelling ability has gone sort of wonky)

[Seventeen] What are you drinking or eating at the moment?
ICT Lab with an SL beside me. Snacking on French Fries, yeah.

[Eighteen] What language(s) do you speak?
English, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu. Oh and I can say My name is... in Jap, Tamil, French:) oh and a little of teochew. And since teochew is kinda like hokkien (is it?) I know some hokkien:D

[Nineteen] Describe your life in one word.
living. (I wanted to say lived, but that would sound suicidal.)

[Twenty] Do you have any tattoos?
These pink personalised ones courtesy of Cheryl and her pink zig.

[Twenty-one] Who was the last person you hung out with?
Lol hung out like went out or walked around with? Well lunch I went with Eda, hanjun, crystal.

[Twenty-two] What are you thinking about right now?
My last finger is damn pain because this keyboard's shift key is like more resistant rock on a river bed. I think I shortened it from overuse. Apparently some Piano teachers have very short fingers cos they press so hard on the piano. Urgh that damn chair just lurched me upwards, somehow.

[Twenty-three] What should you be doing?
History&Lit PT. Maths worksheet. English thing.

[Twenty-four] Who was the last person that made you upset?
Define upset.

[Twenty-five] What are you listening to?
The bell just rang. And now an announcement is being made. (once Mrs Tay heard the announcement bell and thought class ended)

[Twenty-six] Do you like working in the yard?
My yard is carpet grass. And it's sort of bare and yellow now. And itchy/soothing when you step on it.

[Twenty-seven] Who is with you?

[Twenty-eight] Do you act different around the person you like?
Like how?

[Twenty-nine] What is your natural hair colour?

[Thirty] Last time you were really happy?
Lunch or before that...hmm.


2:31 PM

#38 PyramidKHUFU
Saturday, July 26, 2008

1. the person who passed you this quiz --
Cheryl Yeap

2. your relationship with her --

3. your 5 impressions of her --
.able to reach very high notes in everyday conversation
.quite nice
.takes damn long to reply letters
.funny (at times)

4. the most memorable thing she's done for you --
laughed AT me.

5. the most memorable thing she has said to you --
she speaks too much, trying to quote her is asking too much! (there is too much 'too much' in that sentence!)

6. if she becomes your lover, you will --

7. if she becomes your lover, things she should improve on --
hmm, a low voice. okay, i shall set my sights a little lower. average pitched voice.

8. if she becomes your enemy, you will --
change seat.

9. if she becomes your enemy, the reason will be --
she broke the glass in my hand

10. the most desired thing you want to do for her now --
crack a lame joke:D

11. your overall impression of him --
haha, cheryl as a guy. can't imagine. if it was a her... hmm. nice? (note the questionmark)

12. how do you think people around you would feel about you --
that i'm the nicest kid in town! lol, you can't ask ME about ME.

13. the characteristics you love about yourself --
my niceness:D

14. on the contrary, the characteristics you hate about yourself are --
i eat too much.

15. the most ideal person you want to be is --
an 'eat less' version of myself.

16. for people who care and like you, say something to them --

17. pass this quiz to 10 persons to see how they feel about you --
1. Deborah
2. AmandaH
3. Eda
4. Alethea
5. Ningxin
6. MinChih
7. Crystal
8. YanHan
9. Clara

18. who is no6 [MinChih] having a relationship with at the moment --

19. is no9 [Clara] male or female --
female, lol.

20. if no7 [Crystal] and no10 [Kimberley] are together, will that be a good thing --
most probably not.

21. how about no8 [yanhan] and no5 [ningxin] --
ooh they can march around in npcc suits!

22. what is no2 [amandah] studying --
The Best Way To Make Your Judoka (?) Fall In Love With You, Especially, If He Is Hot And From RI.

23. when was the last time you had a chat with no3 [Eda] --

24. what kind of music does no8 [yanhan] like --
i wouldn't really know.

25. does no1 [doob] have any siblings --
yup a little sister who is 8 this year and sounds damn cute:D

26. will you woo no3 [Eda] --
I shall leave dada to the boys:D

27. how about no7 [Crystal] --
It's not me, it's you.

28. is no4 [Alethea] single --
She has a very close relationship with her badminton racket. you wouldn't want to know.

29. has died.

30. what is the hobby of no4 [Alethea] --
exaggerating, obsessing, fanning.

31. do no5 [ningxin] and no9 [Clara] know each other very well --
haha i think so:D

32. where is no2 [amanda] studying at --

33. say something casually about no1 [Doob] --

34. have you tried developing feelings for no8 [yanhan] --
I'd rather not.

35. where does no9 [Clara] live at --
7 stops from guides house:D

36. what colour does no4 [Alethea] like --
yellow, duh.

37. are no5 [ningxin] and no1 [deborah] best friends --
uh, no.

38. does no7 [crystal] like no2 [amanda] --
I don't think they have anything against each other...

39. how do you get to know no2 [amanda] --
P6 classmate. And as she claims, some spider saving thing in p4, and I was secretary o.O

40. does no1 [Deborah] have any pets --

41. is no7 [Crystal] the sexiest girl in the world --

42. do you think its possible for no4 [Alethea] and no5 [Ningxin] to date each other --
I guess not, but it'd be really entertaining :)

43. say something about no6 [MinChih] --
prettyish. (note the ish)

44. what is your relationship with no9 [Clara] --
haha, she's my darling:D eww, not that way. I'm her FEMALE daddy.

45. list all the schools that no1 to no10 are in and are originally from --
01 Deborah - CHIJ TP, RGP, RGS
02 Amanda - RGP, RGS
03 Eda - SVPS (i remembered!), RGS
04 Alethea - SCGS, RGP, RGS
05 Ningxin - NHPS, RGS
06 MinChih - RPS/RS (?), RGS
07 Crystal - somewhere, RGP, RGS
08 YanHan - RGP, RGS
09 Clara - CHIJ(?), RGP, RGS
10 Kimberley - SHPS, RGS

46. what would you do if no10 [Kimberley] hates you --
i'm so lovable, how can anyone hate me? She won't be able to resist my charm argh, dunno.

47. which of the following are in a relationship --
mental image. eww.

48. how did you first meet no3 [Eda] --
110, seat beside retarded seatmate:D

49. how would you react if no3 [Eda] and no10 [Kimberley] were together --
my taggees are all STRAIGHT. (i hope)

50. what would happen if no4 [Alethea] tells you she's pregnant --

done. who comes up with these quizzes anyway?
(stretching back, brb)

okay, that sounded seriously ama-ish.

Yesterday was striping/enrolment. byebye lathiga, laura, shinyi, qiying, amanda :( It was so sad, people cried:/
I didn't. lol.

Today we bathed the dogs (meaning my sister, my mum&I). It was a (water)BLAST. lol:D (okay I just said that for the sake of cracking a lame joke.)

Sister: Okay Rambo(the golden retriever), shake!
Rambo in process of shaking water off him.
Sister: See, he's so smart, he listens to me, shakes- eee water went into my mouth!
Me: Who ask you talk so BIG. HAHAHAHA.

I feel accomplished. I have WordArt-ed "TOUR EGYPT" as well as the date on my History coverpage!


amanda: yup, her name is KARNAK. (yes, that's a travel destination). OMG I just got a brilliant idea! I can spend two days of the trip visiting Karnak! (both the place, and my penpal). no la, I changed all the answers.
ningxin: tag you how? on your blog or through quiz? I tagged you twice through the quizzes already:D
cheryl: Lol, I don't bother going to your blog that often:D)

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4:52 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

wow you sacrificed three tags for me:D big deal
i sacrifice a post for you:D

it's slow? okay we really really need to start on teachers day kay. and you better go get a blog your piczo sucks. seriously. ooh i have BREAKING news to tell you on monday! good luck for rhd!:D

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9:53 AM


tagged by amandah!

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag eight people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What are your reasons for having a LJ?

2. What do you do before bedtime?
haha talk on the phone:D

3. What will your dream wedding be like?
a hot pink dress<3 and cake that tastes really nice. ooh pink/black colour combo!

4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
hmm... I want to go to PARIS. bonjour! and HAWAII.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert? where??? and around who??
extrovert i guess, since i don't exactly like staring at my feet.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved:D because you can change who you love but you can't change who loves you

7. Do you trust easily?
depends on who...

8. What person, dead or alive, is your role model?
don't exactly have

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? homework!!!! gahhh

10. What is your best quality? EVERYTHING =D haha. no lah. my best quality is... ahh! i dont have one X.X

11. Is being tagged fun? fun??? dunno.

12. How do you see yourself? i see myself 10 years from now... being 23 years old =D

13. Who are currently the most important people to you? EVERYONE =)

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? weird. yimin's my super weird papa penguin chocked full with retarded genes =D haha. super funny! and nice.

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? married HAPPILY and poor. money can't buy happiness:D

16. How many children do you want to have, if anyE
depends. IF i have a girl I want at least two girls.

17. What's better, to give or to receive?
I love receiving but then giving is equally good, so i dunno.

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
The one who treats me better.

19. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly?
i like to think of myself as straight.
as the case of me, depends on my age lah. I hope I decent enough not to be too young when that happens:D rather not have an abortion though...

20. What is your biggest fear?
flying cockroaches.


deborah (yeah i know amanda tagged you but answer my question:D)
cheryl yeap
sabrina (even though you never touch your piczo)
hanjun (you better make a blog for this)

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9:38 AM

start of something OLD
Thursday, July 17, 2008

I feel so good about myself even though I know I shouldn't. Please, I thought I had deserted my blog for a month, but it was only 2 weeks! How pro is that.

Okay I have done a lot of homework. And it's only Thursday. But I have completely ignored my PTs.


I don't know why I put it there, cos that never works.
oh yeah. I better start downloading my songs. urgh teacher's day is in 1.5 months. Which means we have to choreograph a coolcoolcool dance in 1.5 months. 6 weeks. about 6 hours to choreograph it. nice. not.

some people are so plain gullible yes I'm talking about you

since the knowledge of blogging has left me. and yes it was there before I shall go tag reply now...

alethea: oh hello.
sasa: no, it loads damn fast can. dunno why so many people complain:D it just doesn't like your face la, too reluctant to load. duh, it's cute:D but like nearly all the moves are from you and bianche, so are you just trying to praise yourself? haha choir concert:D $12 was a good view also okay!
amanda: uh, no it wasn't you. It's to my penpal in egypt.
minchih: ooh let me tell you the story! my original blog was the-pink(present one) but before I even posted, someone reported it, and blogger said it was spam or something and blocked it, but before I was too stupid uninformed to know I can get it reviewed and unblocked, so i created a new one: thepink-! but then that one got reported and I found out how to unblock them both, but I kept posting on thepink-. then i decided i didn't like thepink- so I used the-pink! interesting huh?:D &how to find the links was ALWAYS there!
ningxin: haha okay:D
emeline: i pretend i understand you.
laura: haha how was it?

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1:58 PM