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#34no matter what.
Sunday, June 29, 2008

we love you amanda; don't forget that.


4:26 PM

#33 tag replies

clara darling: haha you owe me a letter! you still want to celebrate your birthday? It's more than 20 days ago:D haha 13 suprises! I gave you MORE than 13 surprises-each roc candy is a surprise! haha:D Perth is supersupersuper nice. you must go:D
emeline: haha okay hello good friend. but my blog's worth waiting for, no?:D
eda: haha I tagged you back already! ooh I linked you already? I didn't know:D
roanna: haha thanks:D omg, I just realised I started every single tag reply with 'haha'. is my vocab that limited?

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4:20 PM

# 32 lovenotes♥

I realised my blog was really un-updated when I signed in to blogger, and the 110 class blog's latest post was more recent then this blog's latest post.

I had intended to write about my Perth trip, but I figured it'd sound boring, since you (the awesome reader:D) wouldn't actually care. I shall say this: I LOVE PERTH♥

On to yesterday, a day in HISTORY -- my very first day of voluntary cip! Hanjun, Eda, Crystal, Doob, Alethea & I met at Dhoby Ghaut/SMU to this Project Hearts: LOVENOTES CIP. I realised collecting donations isn't as professional as I thought it was. The process of registration went like that:

"Okay, line up in groups of 2/3, and register here," says random person. Me and HanJun group up and line up. (Eda hadn't met us yet.) We wait for our turn. "What's your name?" says random person.

"Maehanyi." I say very deliberately.

Random person looks down at paper, where it writes "Naehanyi F. R.". Hands me correction tape and pen. "Correct your name. Then tick beside it."

I correct my name. Then tick beside it.

We are handed a box, a board and two pamphlets, as well as some license form.

"Fill up the license form and sign"

We fill up the license form and sign.

"okay everyone come here." (this is when eda joins us) "read the pamphlet to get the info. go wherever. come back at 2. later also can."

we go wherever.

&we collect $128♥

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4:03 PM

#31 Birthday Wishes
Friday, June 6, 2008


(this is 2days early, but I can only wish you now:D)
Have a brilliant 13th birthday!:D I love you loads<3 (from the heart of my bottom! haha:D)

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3:40 PM

#30 I'm leaving on a jetplane!

I'm leaving on a jet plane
don't know when I'll be back again!

That bit of song lyrics is wrong in two ways. I am not leaving on a jet plane (wait. are aeroplanes jetplanes?), and I do know when I'll be back again:D Either 14th, Sat or 15th, Sun. Oh dear, does that count as not knowing?

Anyway, this is my 30th post! Happy 30th anniversary:D 30 is kinda little, cos some really compulsive bloggers can blog about 200 posts or even more in the span of 6months. But considering I abandon my blog every other month or so, 30 posts is VERY good:D

This is probably going to be my last post for another weekD:

On to today! Woke up kinda late -- about 9+ I think. Okay, that's not too bad, actually:D I spent about 1.5hours folding 2 pretty little Origami boxes that didn't turn out very prettyD:

My stomach is BLOATED from the amount of water I gulped down just nowD: I had this super super spicy rice&dishes for lunch-nasi padang! I'm the only one in my family that can't eat chilliD: My dad says I should learn to eat chilli then my tongue will grow really long:D Then I will be able to touch my nose with my tongue!

I remember once in p2, when we were supposed to write journals for our form teacher to read, I wrote about how I nearly died eating green chilli:D

amanda: yes! cbox is on a MISSION (omg reminds me of richard's cheerleading synopsis:D) to overule MSN messenger:D did you read my previous tag reply to you? a super super long one:D on um...june5 #27! yes the holidays are shortshortshortD: I think you owe me a letter:D Remember our super super super long crappy letters? yes, you happen to owe me one:D you know I haven't gone to your blog yet, even though I said I would(: (I've been using ':D' too much so I shall change to '(:') I shall go later!<3
super fat clara darling: haha I'm trying to console myself cos I just put on weight, so I shall call you super fat clara darling:D yes the skin is super nice, but it took me super long to find it cos it wasn't even a top skin and the top skins weren't even nice:D ooh your ccm is on monday right! same as me:D when you want to celebrate your birthday? haha, we can not celebrate it too:D happy birthday in advance! I shall dedicate a post to you later:D

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2:29 PM

#29 tag replies!
Thursday, June 5, 2008

amanda: haha, it isn't bim! It's super pretty:D haha people do that okay! It's the new MSN messenger!:D ooh I'm going to your blog later:D
phantom/crystal: hello yes you are weird, but no you aren't a weirdo, i agree:D
mayo: hello mayo:D yes I am very happy the time's right too! Ahh, we share such common interests. Who knew, we might even be the same person!:D

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3:06 PM

#28 I Wish Upon A Star<3

clockwise from top left: cheryl, kimberley, ningxin, me and crystal! Picture courtesy of CRYSTAL. Actually, it was stolen off her blog:D

Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side
Rainbow's are visions
They're only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some chose to
Believe it
But I know they're wrong wait and see

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it's done so far
What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
What so we think we might see

Someday we'll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers the dreamers and me

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I've heard them calling my name
Are these the sweet sounds that called
The young sailors
I think they're one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
There's something that I'm supposed to be

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

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2:35 PM

#27 The first in a long while

This is the first time my hair feels straight-ish and soft-ish:D Well at least first in a long long while.

Woke up at about 8plus yesterday morning. Took a really nice 1 hour long shower:D I remember when I was really young my mum used to say every 15mins or so in the shower that I just wasted manymany buckets of water:D

I was going to meet my mum at Eunos so she could bring me to some salon to get my hair done. I took bus2 and when it reached Tanah Merah I went down the steps and since the bus was really crowded I just stood on the first step. And right opposite me was this small girl, that looked about 5 or 6, and she was staring at me. So I felt nice and looked at her, and I was SO close to smiling at her, then she started laughing at me. Thank goodness it wasn't those AHAHAHAHA laugh, but those small little giggles.

Still embarrassing.

I was like wth, laugh at me for what. But she was really cute so I didn't dao her or anything. Just looked away. After a while she stopped laughing, so I looked back at her and guess what she did.

(okay I don't think that sounds remotely like a cute, but irritatingly annoying giggle)

So when I met my mum, we took train all the way to Chinatown, to some weird place called mosque street. It was those kind of really old streets lined with those sort of shophouses. I admit I was kinda freaked out, like we were going into some salon that stunk of cigarette smoke, and this scary guy would come out, putting on this creepy smile, and kidnap me and demand ransom.

But the place was actually very modern though. Like all black. At first I wanted to layer my hair, but the boss guy said that it'd be hard to manage, so I just got a slight trim. And the hairdresser flat iron-ed my hair. Which is why my hair is suddenly straight-ish and smooth-ish. It's those sort of temporary ones that comes off once you wash your hair.

So later that day, after dinner, we went to Eastpoint. To buy thermal wear. Actually, underwear-some shirt and pants. I'm supposed to wear it at night as pyjamas, cos it's winter in Perth and even though it's not those freezing, snow falling winters, it's still about 8degreesC, which should be about as cold as if you stuck yourself in the fridge. And wearing it as pyjamas is embarrassing cos the only design of thermal underwear they had is sort of. Frilly. Not good.

amanda: ooh really??? bimbogay. haha:D Ours is sort of like bimbo, and bogay!:D haha yes your judo seniors are very smart -- you are a bimbotic gay:) ooh you know my dad gets these sort of rinspire magazines (ri's), so once I read one issue and they were had this section where there were pics of the head and vice-head prefect. And the vice-head prefect is in Judo! haha:D The school hols are so short la! haven't done my chinese filing. haha we had 4 hours of guides:D--in one session. 43 hours of judo? you got camp ar? or is it just loads and loads of practice? haha, poor you:D

laura: hello laura! ahh I realise I haven't visited your blog cos I dunno your url. I shall go blogsurfing later:D
sara: ooh really? do you have a blog? I want to see!
the phantom of the opera/crystal: I already replied you on the tagboard:D but anyway, lamelameLAME:) haha I already credited the colour combi for the tag board to you, be happy:D

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1:45 PM

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

that is sort of what just happened to my blog. Shed its old skin and 'grew' a new one! A really pretty one, too. I spent hours looking through the top skins of the day, as far back as december 2006. They weren't very nice; well at least not as nice as I was looking for. I wanted those sort of skins where you navigate since all my old skins were just one like 'printed' on a single sheet of 'paper'. If you get what I mean.

This skin took me the shortest time to change. Ooh, I'm growing and learning from experience! haha. I had to add in some stuff like post titles, since the original skin didn't have blog titles. Tagboard colour combi goes to crystal-cheers:D


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3:25 PM

Monday, June 2, 2008

clara: hmph you are BimB and crystal is oGay! i not gaypok okay! but if I am then you should have my genesxD
sara: from 3k right? yes I remember you! sara ng wan yin! (I think) correct right? How did you find my blog?:D

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12:37 PM

#24 Homework



3 out of 10. That's not so bad eh. no wait actually it's 2 1/6 pieces of homework which I intend to complete by today, but no point fussing over the little pee wee details.

These little pieces of paper that call themselves homework are taking over our lives. Not good.

The holidays are zoom zoom zooming away. Okay I should lighten up. Just read through many many motivational emails. Some of the motivation should be rubbing off on me. Yes.


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12:31 PM