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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Okay so I'm going to start responding to all the birthday wishes on Facebook with at least two sentences/ more than a thank you! Because I'm too easily guilt-tripped and I guess it's the good thing to do. :>

Slow long replies + Physics worksheet, go to sleep, wake up happy, mug with b11atch in happy happy hoodie.
If tomorrow's productive I'm going to chope you guys for the entire EYA season.


On a sidenote, I love you Rae, I don't know why but you've made me so happy these past two days from saying that I made you happy HAHAHA.

9:38 PM

Quick one, because it's much too late for me to be awake and feel okay about it.

Today was honestly the best birthday I've had in my life :) 12am phone call and smses and emails and facebook wishes that started flowing in and I fell asleep so happy.

Breakfast with Jas & Doob turned out to be a surprise party AHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS- Crystal, Min Chih, Su Yun, Rachel, Juleen, thank you for coming! And for the unicorn which I will keep it forever :')

Rest of the day spent sleeping/ checking facebook at half-hour intervals for new birthday messages :> I actually like birthday wishes from facebook, sincere or not.

Spent the whole day smiling to myself - thank you to every single person who sent me long long long texts that boosted my ego like crazy, to the seven of my favouritest people who made it down today, to the rest who texted me to say sorry they couldn't make it, to the mayo saucy/jarring texts at 11:11 (and the subsequent minutes for people who Forgot) to the facebook wishes, to my favourite dino who called me three times and made my night. Though all of you made my whole 24 hours :>

Sorry to everyone I haven't replied, will reply tomorrow, thank you so so so much.

2:36 AM

#700; baba yetu yetu uliye
Friday, July 29, 2011

Crashed through 1.5 hours of school today. Daze walk to Guides Table to see b11atch there - I've a feeling that we're never going to let go of our hangout spots (until GST kicks us out, but), and that's what's making me miss Guides more and more. Felt more about missing Guides today than I did during Striping, but I'm so glad we have one last (actually, third last) project to do as b11atch.

I think Mrs J really was very pleased :> Not to mention Ms Lee's pride/ faith in us - I guess b11atch really was lucky that we had amazing Guiders this year.

Milk Tea after that with the same old people :) Ronald teaching me baba yetu lyrics and Kway being sadistic and oh I love you guys <3

Way home was... I don't know why I felt so troubled after Wei Yi got off but I did but I'm so glad it's over and thank you thank you thank you you know who you are!

11:53 PM

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Incredibly thankful for the two solid hours of quiet time at the library today - if it weren't for that I wouldn't be googling NDP songs and watching videos and talking to people and being happy :) Somehow this PT finished itself a whole lot more quickly and easily than I'd expected; if this is what not caring too much about the end grade feels like then I don't know what our education system has done to us ):

Tomorrow's going to be exciting (all the way from the morning!!) right down to NDP & naicha, b11atch I love you <3 And puzzle piecing oh dear I hope everyone comes!!

First lesson of CRAP tomorrow. :>

And today my seatmate read my palm and told me my future and it sounds way too happy/ fortunate to believe but I really hope that it's true? Not for the event but for- well, I love the idea of destiny/ fate :)

Especially in people yes yes yes :)

10:56 PM

My SS PT word count is 66 and it's full of rhetoric questions that a more sensible me will delete later on but, meanwhile-

long live all the mountains we moved, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

Juniors - here's everything we want to say to you guys, but didn't really manage to :)

12:31 AM

#697; we keep marching on
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

These past three-and-a-half years have been the best thing I could've ever asked/ wished for and I don't know what miracle brought me to Guides or brought all of us together but it's the best thing that has ever happened to me and the one thing that has taught me how to feel so much, how to give my all, and how to just simply love the deepest and easiest way we can.

Today Orchid cried and trembled together but within a minute we were laughing and singing our Patrol cheer and I was so, so amazed at how far we've come - how we can be so comfortable with each other and how we just understand and I'm so proud of my juniors for being so accepting of everything that comes their way. After Striping we huddled in a circle and Orchid has given me the strongest attachment to a Patrol than I'd thought possible. I guess some things really happen for the best reason there is.

After that B11ATCH floated around and every now and then we settled into long, comfortable, tight hugs and every now and then someone would say something and we'll lapse into a nostalgic silence and then we look up and smile and everything just felt so... okay. I thought today would be the day that I break down crying, but none of us ever had to go through that, and it just shows so much.

We're not going to leave Guides crying, because we're not leaving Guides. The saying "once a Guide always a Guide" is much more than a saying - I don't think anything can ever take Guides away from me and that's the thing that brought me through today and that will bring me through everything else that I'll ever face in life.

Guides has been so much more than a CCA to me - I don't think CCAs were designed to give you this much joy or teach you so much but somehow Guides has done all that and more for me and it's given me the best seniors, batchmates and juniors that I could've asked for and at times like that it's so easy to know that Guides has been the greatest blessing that I could've ever received.

B11ATCH - don't worry, I'll never forget you guys. I've said this all already but I've got to say this again: you guys are the reason why I can love Guides to such an extent and why every time there's something I'm not okay with you're the first ones I find. You guys are the one I can talk to so easily even though we're all such different people, you guys are the ones that I can move together in a clump with and somehow we just keep moving around among ourselves and talking to each other and having our little constantly changing pairs and- I know I've said this so many times before but, 1. I don't know what I did to be given 21 happy people and 2. I love you I love you I love you.

I'll never stop being a B11ATCH

To our juniors: Today we leave Guides trusting that you will take on this legacy and make it your own - each batch brings something different to Guides and while I don't know if we've been the best seniors you've had I know we've been the best that we can be (and that's what it means, to be a Guide) and I know that all of you have always been the motivation behind that. Starting today we're no longer officially your seniors, but as we leave I want to say that you guys have taught us as much as I hope you've learnt from us. I guess the one thing I must say is that - B11ATCH would give so much to just be able to attend session all over again because Guides is... it's a privilege, to have what we have. But at the same time it's because of what we have that makes it so much easier to leave. Treasure your time in Guides because it flies by so quickly and don't ever think that when you leave, Guides ends for you, because that will never happen. You're all seniors now - do for your juniors what your seniors have done for you, do Raffles Guides -past, present and future- proud.

We're passing our flame to you <3

11:06 PM

#696; one thing nothing can destroy
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Many happy things to blog about!

Tuesday's RHD with 404 was probably the best thing we've ever done together as a class :) From the sari community to non-stop camwhoring and nearly everyone dressing up - my class is crazy nice but last year was bad and somehow this year we're getting closer and it's... really nice. Last year if I'd heard that JC included spending two weeks with your sec four class I wouldn't have been as happy as I am now.

Very Exciting Karaoke followed and I love how the only preparation we had was singing tong hua during CLE. Very fail actions but it was so exciting 8D Sometimes I really like our cohort, full of shameless people. :>

Wednesday was a mood-dampening Action Rehearsal and I don't know how FOODCHUCK is going to put on something (let alone the dance) in time but we will we will!

Thursday was Laura and getting very inspired to teach primary school math <3

Friday- FRIDAY :)
I/Ced the sec ones for the first and last time ever and it was the most entertaining thing ever. But it was a gift, I hope? :)

After session B11ATCH sat together and sang the stream song and camwhored and jumped and I love you guys so much. Tuesday isn't the end.

Saturday, all ten of us did it. I can't believe it either.

I think too much smsing and IM-ing recently has rendered me incapable of expressing myself without multiple smileys/ exclamation marks :(

10:02 PM

Chindian & proud.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1:42 PM

Monday, July 18, 2011

So I have a schedule for the rest of my nights starting 10pm, but now it's 10.23 and my dad just came in and told me to do my Math (because Bio was easy? Seriously?!) and :<

Too excited for Horseshoe tomorrow 8D 8D 8D

And shoutout to the awesomest friends in the world Jas for being my poo, Doob for making me a mug!!! ...nobody else shameless enough to request dedication but I love you two :) :) :)

10:13 PM

Odd night and happy day :)

12:09 AM

#692; I'll be close behind
Friday, July 15, 2011

HBL today and the first HBL spent actually doing work!!!

Had a six-hour outing with my dad today eating and shopping 8D Meatballs and cookware (new oven!! After the last one died/ got thrown out like ten years ago?) and now is time for Bio and letters.

Really don't know what to say. Especially to B11ATCH, turning three-and-a-half years into a letter?
And I've decided that artistic appeal isn't something I'm going to focus on because I've tried for three years x 2 events and it always turns out amazingly!!!!!!!!!11

The only tag reply I'm going to do-

:P: how to get into cheerleading?
8D This is so exciting. You attend auditions! I'm not too sure what the format of the auditions will be like since it's up to the new capt & vcapt (current sec 3s) to decide, but for the past three years or so (I'm assuming you're in Waddle) it's been one cheer, and two dances, totalling 48 counts. And it'll be after EYAs, Oct/Nov period. ALL THE BEST!

7:48 PM

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Three papers over, very exciting NDP session with Jocie WeiYi Laura, BK lunch, polaroids, general happiness!!!

:) :) :)

Also, my blog titles are going to stay title-less for v long because the only music I listen to nowadays is Lion King and I cannot speak African (!?) but I try!!!!!!

And yesterday was a very very happy day-
Convincing JWY that we should still get to fall in with our patrols, footdrill with b11atch after six months or so (and trying to act pro and pretty much failing but, 6 months!), song singing/ screaming after session, happy happy things :D

7:48 PM

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's Friday and I am exhausted. Five gigantic meals today and I cannot stand up but- one email later I will be snuggled up in bed!!!

Digestion can happen while you're sleeping so it's all O-K!

9:48 PM

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Something I realised that I'm feeling right now-

We're leaving in exactly twenty days, and I've already accepted it. I don't know how, but I have. And I know that this lack of fear, in a way, is firmly rooted in knowing that it is not the end but- at some point in time, I've got to understand that it is.

Didn't blog about Elections.
Mrs Peter says that everything related to Guides has to start with a capital letter, or you won't be able to differentiate it from the original word - there's a different meaning already. :)

I don't actually have much to say, but I'm proud of you guys :) And even though half of you may be doubting yourselves right now, I think it just comes naturally, really. So don't worry too much, eh.

9:14 PM

Yesterday: Amazing morning, disappointing day, in a lot more ways than one.
Today: Amazing morning again, happy day, happy pre-dinner time :))))

!nkspiration is quite !nkspiring!!!! ...in an awkward environment, yet I am very certain of my hidden talent kind of way.

JC talk today, biggest takeaway is that I need to stop including "I love you" in daily conversation.

Recent life: 1. Talking to someone I used to talk to a lot but haven't in a while, so long that I've kind of forgotten how to, 2. Realising that there are people who feel weird emotions/ thoughts just the way I do, unexpectedly, 3. Been scared, 4. Screwed up NRPS because of carelessness, 5. Been happy, 6. Haven't been blogging much, 7. Too excited and uncertain of future, 8. Still quite scared.

To a dinosaur: I don't actually have anything to say right now cos it's all been said (finally!!!) but I owe you a dedication I believe, and here it is! Y'know I still haven't gotten my verbal essay what is this?!? And I'm going to fill up the form for you now 我会支持你!!! For the record, I think you deserve to get it, really. :)

7:39 PM

#688; I know that the clouds must clear, and that the sun will rise
Sunday, July 3, 2011

PGA BP Test yesterday-

From the moment it started, I knew that I definitely wouldn't regret this day at all, even if I majorly screwed up later. I don't really know how to put this but I was discussing CCA with a friend and I said that I don't really care about RJ CCA because I'll be trying for YA, and that's enough, and she said, "You really like Guides THAT much? Maybe you like the CCA but what if the HQ people aren't as nice?"

I still don't know where I'm going with this, except that one thing I've realised is that everyone in HQ runs on passion - I could see it from our testers, who took our suggestions so seriously and really thought about how they could implement it, from Mrs Peters who came in to listen and made sure that we got our facts right, from Ms Ng, who popped in and thanked our testers so sincerely and nannied us all through cleaning up.

The best thing PGA has given me - I've started loving Guides as Guides, and not Guides because it's what rafflesguides belongs to

And what Mdm Mas told us before the test began - I cannot do it justice by typing it out here but it really made me remember what it means to be a Guide. You're not only a Guide when you wear the uniform, she said.

The test itself - I think it went really well, in my honest opinion. By some miracle we all managed to handle our tasks well, and I love how easy the atmosphere was, throughout. Ahh guys I love you, you guys are the best camp staff and test buddies I could have ever asked for :)

I don't know what the results will be like, but I honestly can't care less - especially when the test ended, and the testers started telling us their plans. After O's, we're going to really do something for GGS, not those who got PGA, but all eleven of us who were there that day. And I can't wait :))))

So so so so grateful to have been able to experience yesterday, with the best people :)

And thank you shabbo for your constant encouragement, I owe you so much :)

9:48 PM

Friday, July 1, 2011

This brings meaning to 10 million girls, 1 voice.

6:39 PM