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Sunday, May 29, 2011

And how could I forget-

It's enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best

Made my night :')

8:53 PM

#664; this is the way that we love, like it's forever

28 May 2011

I can't even begin to say how amazing last night was :) 14 hours on our feet- teaching/learning like 30% of the dance, ordering pizza, stressing about the sec ones, spamming glitter, stressing more, not being able to eat anything, trying out my cannibal king part for the first time and wow it was... it was one hell of a crazy morning.

And then 6.30 approached and some schools were already there and some weren't and there was a bunch of guides sitting by the canteen and I was thinking to myself- you know what would make this a truly amazing campfire experience for them? If we could entertain them right now. But we couldn't and I started feeling more and more guilty and scared and worried and what if this doesn't turn out the way we wanted it to? We had such big plans.

Then it neared 7 and b11atch huddled together and prepped ourself for AA and Rae-Ann said special words that made us feel so much better- because even if we screw up up there it doesn't matter because we have our love, our passion and our pride, and they're going to see it. It hit 7 and everything was so messy- the GOH wasn't here, Jocie selflessly went up to entertain the schools, and standing backstage in sweaty glitter and attendance far less than expected and it was so scary.

But then AA started. And it ended. And nothing was smooth, not a single bit of it. Lines forgotten, scenes missed out.

And that was perfect. Because we picked up so fast, we threw in things last minute, things didn't turn out the best way it could have, but what I know is that if everything ran so smoothly, I wouldn't be this happy right now.

After the guests left the amphitheatre (ok no while they were still at the amphi) batch screamed backstage and collapsed into this little makeshift sushi ball and screamed and screamed and screamed and then we went onstage and screamed somemore because this was our AA, and this AA was perfect in so many ways.

B11ATCH, I love you guys so so so much. How everything was last minute, how everyone worked so hard trying to learn the five-song-long dance (!!), how there were so many copies of the script and so many lines, so many rehearsals, so many hiccups, major stress at the end and the problem column of commitee updates being longer than the completed column - nobody complained. And that's why you guys are the bestest batch in the world. No one pushes the blame, everyone helps out, and along the way we have a hell lot of fun.

You guys are the ones I can count on to understand how I'm feeling at any moment in time, you guys are the ones I can count on to make my day better, every single time. I love you guys so so so much and I'm so glad that 22 stars aligned to bring us together :)

This is nearing mushiness x342935789 but :)))))))))))))))))))))))
I'm so damn proud of us. It wasn't just an AA, it wasn't just our AA, it's the AA which I know will stay in our hearts forever and ever and ever and ahhhhhhhhh.

Our very last AA and DAMN WERE WE AWESOME. 8D

B14TCH, you guys are the cutest bunch ever <3 And there's no other group of people I'd be as willing to be the namesake of. I guess I was really pretty harsh with you guys during the hair tying and whatnot, but thank you so much for still sticking to the time-deadlines and doing everything willingly. You guys have made the ten or so AA preparations the most unforgettable ones ever :) I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH :)

RGGUIDES, thank you so much for all the work you've had to do for AA <3 I hope as you looked at everything you've been working towards these past few months - the backdrop, the decor, the banner, everything, you remember that this shows exactly what guides is - we're family. And even though only a quarter of us are up onstage performing, the remaining seventy eight of you guys were so so so important and instrumental in making this happen. Thank you so much :)

B11ATCH: I'm sorry I can't stop there haha. Oh dear 24 hours ago we'd still have been in the midst of our show :) OUR SHOW! AND AHHHH REALIZATION YESTERDAY: we made it.

We made it.

We made it amazing.

8:04 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Best thing about AAs - good music and good company.


12:48 AM

Monday, May 23, 2011

I am made of Efficiency.


10:40 PM

#661; I hope you keep on walking till you find the window
Sunday, May 22, 2011

PGA interviews yesterday. Results are out tomorrow, and I'm very very scared - not because of what it means for me, but because I know the chances of all nine of us getting in together definitely isn't very high; it's going to be a miracle if we can all continue with the rest of the PGA journey together. But we can hope.

I think what we need to remember (remember the pep talk yesterday? 8D) is that this doesn't define who we are, this doesn't define our love for Guides. Because even though they exist within the same movement, our love lead to our courage and even if one door opens to another door closed we haven't lost anything.

Come on, did you ever know that much about WAGGGS and all things Singapore?

And these figures are going to be drilled in my mind forever LOL: 5 regions (Asia Pacific, Arab, Europe, Western Hemisphere, Africa!!), 10 million guides, 1 voice, 145 member countries, 26 Asia Pacific member countries!!!

I'm going to go type out all my questions now, for the next batch of applicants. Because whatever happens tomorrow, I know that the 9 of us have set a standard as to how many people, how many juniors should be giving their all to put themselves up for a challenge as great as PGA.

And if anything, February was probably the best month of the year :)

9:27 AM

#660; I'll survive you even with all these wounds
Thursday, May 19, 2011

What made my night-
1. Smses telling me everything will be okay
2. The bestest friends in the world
3. Overprotective dad staying up till I finished printing every page of the AA script, finished editing nearly the entire presentation (until guilt at keeping him up got the better of me)

4. Optimism
5. General happiness
6. Faith, from the least expected places

Thank you FB mail buddy. I know you read this.

7. Knowing that everything will be okay. More than okay.

Goodnight :)

12:29 AM

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

There are things to do and people to please and I just don't know how to be the bigger person right now.
Everybody's stressed, I have no right.

Rehearsal tomorrow and there's so many things left to touch up and I'm so damn scared of how they'll respond. I will not let you guys get scolded on our behalf again.

On a lighter note, had the best cheer prac today since I can remember :)

10:32 PM

Sunday, May 15, 2011

And in the midst of the mad rush to get everything done for AA, all the repeated reminders and unpleasant comments and yet the support and resilience you guys show time and time again-
I love you B11ATCH.

10:00 PM

#657; drink that kool-aid follow my lead
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today started terribly, and ended amazingly.
As always.

And so now it's 2:11, I need to get up in exactly 4 hours for cheer prac (with the house!!) and I hope my dying thigh muscles can take it :/ Have been stuck mixing music and talking on msn and packing for a busy busy day tomorrow and when I'm finally done I don't feel like sleeping and so,

I am playing It Girl.

Lyk a suparrstarrr!!

2:04 AM

#656; you can't win all the time, I hope you're not trying
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I guess this is pretty late but it's something I've (actually, we've both) been wanting to tell you for a while, and I know you'll read this.

You were made for bigger things.

You can't win all the time
I hope you're not trying
Smile when the stars align
And laugh when they don't and walk when they won't

10:46 PM

Sunday, May 8, 2011

5:21 PM

#654; a thousand different voices, sing in harmony
Saturday, May 7, 2011

And this is a post two days late but very necessary -
yesterday was generally quite miserable until I went back down for guides and sat with b11atch and moaned to them the terrible inequalities of the universe knowing full well I’d get over it in a matter of minutes and while the rest sat around not really knowing what to say mayo chimed in with her amazing hilarious suggestions after every sentence I had and at some point I realized I couldnt possibly stay mad, I couldnt stay upset in the face of mayo and her wonderful cheerfulness, and as I felt that I realized I’d been unsconsciously trying to stay angry, trying to cling on to my upset, and really could there be a more counterproductive use of someone’s energy? and yet we’re doing this all the time, when stuff happens we feel entitled to our anger (which we are, fully) but as we go deeper into it we keep holding on like stupid gits because we think it’ll give us some queer sense of comfort when in actual fact we’ve just overlooked, temporarily, the relief and joy of detachment and moving someplace happier.

mayo I never thought you’d teach me a life lesson (and I dont think you did either) <3
what really touched me after that: mayo and weiyi and yinyu went off for dinner and I was feeling particularly vulnerable and begging them, can you please wait for me? and they were like yeah sure, sure, and I was like but I’ll be latish, like 8 plus, and they were like don’t worry, we’ll wait for you. and I felt the way I had last year when they set so diligently and faithfully to helping take down the campaign structure: no guilt-tripping, no reluctance, just faith.

so after that I got to ion completely drained and the next one and a half hours was so perfect we just sat there like the pigs we are and spent about 75 percent of the time laughing at each other. after that on the train back to braddell nothing’s gonna stop us now shuffled on and it described what I was feeling perfectly. this certainty is exceptional. god blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.

A blockquote too long but it's full of good things (and praise) of one of the best nights of the year :)

Yesterday was an amazing, amazing day.

AA Prep involved a lot of slacking around the wooden table as we stalked for YouTube vids and attempted to mix and ended up teaching/ learning the AA dance and wanyaoing in little corners and laughing and walking around and finding dinner for $2!!!!!!!

And then when prep ended we migrated back to the guides tables and I looked at Vanessa and said "Aren't you excited!!!" and she asked, "for what, horseshoe?" and I said yes I love horseshoe and she gave me a weird look in her cute way hehe ronald I love you :)

Enrolment practice felt so surreal, in a way, standing among the recruits about to be enrolled, listening to them say the promise and wanting so badly to say it with them, and as I stood there I remembered my first enrolment and how when we returned back to our places Lathiga told us to fall out as she helped Shuwen and I wear our trefoils, and how it felt just standing there hoping that I remembered that My honour means that I can be trusted to be truthful and honest.

I remember last year we thought that having Striping and Enrolment on separate days might kill the... full circle feel of having juniors being enrolled and seniors leaving within the same two hours, the same formation. But this year I'm so so so thankful that it's remained split into two days - it wouldn't feel right not seeing the recruits become Guides and at least being able to stay with them for the next two months or so before we have to leave.

And as we stood in the circle I felt myself getting more and more annoyed at the juniors who just won't treat this like proper footdrill - why won't you clench your fists why won't you hentak properly? And then I saw a recruit sigh to herself and I thought, when will they realise, when will they understand? That footdrill and ceremonies aren't the part of Guides that they should be dreading, it isn't when they think oh okay I'm going to pon so I won't have to wear my uniform. When will they (if they haven't already- I know some have and I am so so so proud of them) realise that it's a privilege to be a part of it all?

It's not something I can really put into words, it's just something you've got to learn on your own.

Then after session had ended we got our Pioneer and Emergency Helper badges and ahh they're going to be my greatest pride and joy - not because of what they represent but because the road to getting those two badges would probably be one of my best memories this year. The three full days of meeting at Plaza Sing, returning back there for lunch, and returning yet again to hobo under the escalator with food, with all the bandaging and whatnot hehe February was such a happy month :)

Then Laura dragged me off to the amphi and said I need to talk to you and as we sat there slowly b11atch started coming and sitting down and surrounding us and we listened to Laura (and she thought I was awesome hoho) and we tried to help and in the end we did what we always do- burst into song (not just any song, NDP songs) and scream them while playing monkey with a roll of masking tape 8D

And Milk Tea, like always, was amazing. Talked about juniors (because somehow we always end up doing that) and about the cute sec ones and how badly we screwed up Bio SPA and I love love love you guys :) Dinner was amazinger with Wei Yi and Yin Yu and we talked about so many things I forgot what and then Laura came and we talked somemore and the night was just amazing :)

I love Friday nights.

9:13 PM

#653; one thing nothing can destroy is our pride, deep inside
Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy, happy day today :)

1. Managed to play pretty well for soccer today hehe BY MY STANDARDS.
2. Bio SPA was... exciting. Somewhatly.
3. 5 items- never had a year as unfit as this, yet I still got myself a Gold! 8D Except for 2.4 but not going to think about that now! IPU was sucky and flattened my burst blisters (lolol) but I love being fifteen.
4. Laura :)

I've been playing Lion King and Disney songs all night :')

And as all my friends log off (!!!) I will begin on my five or so overdue math assignments :( Love my self-discipline!!!! :)))))))))))))))

Aiya okay not in the mood to start now so am going to rant about my life's happenings.

Registered yet still can't fully register that Sports Fest is coming in 22 days and AA is coming in 23!!! :( I think I've always been a very good last minute chionger individually but oh dear these are so much more large-scale and need about a billion times more polishing/ perfecting. At the same time I'm not even stressed idky I have very lag reaction time for things in general HAVEN'T EVEN DONE THE MIX YET ZZZZ maybe I should start now hahaha.

And then there's Math next Wednesday and people have started studying?! I guess doing my assignments will be revision of some sort but math is math I need to practise!!!

Guides tomorrow and our second last AA prep ever- it feels like AA's barely started and even though the mad rush hasn't begun I know it's going to be over before we know it and I am not ready to let it go. I'm not ready to let anything go, really. Three and a half years can't possibly pass by this fast.

And the knowledge that even if we do cling on and come back so much next year it's not our time anymore. Probably being really childish but ahhh JC and uni and the rest of our lives- will we ever be able to relive these past few years?

Okayyy I guess I'll start on Math now if I want to be decently awake for tomorrow. I guess not having Sec 1 AA dance prep tomorrow is a blessing of some sort - haven't really been able to help out with the committees and tomorrow will be my first time! And last, but the sec ones are cute so I guess that makes up for everything. :)

Please let assembly tomorrow be entertaining I actually look forward to assemblies but then sometimes you walk in and right smack on the screen is like, EXAMINATION POLICIES and everyone just inwardly groans and assumes uncomfortable positions. Oh and not to mention the lovely chit chats we have after every assembly, totally worth eating into our fried food recess :))))))


On another note, what is up with you.

On another another note, I realised I don't like accepting/ acknowledge thank-you's. Don't know why.


12:06 AM

#652; I'm about to lose my mind
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bio SPA tomorrow aiyo I don't know how prepared I am :/ But okay it's 20% it is only 20% LOL 20% IS A SHITLOAD but it's okay I'll sleep well tonight.

5 items tomorrow also haha haven't done any form of exercise for the past year!! 8D 8D 8D Yippee yay heeeee.

Anyway, today I realised I have two screwed up friendships, one I don't give a shit about, and one I thought I didn't care about until today. Zzzzzzzz.

Ok so tired now I can't think properly going to beg someone to print my stuff and then I'm gonna go sleeeeeep.

Mum's birthday tomorrow.

11:43 PM

Monday, May 2, 2011

Maybe now would be a good time to realise that there is a line, and you've crossed it.

10:55 PM

#650; through the storm we reach the shore

April Camp 2011. Still don't know what to say/ what I feel about it but somehow even though it's our very last camp it doesn't feel like we've lost anything.

If nothing's changed why would we dare think anything might?


And I'd also like to add that last camp or not, this is the first time I've 1. gone to camp with my period (in full-fledge, even) (okay, sorry) and 2. burned myself to a degree exciting enough.

I love you B11ATCH :')

9:21 PM

#649; when you lose something you can't replace

2:01 PM