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#333; burning like a fire
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Far East with Rae-Ann and Hanin today!!
(And again we didn't get anything done)

I'm not going to say who said what but you should be able to figure this out:

I think ______ is in RIPSB
Yeah, but they don't do anything. Just Sec Ones.
Yeah but they'd be good PSLs, see, they can support the Sec Ones! You know, strong base, good support.
RGPSB motto is "Riding the Waves with you"!

I love you two. :D

April Camp tomorrow, spent like 45 minutes packing, I don't have a torchlight, and NO PUNK WTH, going to pick tomorrow, I swear I definitely forgot something ):

Back on Sunday!

9:09 PM

#332; she's never gonna love you like I want to
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tomorrow = SS + Math, DIE DIE DIE.

Guides today! Raining, so we had AR + April Camp Logs discussion in some class, way better than tentage I'm sure hahaha.

April Camp in 2 days!! OMGOMGOMG.
I bet there's going to be major spam outdoor cooking! O: Need to pick punk.
(No doob, not hair)

I love AR. ♥

8:47 PM

#331; you had your chance, you blew it
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My internal speakers aren't working, and there's an annoying red light shining out of the headphone jack and I've resorted to finding sharp objects (now's a toothpick, later it'll be a needle I guess) to jab the inside of the jack at a 7 o'clock position or whatever the forums are saying and argh argh not working rice worked!!!

(And when it fixes itself later I will love it again hahaha)

Dragged WeiYi and Han Jun out for lunch today, at Plaza Sing!
Going home at three is just too weird ):

omg two seconds after I published this the red light turned off (L)(L)(L)!!!

7:37 PM

#328; baby, if we're gonna do it, come on do it right
Monday, April 26, 2010

You know, I think I need to stop looking dao when I'm confused/blur/stone/bored/not smiling!!

Pizza Hut with minningcrysedyo! :D
Camwhored + argued + talked + shouted + laugh HAHA LOVE YOU ALL (:
I think it's been the first time we've all gone out together in five months? Stupid clashing schedules! D<

Omg w.tv is the world's awesomest app, go download it and you'll kiss my feet I swear O:

And I failed Chinese. D:
Actually I'm not that sad hahaha, totally expected it, and at least it's a 1.6, not 0.8! 8D Congrats doobie (:


8:09 PM

#327; everybody's looking for love
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slept for four hours and I'm more awake than when I sleep for like, seven. O:
(Which means tomorrow I will be completely dead)
I hate Mondays. ):

April Camp in 5 days!
Don't know what to think/expect.

OMG, too crude to copy/paste, so read this!! LOL
And this is so sweet! ♥

10:25 AM

#326; sweep the streets I used to own

It's 1:55 (OH proposal = on time!) and I'm still awake, body clock is screwed!

Anyone know how to make a mosaic photo slideshow-video kind of thing?
Like a video, with pictures that pop out then reduce in size and become a small little square in the background.

1:45 AM

#325; listen here gangster, don't cross the line
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today must have been one of the awesomest awesomest day in a long long while (including ORA, yes) ♥
Which is why I'm sitting here five minutes after being dropped off by WeiYi's dad (thank you Mr Koh!!!), half-changed and unbathed:

1. Review in the morning - didn't forget any steps, thankfully, but, screwed up a bit because I was in a different row argh /: I don't know it's like if I don't do the routine best as I can it feels like I'm being a hindrance to the capts because they're obviously already very very stressed about this whole routine and living up to the crazy standards wenying set for the past few years, but. We may not be as strong a team as the year before last, or even last year, but OMG ONE MORE MONTH WE TOTALLY CAN DO THIS 8D

2. Milk Tea with MinChih + Crystal, ah I miss you all like crazyyyy, Monday will be omgsoawesome, so much catching up to do!! And we haven't had a proper all-five-of-us convo for who knows how long? Thank you Crystal for being able to come!! ♥

3. Haha can't wait for Doob's/Ningxin's charity performance thing! FUEGO.

4. MRT-ed with a very late (but still very awesome) Amelia, then scouted around for Halal places, which = KFC! Haha, third of a batch lunch!

5. Walked to RI, scheming, crossing roads two seconds before the green man turned red and running like gay shits (no just hanin)

6. Practised in this open-air auditorium which was So Damn Hot (okay not really but used to aircon), Hanin and Rae-Ann walking all the way up to Fu Kang/Yen Ming (one of them I forgot) and then staring at them for two seconds and turning back because they didn't dare ask if we could move, and very awkwardly standing there wondering whether to ask or not AND SOMEHOW YOU ALL MANAGED TO MAKE IT SEEM LIKE I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTED IT come on! ):

7. Sweating like shit (no not why I loved today) and like Hanin and I were wearing HOUSE shirt which = TOTALLY NEARING TRANSLUCENT, bad material! + sweating = (N).

8. Peace Like A River! And the guys' weird stares hahahaha omg

9. Practising in pairs! HAHAHAHAHA OMG very very funny + fun, Ryan whacked my head during O and spent the next five minutes saying sorry and bowing (but "it's okay, you aren't very strong" (was going to say something along the lines of you owe me your life, but no, too nice)) and then now his arm flies like 45degrees upwards (yes I will be technical about it) BECAUSE I'M TOO TALL (no actually he's too short). OMG and hanin going "did I bend low enough?" HAHAHA, and Wei Yi's very amusing stories about Yongxin being too tall her hands are at his stomach and how Ryan bounces when he does Take It Off which is so good it's intimidating and our original weird front-bending poses for O and awkward conversations about WeiYi's lights and them touching WeiYi's phone (...amelia, hanin) and and and-

10. YENMING'S WEIRD NOISES WHEN HE DANCES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so going to watch him the next time!! And how he stands at one side and Hanin comes to me going "my partner doesn't want to dance!!" and during Tik Tok how he points at the space on his left rather than at Hanin HAHAHA OMG.

11. ABRACADABRA LOLLL. Showing b11atch, then suddenly we turn around and Yen Ming's face was like O_O, then showed them the epic gay shit video-parody and the sexy catwalker guy slutty crawled across this table before Wei Yi could stop it and everyone was O_O again hahaha

12. I love the new Amazing Race-y idea!! VERY COOL VERY COOL 8D

13. Our disgusting sweaty hair tying (omg so bonding right -.-), hahaha and "omg does my hair look okay?" and no one ever says yes it looks fine they say "mine's like that too, don't worry" LOL, and all our human chains of hair-tying and disgusting poofy out stuff, hence pins and clips and hairbands and it looked like shit, but everyone's was like that, so :D

14. Our mass ordering of bubble tea - two milk tea, two strawberry milk tea, two strawberry green tea, two strawberry red tea, two chocolate crunch, one mango milk tea HAHA OMG HOW DO I REMEMBER THIS?! And WeiYi's very self-satisfied smirk when she handed me the correct amount of paid-back-money.

15. Rae-Ann's very.. amusing indignation that her partner went for campfire and not practice and how there were so many sec fours there at the campfire but only like, four practising, IT'S OKAY RAE-ANN WE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU (:

16. "CAN WE GO SOMEWHERE AIR-CON PLEASE?" ryan fukang yenming huddle for who knows how long and walk up very fail-ly going "we'll wait till yongxin comes" we're such spoilt people, but rgs = shit facilities, but there's air-con!


18. The actual campfire: gay and high and enthu at the start but it started getting more and more.. dry? Though the videos were cool and the lighting was awesome and some dances (like the mime one!!) was SUPER PRO, jocie you have video right! Haha still think 02's one was nicer, don't know why! But, B11ATCH, and camwhoring, and...

omg I loved today. ♥♥♥

10:34 PM

#324; it's all part of a grander plan that's coming true
Friday, April 23, 2010

1. TOMORROW = EVEN MORE LOVE, Cheer, then the rest of the day = B11ATCH + AR :D

2. Okay, I'm so going to die for Cheer Review if I don't memorise the routine like, now. ):

3. Amelia, I'm free from... our April Camp fears, ARE YOU?

4. EXAM RESULTS. Totally shit la, got back three papers, actually two of them I did like much better than expected but they're the only two papers I could actually understand/answer, so. I think it really sucks how I can go from calculating 3.2s-4.0s to calculating passes. Bitter bitches-that-I-love-very-very-much, omg good luck to all of us ):

5. I'm in GLT! Quite cool, don't really know what to expect. Not going to the same country as WangXuan/Amelia, but I guess that'll give me a lot more opportunity to interact with the rest, which I really need .___. Need to get down to doing reflections.

6. My back hurts like shit from cheer prac, I think I am getting old. And frail.

7. Went out with Hanin and Rae-Ann ytd, it was super awesome and (L) - two years ago I'd never have imagined holding a long conversation with them, let alone going out etc, and all I can say is I'm glad things changed (:

8. Like with Laura, like I'd have thought a one-on-one outing thing with her would be shit awkward, but.. well it wasn't!

9. I think the OSL mentors weren't glad that we kept talking about earnings and funds raised during reflection on ORA's success ):

10. CHINESE = CONFIRM FAIL. Doob and I were like, if two people fail from our class, it's us. Asked hls, FIVE PEOPLE FAILED. AT LEAST. wtf man, I pray for at least a 0.8. Need to get around to reading chinese magazines.

11. Today = good deed day! Sheltered people, donated money, picked up dropped stuff, HAHA.

12. Totally going to die for OH proposal, deadline extended to 2am, but I don't think I'll stay awake for more than an hour after campfire!

13. OMG can only think about tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow! Hope I don't sweat like shit, because I don't intend on showering again in school, hello wet wipes + powder + deo, this feels like the OBS I never finished.

9:06 PM

#323; come on get higher
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tomorrow = OSL + Cheer + Guides,
Tomorrow = (L)!

9:10 PM

#322; I knew when we collided
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Doob, Cheryl and I walking emoishly along the corridor.
Me: Let's go and... eat.
Doob: I love how food solves all our problems.

See this is why I ate recess today ):

I'm going to have to redo it! D<
Oh wait awesome, resuming from previously saved thing 8D

Can't wait for batch dance concert!
A bit far away but whatever :D

9:49 PM

#321; damn right, it's better than yours
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


!! D:

Didn't eat recess today, hahaha feel so accomplished!
Shan't eat recess all this week!!!


9:20 PM

#320; no mountain too high
Monday, April 19, 2010

I don't know why but right now I really want to talk to you.

9:44 PM

#319; others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars

This is the song!!! ♥

Chinatown with Koh Will Adore Yoyo! :D
Spent forever walking la, but Yoshinoya was (Y)

I love post-exam period, but it feels too early somehow.

Can't wait for tomorrow and every day after that!
Haha why do I like sec three omg.
GPA is going to die shit shit shit.

AR don't come crashing down on us ):
Come on come on new location new location we can adapt.

9:07 PM

#318; love is the answer, that's what they say
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Night-time music blasting with no more AA to worry about = ♥

Chinatown with kway tomorrow!
It totally sucks how a bribe can make me go into ulu scary places to buy cloth.
(Okay I don't actually intend on going home straight, anyway.)

I think nowadays I can only survive on >10 hours of sleep, and guess what, I don't get it D<

I keep getting this feeling that someone will suddenly come up to me and go like "omg did you know we also have to write a 2000-word appendix to attach to the AA it was in fine print!" BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, GOODNIGHT, GOODBYE 7% OF ENGLISH GPA. XOXO

Oddly enough, I'm crazy looking forward to the next OSL fundraising!!!
Haha idk why I'm thinking about it suddenly.

And I'm hoping that this large external force will shove the OH proposal's impending deadline into my mind, deep deep down, and then I will get started on it.
Procrastination is going to kill me, I know it but I don't do anything about it, not good.

10:17 PM

#317; blowing kisses to the distant memories

English AA due tomorrow, far less worked up than I should be, good/not, I don't know!

Haha I've been thinking about this for a while, and I realised that.. if I don't like someone, I really really can't hide it, I think I need to be less extreme! ): But it feels fake la somehow, but ah whatever.

Omg I just realised there's school tomorrow also, wtf that sounds way worse than AA what's wrong with me!

Can't wait for June Hols :D AMAZING RACE!
Haha my left shoulder hurts like shit from ytd, but I love stretching it 8D

omg, after like five hours of AA doing + procrastination, I realised we went to NMS, not ACM. (!!!)

3:04 PM

#316; living just to find emotion
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today was ♥!

Road marshalling in the morning, stood there for super long and stared at everyone walking past LOL. Some damn on people were running like crazy (and one guy seriously looked like he was going to collapse) wtf where got people run during walkajog!

Changed into RGS130 + culottes for OSL booth! Donation tins, haha people are very generous, THANK YOU ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DONATED!!! :D Car Wash after that, only washed like two cars though, because half the time was spent finding cars! /: OSL debrief/cleanup after, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU EVERY EVERY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO BOUGHT SOMETHING HEART HEART HEART HEART HEART OMG!

Went for Amazing Race Dance Prac-ish thing, it went quite well :D
I love AR discussions they're so.. idk, I like working on projects I guess haha.
Danced for like four hours plus plus then everyone started getting sian and everything so we played games,

I loved today! (:
Like, perfect blend of things I love ♥

7:44 PM

#315; nothing's broken
Thursday, April 15, 2010

At least I stayed away from the computer for a day! (The last post was on my phone, don't trust myself near computers and now I understand why.)

Mugged with WeiYi today and halfway through we started off into a little rant on why the hell are we studying with each other EE-YEW. (L)

OSL Car Wash Training tomorrow! :D :D :D
B11atchies, good luck with Firelighting O:

(Just told my dad about car wash training and now he says I have to wash his car everyday D< )

7:46 PM

#314; no hope, no love, no glory
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Armed with a pencil, an eraser, and a hell lot of patience.

Hello Math.

8:44 PM

#313; throwing pebbles screaming I'm in love with you
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And don't you leave cause I know
All I need is on the other side of the door

With your face and the beautiful eyes
And the conversation with the little white lies
And the faded picture of a beautiful night
You carry me from your car to the stairs
And I broke down crying, was she worth this mess?
After everything and that little black dress
After everything I must confess, I need you

The Other Side Of The Door - Taylor Swift

Realised a few things today:
1. Math is seriously tiring, barely covered a topic and I'm out of the mood, already.
2. This is a seriously awesome story, thanks Cheryl! :D
3. My brother can be a really really annoying narrow-minded sexist.
4. I miss HanJun like crazy!!! And ningxin eda crystal minchih we need to go out. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, everyone has heard about it but no one listens to it!!! /:
5. I really really really need, just one day that I can wake up after eight. ):

8:14 PM

#312; and just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream
Monday, April 12, 2010

Today, my son got back from his second tour of duty in Afghanistan. Tonight, he committed suicide. MMT

Went out to study with Ningxin today, ah ninny I miss you! ):
We need a Pizza Hut outing, soon! :D

Tomorrow I must must must go home straight and mug.

7:32 PM

#311; it's like a million little stars spelling out your name
Sunday, April 11, 2010

1 day left to Monday and I need to get to work.
3 days to Wednesday - OT campfire dance thing!
4 days to Cheer Prac, I hope nothing crops up again ):
5 days to EXAMS. And the end of it :D
5 days to Car Wash Training!!! (But I'm missing guidessss D:)
6 days to ORA!!! oh my shit, six days?!?!?!?!?
6 days to Dance Prac #1!
13 days to BATCH CAMPFIRE! RI01!
19 days to APRIL CAMP! O: O: O:
40 days to OH(MG)!
46 days to Sports Fest omgggggggg!
47 days to Vesak Day + Start of Holidays!!
67 days to AMAZING RACE! :D
103 days to AA!!!

This year is so exciting! :D

2:43 PM

#310; I'll just hold on to love

Past week has been a lot of proposals due + a lot of proposals about to be due!
I like proposal writing :D

Really need to start mugging omg, I keep getting distracted/doing proposals HAHA. :D:

11:55 AM

#309; the ocean just can't control
Friday, April 9, 2010

I don't get it when you make selfish decisions for me?!
I mean like, it doesn't even affect you wth.


9:05 PM

#308; best of us can find happiness in misery
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today was a mix of a lot of emotions, a hell lot of worrying, crazy happy-ness, and an odd combination of confusion/disappointment/worry (again)/...hope?

I really really hope b11atch can pull this Amazing Race off well, and I really hope we can truly have fun in the process. Now, well I know I love Amazing Race to bits but I'm already scared I'm going to miss it like crazy when it's over, but right now I don't know but it feels like a mad rush to finish/collate/edit/send out proposals, fix errors, make sure everything's to the best of our combined efforts, but.. I hope it doesn't kill our love for.. everything, in the process. I think I'm starting to think of Amazing Race separately from Guides? I don't want to lose one to the other, and that's just stupid, because by right it should be the same thing, it's with the same people, it's for the same people.

But we'll pull through (:

7:41 PM

#307; a lot of nice things turn bad out there
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Completely no appetite, ahh I'm worried ):

And roll call, I can re-compact my guides uniform :D :D :D
(yes it is my specialty HAHA)

Haneeeeeen come online major major Amazing Race thing!!!!!

8:01 PM

#306; just like a wavin' flag, and then it goes back
Monday, April 5, 2010

And I think Justin Bieber ended it perfectly, all you haters! D<

I love songs like these when they all sing together, they sound so nice and there's the fuzzy feeling!

weiyi; you've got the wrong number says:
You didn't echo tik tok!
And you forgot to change take it off
And whatever happened to the beats of take it off
I liked it. ):
Ahh, thanks weiyi, thanks.

7:06 PM

#305; I can take all the madness this world has to give, but I won't last a day without you
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just finished the Games Comm Proposal Draft 2 AND IT FEELS SOOO GOOOOOD 8D
78 pages, 15327 words hahaha I'm ego-ing like shit, but it feels like such a big accomplishment! (:
Games Comm! <3

Ahh need to chiong homework now, so much for catching up over the holidays, it's been lost to CmPS + Guides! D:

8:09 PM

#304; right where yours fit perfectly


9:02 AM

#303; how do I say I'm sorry
Saturday, April 3, 2010

303rd post dedicated to 3OH!3 LOL (:

Today, when she woke up from an eleven month coma, she kissed me and said, “Thank you for being here, and telling me those beautiful stories, and never giving up on me... And yes, I will marry you.” MMT

Touching Hearts concert today, only Amelia and I went because the rest were busy! D:
Haha quite nice, the rg dances were good!(: (A lot of videos taken :D)
AND THE SMALL LITTLE BOY WAS SUPER CUTE amelia and I paedo-ed him like crazy LOL!
And there was a whole bunch of RI02 people there, .___. much.

I don't like afternoon concerts, they have such a "okay now that's over go get on with your life" feeling. ):
Games Proposal
Mix Music

Tomorrow I will start on proper school homework.

6:45 PM

#302; take a deep breath and jump then fall
Friday, April 2, 2010

RG-RI02 Amazing Race OT outing was (:

Started off pretty awkward with the girls in one clump and the guys walking in another big clump, then we did the only thing that could break the ice - sit in big hobo circles in the middle of nowhere and play name games (which actually were very effective! O: ) Spent a while deciding on whether we're watching a movie and voted like crazy about what movie to watch, but gave up on it in the end and played more hobo games :D

Walked to Plaza Sing under the escalator (IT'S LIKE WAY HIGHER CLASS THAN FAR EAST'S OMG) to have lunch. Chased away after a while and we played Hide and Seek which was awesome fun, the rest of us conspired against Amelia Nicole FuKang heehee :D Nothing else to play after that so we returned to another gigantic hobo circle playing every single circle game like tukituki that's the most brainless, most addictive game, bandage that is so amusingly sadistic, where's my ten-cent coin with a very fail in-the-middle person, poker card murderer with people who cannot wink and Jocie's OMGSOSCARY (duh you're a murderer) face and like.. I can't remember!

Went to play Photo Hide and Seek after that, Nicole's group went shopping for an iPhone case and Amelia's group hid in some shop forever - only weiyi rae-ann yen ming (?) junyu walked around searching for people .___. Went to LJS after that, segregated by gender again so we had this weird way of making three girls three guys to each table with very forced conversations and a*kward silences (yes hanjun, yes), and topic swaps between the two tables because we had like no common ground to talk about, both tables resorted to playing TOD with very amusing dares! (and no truth, actually.)

Went home with WeiYi FuKang Clement (who was seriously quiet), I think I liked yesterday quite a lot! (:

11:48 AM