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designer   DancingSheep
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hi my lovely friends I think you should've realised by now that you'll get a lot more out of reading my twitter + tumblr than you would from my blog but here's my obligatory once a month post or so :)

I don't really have much to say because JC pretty much feels like copy paste every week throw it some spice that's pretty spicy but nothing really significant has happened.

In the midst of prepping for Earth Hour concert with WTS - What The Six hahaha over the whatsapp group we're all like YEAH WTS SO COOL and then when the person asked us what our group name was we were like "Oi Sub you thought of it you say" hahaha. I love late nights in school, especially on Saturdays, when the school's quiet (for once) and you're free to do whatever you want.

I really like the dance community in RJ. I guess I can't really call it a community but it's pretty cool how the mirrors was pretty much our home and hahahaha idrk lah, nice people.

Made me realise I can't dance for nuts though, there's so much talent here.

Days have been good :) School's good, bad days end well, friends are everywhere and honestly there for you through it all.

I'm really liking my life now :))))

4:53 PM

Monday, March 12, 2012

Haven't blogged in foreverrrrr.

Ok well first things first, TERM 1 IS OVER and I think this is going to be like my first post on JC ever? Orientation isn't counted, cos that's like, not the real JC.

I used to be pretty scared of JC cos everyone said you either enjoy sec school or you enjoy JC and I enjoyed sec school!! So I thought I was like destined to suck at JC and have a lousy OG and a lousy class but just for two years but turns out - I really like JC :')

Ok I'm going to go into specifics here because I'm getting very skilled at monologuing and I know I have loyal stalker juniors who are dying to know the details so

- I LOVE THE FREEDOM. It's like in RG the teachers just keep making you do work and they breathe down your neck and you're forced to take stupid subjects you never liked (SS) (physics) (chinese) (ok I still have to take it) but in JC I like every single subject I take (except PW and Chinese but wtv life is life some part has to suck) so studying is a joy!!! Even though I still sleep in tutorials sometimes but the thing is, I actually feel guilty and wow I need to catch up on my work and it's not cos some lovely 2-year long FT is chasing after me but it's because I feel Responsible. :')

- I LOVE THE WALKING IN BETWEEN CLASSES. In RG you sit down for 6 hours straight and hence only choice is getting comfortable and sleeping, but in RJ each lesson feels like 1 hour of learning with a nice five minute long socialising break :')

- THE PEOPLE. Holy shit this is like people watching heaven I can sit at a table on my own without my phone and I won't even get bored because there are so many people to watch!!! The canteen is so happening!!!! HAHA ok I sound major loser now but in RG my method of people watching was see person match fb name, CCA, etc. to the face, but in RJ I only know like 15% of the people by name probably so this people watching is real, true people watching.

Have I mentioned that my peripheral view stalking is getting amazing.

Am I creeping anyone out.

- TOTALLY GONNA GET FITTER. Every week it's like Wednesday Street (omg I've told so many people about it I'm tired to repeat it - basically shitload of PT) then Thursday it's PM PE (but still with running and all), then Friday it's AM PE (so much strength building I can die) and then from then all the way till like Monday I'm aching like mad, Tuesday is recovery period, and Wednesday we restart :')

- Sisterhood!!! I think I'm creeping them out with how mushy I'm getting but I doubt any of them read this/ know that this blog exists so here goes: After Orientation I seriously thought that my OG was pretty crappy & I wasn't going to actually stay close with any of them (the first day after Orientation I was actually scared to go to the OG table cos I didn't want to talk to anyone lol) but then, the sisterhood sprouted :') i.e. Cheryl, Julian & Joel and

a. Best morning company
b. Best day company over whatsapp
c. Best random free block company :')

Idk lah I've said it so often but I'm really really thankful for them cos I can honestly tell them a lot of things and I never expected to be able to :')

- RG Friends - Before JC I kept fretting that all my friends will change, there'll be no time to meet up with them, friendships will collapse and die but none of that came true, actually. I can't think of a single friend that changed for the worse, and I still feel as close (if not even closer) to my RG friends because in RG seeing your friends is such a frequent thing you don't actually regard it as anything but in RJ when you see them an instantly have things to tell them then you realise that wow, these are my friends!!

- Classmates! Hehehehe don't really have much to say but even though we're already cliquing up you guys are such good entertainment I really can't take it :') "Can't" being an inside joke that is much too funny :>>>

- STREETERS. Really really glad I got into Street and wow all my batchmates are such nice people :) I love the way we all die during PT together and everytime Steffi threatens us with "ANYBODY DROPS 1 PUSH UP" and starts counting the number of people who drop, no one really cares cos it's like mega torture and everyone understands hahaha. Really really excited for concert prac omg we'll be learning a routine~~~

- Random friends around - Hahahaha actually quite a few of those! JC is such a social place.

Ok I can't really be bothered to type more but I am so bored at home omg this is why I'd rather there be school I'd probably be people watching in the canteen now lololol or having prac with the streeters!! Maybe I just have like no life ah welllll.

4:58 PM

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Twitter's quite boring eh. Maybe I haven't followed enough people. But it just feels like WhatsApp or something, just more public. Ah welllll, it's useful!

I've been sleeping/ lazing more than half the day away for the past few days HAHA I always wake up at 10+, go out for lunch, come back home and laze around till like 4+, get on the computer, and sleep by 10.

I should stop describing how sad my life is right lololol.

I'm honestly looking forward to when school starts, even lessons and all. It'll be nice to be busy for a change.

Oh and doing COMMA with Ningxin and the rest - I really hope I can commit in person arghhh but even if I can't I'll do all the work necessary!! CONCERT ADMIN HAHAHA SO EXCITING. 8)

Orientation in 2 days!!! PLS COME FASTER I AM SO BORED.

Movie tomorrow should be good with Jas Ju Suyun and maybe Doob. Miss you guyssss.

5:09 PM

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just got twitter and I am mortified srzly. HOW TO USE TWITTER y'know all their tagging people and # stuff (I don't even know how to spell that is twitter 101 knowing how to spell that?!) and wow idek how twitter works because I'm totally tempted to rant nonstop because that's what I do on like every public domain isn't it zzzz but then I DON'T EVEN FOLLOW ENOUGH PEOPLE TO KNOW THE FLOW~

Oya I followed like 50 people off my gmail list omg I am scared is it awkward to follow people you aren't that close to hahahahha and I saw people like Mrs Mo LOL GONNA WAIT A FEW MONTHS than gang qiao peng dao ta lololol my chinese is wonderful.

As you can tell I am very excited hehehehe

Ok so my twitter name is mayotato! I wanted to do the whole @mayotato but I really don't know how that works so I guess I can't look that cool ):

Y'know originally it was supposed to be mayopotato which is like nice and cheery and happy things but then mayopotato is this:

which is very@#*$(&#@)%(* because it takes me forever to think of decent usernames and when I do it's always gone off to some person who stole it and never used it since :'( And I'm sure you all know what I mean by decent usernames hello starmoon95 and puppydoglover?!


And then Crystal suggested, mayotomato! Which is ok lah not that bad, rhythm not as nice as mayopotato but yes second best! AND THEN IT BECAME THIS:

Like okay then, go ahead and mock me ): At least it's used soooo.

And then there was the chindiantor suggestion but let's not go there hahahaha.

So now I'm going to go check my twitter and download the twitter app and act all Cool and Familiar ): I'm used to getting things along with the rest of the world i.e. facebook in sec 1 when my generation actually followed the 13 year age limit and so we're all noobs at the same time but



7:09 PM

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cheryl introduced me to the most amazing website on earth AND NOW I HAVE TWO BOOKS ON MY PHONE TO READ~~~~~~~

Been spending a lot of time on Rae Ronald & my special project ^^ hehehe. It is looking beeeyoootiful!

...Rae's, Ronald's and my? How do you even say it omg somebody help.

Life has been boring zzzz can't wait for like Monday when I'm actually going out LOL. Maybe I'll go swim tmr, vvvv bored. ): And my dad will be glad I'm not staring at the computer HAHA.

Quite excited for orientation!! Haven't checked the OG spreadsheet at all today LOL THREE CHEERS TO ME

ok i'm going to check now

6:21 PM

Monday, January 23, 2012

First CNY spent like a proper Chinese:
I AM PLAYING (and quite addicted to) ONLINE MAHJONG!!!!!!

Ok granted real Chinese people play it on real sets and stack like pros without awkward tile crumbling but I am playing mahjong!!! On Chinese New Year!!!!!!!!!

I think I'm allowed to be Chindian now hehehehe.

But then again I think I got the rules wrong I keep pressing MAHJONG nonstop and then it keeps telling me I don't have enough points - 3 sets + 2 matching things right?! Is there some other condition I'm not aware of!!!




beginner's luck or pure skill we will soon see :>>>>>

9:07 PM

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So so so many things to blog about! Ok let me list them here before I forget hahaha:
1. JIP
2. Cheryl's birthday surprise
3. MinChih's birthday BBQ

-okay that's not much but WOW LET ME START.

Y'know how everyone's complaining about JIP = wake up early, sit through boring talks and all? I actually liked it eh! I mean right now it's ten days of rotting at home like srsly I have nothing to do (except watch the two episodes of HIMYM I cannot believe I didn't realise was released!!!) and JIP was go there (or rather run like mad and chope seats for all my lazy friends at the PAC) and sleep through everything and wake up to socialise hehehe.

Major events-
1. SNaPP: I actually liked it! Not that I agree with everything they preach, because love isn't quanitified by the various "levels" they listed out, but because it was quite amusing hahaha and our instructors were pretty cool :) Can't believe the girl's marrying her first boyfriend isn't that like everyone's dream!!!! Then again having 8 billion boyfriends before finding the one > marrying the wrong one, so!

2. Science Symposium: Morning was pretty fun with the activities and all, and then we spent a shitload of time debating whether to pon the afternoon or not hahaha some people like me & Dawne dhad to stay the whole way through and Jas Ju Rach wanted to go home and sleep. In the Jas Dawne Rebekah WeiHing Ernest HanJie ShingLiang (holy shit I hope I spelled it all right) played charades HAHAHA I LOVE CHARADES it's been ages since I've played it and they all were damn funny 8)

Ended up ponning a later talk to play more charades with Evan & Suyun LOL. Too exciting hehehe.

And now I am pretty sad that JIP is over I like having something to do with my life zzzz. Can't believe that after this break it'll be Orientation then full-fledged JC :/


Cheryl's birthday surprise!

Had lunch with Doob Clarissa (and one more person omg who ah?!) and ate the omu rice thing :>>> I LOVE RI FOOD, HAVE I MENTIONED? The food is ah-ma-zing even the prata hahaha with its screwed pricing system - $0.70 for one, $1.30 for two, $2.10 for three hahahahha ok maybe nobody ever buys three that's why the uncle doesn't have any price for it 8)

Went to nex with Doob to make Cheryl's cake (it was horrible srsly - no photo on fb but trust me IT WAS HORRIBLE HAHAH) and sat with her at macs talking about life and all :) I love you doobdoob.

Headed to Cheryl's house and played the dance game hahaha idk what it's called but it was crazy fun what with all the mad rush to win moves and everyone laughing that I took it too seriously (I LOVE IT I AM SORRY) and unlocking things and Doob's mad photo spam so that Cheryl can make a gif of herself dancing :>

And not to forget mid-dancing camwhoring hahahaha I love this photo!

Learnt mahjong after that I THINK I TTLY HAVE POTENTIAL then had to leave but ahh I love you guys <3 <3 <3
FOODCHUCK makes me vvvv happy :)


Minchih's birthday BBQ!

Reached there around 4 with Doob - we wanted to reach at 3 but we queued for a bus that didn't operate on weekdays, walked a few rounds (with our wang wang) trying to figure out what bus to take, then ended up walking for like half an hour to reach ecp (because we started off in the opposite direction HAHAHA SORRY). Played bridge and tried to teach MinChih and WeiZhang how to play (and failed) then went to start the BBQ!!

OMG I WAS SO EXCITED I ALWAYS WANTED TO START A BBQ and I went late for class one so nobody needed my help BUT THIS WAS MY BREAKTHROUGH MOMENT!!!!!

Yeah so the first fire died.

And all the girls were crowded around the fire trying to save it with Maegan throwing pieces of charcoal in and going oh sorry! oh sorry! as she threw even more in hahahahaha. Lousy fire and all so Joy and Rachel and I went to the new pit...

and built the best fire ever tyvm.

Anyway the party was pretty fun WITH THE SUPER GOOD FOOD and nonstop camwhoring and all our timed laughter (so that the second pit won't look so loser) - 1, 2, 3... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA omg omg they're looking laugh more hAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA ;)

Had to leave early again zzzz but Doob Clarissa and Crystal walked me out I am vvv touched! Missed out on Charades & Minchih's surprise )))):


Anyway to all you interested people out there, yes I do celebrate CNY!!!!

Hahahhaha I have no idea why this post is so long but anyway my house is now nicely decorated with red ribbon things which I just went out in the rain to tie and now I am sitting in front of my computer waiting for HIMYM to load with like one empty, two half-full and one full container of CNY goodies hahaha LIFE IS GOOOOD.

Also obsessively checking the OG google doc so :>>>>>>>

5:56 PM

#753; I can&apos;t take one more sleepless night without you
Monday, January 16, 2012

Okay, readers, I am going to bless you with a very treasured trait/ skill/ ability, and that's how to use "imma" properly.

Imma = I'm gonna = I'm going to = I am going to

Imma =/= I'm a

Seriously guys. Imma girl? You're gonna girl?

And one more anal thing which I think no one but rappers care about, doesn't imma represent some form of conviction like something you're going to do, like imma go do my homework, rather than, y'know, imma die cos I didn't do my homework! Cos that's like, not something you choose to happen.

And omg please don't ever say imma China/ Europe/ Pakistan I swear I will be embarrassed to know you.


Ditched Doob in the morning because my dad sent me straight to school, sorry doobie ):

SNaPP wasn't that bad lah actually, minchih said she heard some guy complaining damn loudly about it then I came along and said it was okay and she went, "first insight into the different mindsets of girls and guys" which was relatively funny but I wouldn't give her that satisfaction by laughing ^^

Zzzz and y'know I think I look like a lesbian srsly, I keep being caught in social situations with one other friend and we walk around like loners and sit at the too big canteen table like loners AND EAT THE EXACT SAME FOOD hahaha so far my lesbo partners have been Ningxin and Rachel, and it has been awkward ): I mean one friend okay lah but always eat some food same drink a bit !!!!!!!

So first lunch today with Rachel in awkward social situation we SOS-ed Jaslin and begged her to save our sorry asses :>

Second lunch with Jas and Minchih and their friends, heard from Jas the prata uncle charges based on how pretty the girl is and- I AM NOT PRETTY ): $0.10 wasted ok!!! S'ok Jas we equally pretty
Third lunch after that with Doob Ju Rach! Always the same hahaha, Ju and Rach start asking questions nonstop and doob and I exchange exasperated looks hehehe <3

Excited for tomorrow!! Breakfast with Ningxin Doob at prata stall (maybe I'll order in Tamil tomorrow and win Bonus Points but then again I can only go as far as two prata with excessive tongue rolling) then FoSL with my friendly new group mates whose emails I searched on fb to figure out who they are but that's not creepy right everyone will do it right.

This blog is turning into the one friend who listens to my rants without
1) sighing
2) changing the topic
3) calling me an awkward chindian
4) playing drop 7


9:59 PM

Sunday, January 15, 2012

During dinner today I realised my family is actually really old! I mean the youngest is me = 17, and that's like Mature Age y'know? Then the oldest is 20 and it's like, TWENTY. New phase of life already hahaha.

And now I'm the only one going to school and it feels so surreal that I'm the only one left (not including university), that my siblings have pretty much completed their education in Singapore!!! Time fliesssss.

Need to treasure this period though ): family dinners are becoming more rare because my sister's working and my brother is either at camp or having a Social Life and dinner conversation is really different when it's just me or just two of us as opposed to all three!

When I grow up next time I'm going to give birth nonstop so my kids never feel lonely then once I reach the youngest the oldest will be having her own kids HAHAHAHA NEVER ALONE!!!!! I think this is like loneliness symptoms in sec 1 I got abandoned by my angel which is probably why I adopted 10 mortals when I became sec 2 hahahaha ))):

And idek what is school bedtime anymore I'm sleeping super early by standards of the world but it feels v late to me eh! 10:30? 11? ):

Breakfast tomorrow with doob & the rest and possibly interviews in the afternoon depending on dad's mood! Tomorrow sounds pretty exciting :)

My FOX jacket still smells weird aiyo what kind of material did they use ahhh. Need to find another jacket for tomorrow!!

GOODNIGHT I think I'll go sleep soon :> After I manage to ask my dad about tomorrow but my bro is still sitting around and he is a taunting idiot who'll probably ruin all my chances so !!!

9:26 PM

JIP has been boooring ): But not bad lah, the seats are really comfy and no one really cares if you sleep so :> Half-looking forward to next week/ tomorrow because the days are shorter!! Even though the talks are more awkward HAHA.

Omg my life is so boring I cannot wait for
1. Orientation
2. JIP to end
3. The in between holidays to disappear (sorry I'm sick of holidays)

And I'm permanently sleepy but my dad says I need to stop living a pig lifestyle so he doesn't let me nap wtssss.


2012 has been a pretty happy year thus far actually :))) Everything is going pretty well hehehe I love my friends and I actually like JIP a lot a lot cos it's slacking time with all your friends regardless of class AND RJ FOOD IS FANTASTIC I put on like 2kg already eh zmb zmb why is the food so gooooooood.

And then CNY coming somemore :>

I love being chindian with malay family friends HAHAHA FOOD ALL YEAR ROUND MAAAN.

11:46 AM

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Results tomorrow!!!!

I had a dream last night that I got B3 then realised I was reading my prelim score turns out I got D7 and I felt so baaaad because my dad spent so much money on tuition and then I texted my parents my results and I didn't get any reply and I was like )))))))):

Then today I woke up and told my parents my dream and they laughed at me.

2. My brother promises to give me respect points if I do as well as/ better than him i.e. from -10 to maybe, -7. Real bargain.
3. I am scared ):

For many many things
- My A-level cert
- the worthiness of my parents' $$$
- their reaction/ happiness
- my tuition teacher's reaction/ happiness
- my happiness


WISH ME LUCK MY DEARIES I hope I don't get another nightmare tonight I had a nightmare about PSLE too that I got like 250+ hahaha I sound like a spoilt kid but I really wanted to do well for PSLE!!! ): like now.

9:00 PM

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Starting 2012 the busiest I've ever been at the start of a year (2010 comes close, what with all the trips to Chinatown and banner painting!!) - Guides everyday since the 3rd, coupled with gatherings and all.

Two days left of PGA Crash Course and I'm honestly
1. So glad I can spend my free days on Guides
2. So, so, so proud of the nine little ones. 7 people pitched a tent for their first time together in 20 minutes I AM STILL AMAZED. I have so much faith in you guys because you guys have been absolutely amaaaazing :)

Talked and walked with Rae after HQ today, I've missed you so much!!! Thank you for today!

Hehehe and I have created my own JIP timetable (not because I'm excited but because I have no idea how to read the other one it takes too long) AND OMG JIP SOUNDS SO BORING but ok two early days and one day I don't have to go to school BUT WOW SO BORING. Doesn't sound like there's sex ed though, so that's good 8) ...unless like Cheryl says they disguised it as something else hahaha

AND I GOT MY BIWEEKLIES TODAY omg I think I honestly spent like 2 years of my life convincing my parents that
1. biweeklies are a billion times cheaper than dailies (ok no 3)

My mum also declared today that I shall have no social life in JC hahahahahahhahaha wtf.

I don't know how to blog anymore I sound like a sad awkward person ): With no life to speak of ):

S'OK I LIKE MY LIFE VERY MUCH 2012 has been a very happy year thus far :)

9:17 PM

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So, Happy 2012 guys :)

I think this is the first year I've felt so honestly at peace with the world during a new year - with no expectations for what's about to come next, no regret for anything I've done, just knowing what kind of person I want to be this year, and knowing that I am more than capable to be that person.

To everyone who still reads this: I'm pretty sure you're one of the more important people in my life, and for that, I love you all, so, so much :)

Thank you for making 2011 what it was.

1:06 AM

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weird mood nowadays. I'm oddly caught between being happy and feeling like I should be sad and omg what is happening to me hahaha.

Things I'm grateful for these past few days:
1. Being honest about things with people I wouldn't have expected say, two months ago. And that's pretty much as liberating as it can get.
2. Rant with Amelia and Kana on Friday night - everything from Indian fathers to JC to "when I was your age...". Love you guys :)
3. Work with Amelia and Ronald somehow made my blistery feet feel so much better! The skin's torn up into red patches of pain but one week to a break so!

Things I'm scared about:
1. You and you. And you. Things change people change, or did I change? Maybe I'm just less tolerant and more stubborn about it all hahaha. So many peopleeee.

Aiya okay on to more exciting things:
2. The sleepover that follows :)
3. PGA Ceremony! Yet kind of apprehensive argh.
4. Workkkk :)

And- thank you to everyone I've been able to speak to honestly these past few weeks. And who've made me smile :)))

10:52 PM

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1. Run For Hope on Sunday - first time I've ever walked 10km, and probably the last too and dude we took 2 hours 15 minutes and 40 seconds, pretty impressive no? Went home and bragged to my brother and he said half incredulous and half worried, "My timing is 56 minutes. And that's slow." and proceeded to do some Math (which I'm very proud he accomplished, NS turned him stupid) and asked "THAT MEANS YOU TAKE HALF AN HOUR FOR 2.4. HOW'D YOU PASS?" and my mum happily adds on "She didn't."

In my defense my muscles died halfway and I didn't bother retaking.
Then again after running a maximum of 20 lampposts and getting too tired for a distance so short, there's something seriously wrong with my stamina.

2. Second job - some Optician's conference, downgrade from Standard Chartered much? But ah well these experiences are really letting me learn that people aren't always who you make them out to be- first dinner it was the leader's bitch and gang, who turned out to be nice, decent people, second dinner it was the bossy suckup guy who turned out to be pretty sincere and helpful :) Can't wait for more work~ Including work till 11 after leaving COH retreat WHY ARE WE SO MAD.

3. OSL sendoff - ah admit it, no one gave much shits about OSL'11 leaving. But I LOVE MY OSL'10 TEAM SO SO SO MUCH + so glad I got to see them again, especially Gecko and ahhhh <3 And the mentors too hehehe isabelle zong lisa!! Oh yes I cared about Sarah leaving <3

4. My life has been pretty uneventful hasn't it. I'm not even seeing people out of family till Friday. Someone help me pleaseeee.

5. Then again this away time is good - I'm pulling away from all the wrong people but even with that knowledge it doesn't stop me from pulling away and I doubt things will go back to normal but I can't seem to mind much? Ah well. Need to go overseas or something and get truly away. ): Sucks how this is the only holiday we haven't done anything, not even a 3D2N, and this is when I need it most.

8:48 PM

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First day of work so must blog about it in as much detail as my 2am-yet-oddly-awake-self can manage!

Okay I can't manage much so point form:
- Got damn scared at first cos everyone was so rowdy and idk what and we were like !!! HOW TO WORK WITH THESE PEOPLE WHEN THEY SCARE US TO SUCH AN EXTENT

- Spent dinner getting more scared/ eating like rabbits/ eating more mentos than real food

- ACTUAL DINNER WAS CRAZY LIKE HELL - Ningxin was supposed to be beverage girl and Albert & I were supposed to do food and everything was maaaad, we spent practically one hour queueing up for first course and feet ached as crappily as crap can feel and arm muscles probably expanded what with all the mad heavy plates!!! Ended up running around with everyone doing beverages and meals for everybody not within our tables and disappearing to find red wine and coming back to realise an entire course was over?!?


- Angmoh dudes getting drunk and asking for water and beer, I come back with water first and he goes "PRIORITIES! BEER BEFORE WATER!!! PRIORITIES!!!!!!"

- Awkward deprived dudes going around asking every girl in the line "YOU FROM SINGAPORE? YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE FROM MYAAANMAR!"

- Standing at the back dancing to Rasa Sayang 8) 8) 8)




need sleep soon

1:35 AM